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Some time later

Klaus took me to school. I got out of the car without saying a word. He followed me and grabbed my hand.

-Tatio - He started looking at me for a moment - I won't have a problem with the herd tonight - He replied and I just nodded in confirmation - Don't be mad

-I promise I'll stop when you find a moment for me - I replied, kissing him on the cheek - I'll come back alone

-I love you! - He shouted and several people turned towards us

I looked at him, laughing

-Me too! - I told him right away, sending him a kiss

I approached my friends where Bella was taking photos of everyone.

-I see that you and this handsome guy are together,- Jessica started

-And you could have waited and caught the new one,-Mike replied, looking at Cullen and Damon as they walked

-No thanks, you wanted me then Belle and ended up with Jessica - I replied, winking at him and going to English class.

I took my seat and Damon sat next to me. When I wanted to say something, the teacher already started the movie. Romeo and Julie to be exact. I watched it and thought about Klaus.

When I came back from James hunting, he took care of me. Then he got too involved with the herd. I felt invisible to him. But everyone has their own issues, right?

During this time, I took care of Salem or practiced new spells. However, I missed him very much and his presence was very important to me.

Which surprised me because the last time I was in such a situation... was when I was in love with Damon.

Memories of a burning house hit me. A dead family, being abandoned by a loved one and the volturi's service. The immense pain hit me so hard that I got a migraine.

I closed my eyes and massaged my temple. When I opened them, I felt Damon touch my leg.

-What's wrong with you? - He whispered, still looking at the screen

-Nothing-, I replied, rubbing my temple nervously

He left me alone for the rest of the lesson. When we went out into the corridor. Alice picked on me.

-It's Bella's birthday, we're waiting for you at 8 p.m. You can take the guy with you, -she added, smiling

-But-I started, but she had already left, heading to Bella with the gift

I huffed in irritation, rubbing my temple.

After class, I went outside. Klaus drove me away so I had no way to get back. I saw Belle getting into her van, but Edward was with her.

I was irritated and wanted to get home as soon as possible.

- Hey, pirce - I turned around when I saw Mike - Shall I give you a lift? - He asked, smiling

-No thanks - I replied, I would rather go back alone and not with a enamored admirer

-Why? - He asked and a blue car parked next to us

-Because I'm taking her back,- Damon replied

-Exactly - I replied, getting into his car - Bye, Mike - I replied

Damon took off with a screech of tires. We were going to my house.

-Can you explain something to me in exchange for a ride? - He asked, looking at me

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