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We entered the cafeteria and Bella stood looking around the room. She saw Mike waving at us so we headed over to that table. Mike pulled out my chair and I sat between her and Swan.

-Mike, you've met my friend Belle,- Eric began, wrapping his arm around the brunette

-Meet my friend Tatie - He hugged me and I looked at him

-Not, my friend - A black boy replied kissing me on the cheek and taking Mike's chair, which made him fall and I snorted with laughter.

The blond man ran after the black man and Jessica moved closer to me.

-God, it's like they're in first grade and you're like their new toy.- I eyed her and she fell silent

A girl with glasses came up to us and took a picture of me.

-The article needed unposed - She started on a good morning

-There will be no article about Bella - Eric started looking at the girl - You see how I protect you - Saying this, he patted her shoulder and walked away

-So the article will be about you Tatio, Smile - Saying this she took some pictures of me

-But then what?- she asked

-You can always write about eating disorders, - Bell replied

-Or stuffed swimming trunks by the swim team,- I added

-Good - Jessica started looking at the black haired girl - He's olympic size but it's impossible he's so skinny - They started looking through photos

I turned around sensing the vampires

-Who's that? -Swan asked

-The Cullens - The glasses girl replied

-The Cullens' foster children came here from Alaska a few years ago- Jessica began

-They don't socialize - Black-haired girl started

-Well, everything stays in the family, you know, they are together - She looked at the couple walking to the table - The blonde is Rosalin, the brunette is Emet, they are together, I don't even know if it's legal

-After all, they are not relatives - the glasses girl began

-But they live together - Jessica sighed - This dark-haired girl is Alice, she's really weird, she's dating Jasper, this blond guy who looks like he's in pain - The girl snorted - I don't know if Dr. Cullen - And at that moment everything reminded me of that vampire from London I guess he's the one I need to check- Is he a surrogate daddy or a matchmaker

-Maybe he'll adopt me too - the dreamy black-haired girl began, I glanced at Belle looking at the blonde entering

-Who's that?- Bella asked

-Edward Cullen incredibly handsome but he's not interested in anyone, it doesn't matter to me, you know- Bella began to look at him and he her- Don't waste your time- She replied looking at the brunette

-I wasn't going to.-The girl turned to us and I looked at the water cup tipping over on the cullen table. I smiled at them and went back to talking to the girls.

After a while the boys came in making up silly challenges.

-I'll give you twenty dollars if you sit down with the cullens,- Eric began, looking at Belle

Cullen friendsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon