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Jen's POV

I was exhausted. I made my way upstairs, ready to call it a night. When I reached the top of the stairs, I heard loud moaning coming out of my bedroom. I thought I was alone.

I opened the door and froze. Johnny was in bed, naked. Fucking a blonde woman. I couldn't move. I felt tears beginning to burn my eyes. What the fuck was going on?

"Johnny?" I asked.

Johnny stopped thrusting onto the woman and turned around to look at me. He smirked and quickly got off the blonde woman beneath him. It was Andrea. I felt nauseous.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked, the tears now falling down my face.

Johnny put on his pants and walked towards me.

"I was fucking her," he smirked. "I needed sex. And I got it from her. It turns out, she's great in bed."

I couldn't speak. I was so angry and hurt. He was fucking someone else in my bed.

"You weren't here," he shrugged and smiled. "And even with all of your curves, you're just not my type."

"You sick son of a bitch," I screamed and shoved him back. Hard.

"Calm the fuck down," he laughed. "Why the fuck am I gonna wait for you? You're not even able to have kids."

I froze.

"You're useless," he spat. "I wanted kids. I wanted you to be the mother to my children. But you can't even fucking do that. Useless."

I sobbed and shook my head. My heart completely shattering.

"But hey," he smirked. "Maybe he'll want you."

He shoved me backwards and bumped into someone.

"Thanks, man," I froze. I recognized that voice.

"Hi, baby," I came face to face with Alex.

"Miss me?" he laughed.

"No, no, no," I begged. My entire body began to shake like a leaf. I turned around to look at Johnny. He shot me a look of pure disgust. "Please don't let him," I begged him.

"You want her?" Johnny asked Alex.

"I always have," Alex said, his hand snaking around my neck.

"You can have her," Johnny nodded.

"Noooooooooo," I screamed. "Please don't."

Johnny began to walk away before stopping. He turned around and said, "Don't worry, she can't have kids. She's all yours."

"Even better," Alex laughed. "Come on baby, the night is young. You'll be my new toy."

"Nooooooo, pleaseeee," I cried.

Lin-Manuel's POV

We heard a terrifying sob that woke Vanessa and I up immediately. I ran and turned on the light. Jen was tossing around in the bed. One of her hands was around her neck and the other one was reaching out upwards. Almost as if trying to fight someone off.

"Jen," Vanessa said trying to wake her up. "Jen, wake up."

This wasn't her having a nightmare. No. This was a night terror. I had heard that those that suffer from night terrors shouldn't be disturbed until their nightmare had passed. But I was terrified for her.

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