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The next day I got up, still lying on the couch with Klaus. I smiled slightly and then got up to take a shower.

During the shower, Klaus came into the bathroom and put my clean clothes on the washing machine.

-Are you going to school today? - He asked, looking at me confused

-I have to, -I replied, starting to dry myself with a towel

-You had an accident, the doctor will definitely write you a leave of absence, you can take lessons from Bella and other friends - He replied, giving me the underwear which I started to put on

-And you? - I asked, fastening my bra

-You are more important than a stupid school,- he replied

-What about the arrears? - I asked while putting on my blouse

-I'll call the reserve and explain the matter, they will understand - he replied and I put on tracksuits.

-Thank you-, I replied, hugging my friend

-I'm going to call you, you should too - he replied and I went to get the phone

I called the school to inform about my accident and absence. Dr. Cullen was at school and confirmed everything I said.

After that call, I texted Bella for notes. Edward must have mentioned my accident to her. Bela replied immediately.

She promised to send me the notes via text message. She also warned me that she would visit me soon.

I put my phone on the desk in my room. I sighed, feeling tired not only physically but also mentally.

I lay down on the bed. Salem jumped onto the bed and laid down next to me. Licking my nose with his little tongue. I smiled and the kitten lay down next to me, purring.

I closed my eyes and drifted off.

I woke up hugging my Klaus. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock - it was already six o'clock.

I got out of bed and went to the living room. I grabbed my phone and glanced at the text message Bella sent me notes.

I sighed as I walked to the terrace. Fresh air entered my nostrils and a gust of wind blew my dark hair.

I dialed Carlisle's number. He picked it up right away.

-And how are you feeling, Tatio? - he asked

-Better, can I pick up the car? - I asked, playing with my fingers

-Alice will give you a ride in the morning, -he replied

-Thank you, and when can I go back to school? - I asked impatiently

-Only next week, rest until you hear, -he replied, hanging up

I looked ahead and felt someone's eyes on me. Without thinking for long, I followed my instincts.

I ran between the trees and didn't stop for a moment. Suddenly my sense stopped me. I looked around. I was in the middle of the forest.

I smelled something rotten. I headed in that direction. I saw someone kneeling over the body, but the figure disappeared.

I got closer and saw a high school student with a torn stomach and her organs sticking out.

I covered my mouth with my hand. I didn't feel a drop of blood in it. The girl was a brunette with dark eyes. She was wearing a gray blouse, yellow jacket and navy blue pants.

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