Mindset (SB)

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   \Sundrop Pov/ 

 friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend. 

Error: Unknown-Known-Unknown word word word. 

I panic inside but why should I show it?? I haven't seen my friend in foreverr!! Besides, they're still charging. My moony friend. 

Friend... Friend friend friend friend friend friend friend.. Friend friend friend friend. 

Okay? Yeah. Okay.

(Author's note) This chapter is a little different from the others. ;) Got some, and I say 'some' like a hard pill to swallow, motivation. Not much for writing but for other stuff. Tell me what you think. Want any other point of views added to the bunch? Also, played around with some of the fonts. Very hard to do since it in front of the options, it also shows if I want to copy it and stuff. But I'll still play around with it. But for now on, back to just regular text for everything. If I figure it out, I'll try to use some fonts though. Signing out- VerificationDick lol. ;] 

(Edit: Thank you for 400 views! This shows how much this story has grown. Sorry for the long wait on chapters. Have a good day/night!)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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