Double Up

285 14 6

Antonio's POV

I watched my cell phone ring and immediately felt my hands begin to sweat. I hadn't heard from my boss in days. I knew from experience that him going quiet meant something bad was brewing.

I ran my hands through my face and grabbed my cell phone.

"Yes, boss," I answered.

"How is our favorite mental patient doing?" he chuckled.

My heart sank. I knew what my job was. I knew what I was being paid for but I also knew that Ms. Jennifer was not mentally ill. It was all the drugs I had quietly slipped into her drinks and food that had made her act so erratically. Even leading her to try to take her own life. And that wasn't part of the plan.

"She's doing a lot better," I responded. "She's talking..."

"Well," he laughed. I hated hearing him laugh. Even his laughter was evil. "The nonverbal idiot has found her voice. Let's rejoice!"

I didn't respond.

"Antonio," I heard him call, interrupting whatever thoughts I was having. "I think it's time that she checks out of that mental clinic."

"But they said that the treatment can last up to six weeks," I began. "It's only been no more than two—"

"I don't give a shit what they said," he growled. "It's not our fault that the crazy bitch decided to end her life like a goddamn drama queen. That wasn't part of the plan!"

I shook my head in frustration. No shit, Sherlock! Of course, that wasn't part of the plan.

"She's a spoiled ass princess," he continued. "She always got her way. She grew up with all the damn money in the world. This was just a stunt so that everyone could feel bad for her. She got what she wanted and now it's time for the idiot to get out of that place and go on in life."

Again, I said nothing. A stunt? Was he joking?! We had discussed the side effects of the doses I was ordered to give to her. Of course, she was gonna end up depressed and wanting to end it all. After everything she had gone through.

"She should be thanking me," he continued. "I'm giving her the opportunity to live for a couple more months. Because that's all she has left."

I felt sick.

"Are you still there?" he growled.

"Yes, boss," I quickly responded.

"Good," he growled. "I'm glad you respect me enough to stay quiet. Since you don't have a say on any of this. I like that you're obedient and loyal. You know your place. Make sure to always remind yourself of that."

"Yes, sir," I responded.


"I want her to see her bloated pirate destroy himself," he continued. "Let's face it, he doesn't have much time left anyway. He's fucking ancient. Jennifer's death will be the end of him."

I gulped and looked down.

"Here's a summary of what's coming," he began. "I want to include you just so that you have an understanding of what's to come. You will visit Jennifer tomorrow and will convince her that she needs to get out of that place. I don't care how you do it. Or what you say. She loves her Hollywood life, so maybe mention that stupid ass movie she's working on. Tell her she's needed and that she needs to go on with her life. That the movie set is not the same without her. I'm sure she's gonna fall for that shit."

"Yes, sir," I closed my eyes. Regretting I was involved in this mess.

"Then, she'll go on with life." He continued. "She won't be getting back with that ancient bloated pirate. Since that fucker cheated on her and has a sex tape out. She'll spend the rest of her life having to see him beg her to take him back. Thinking she has the rest of her life to supposedly get over him."

He began to laugh again. I was now pacing around in the living room. I hated this man so much.

"And then," he continued. "It'll be too late. Because you will deliver her to me. And her death will not only be slow and painful. But it will make her a bigger star than she already is. She'll be a martyr. And the bloated pirate will be to blame for her ending. His sex tape and his sex life will once again make him infamous."

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