Nighttime Fire

262 19 11

Lin-Manuel's POV

My stomach sank when I saw Johnny standing there. Silent tears falling down his face. He looked pale. Shocked.

"Johnny," I sighed.

I knew too well that he couldn't handle another blow. He had been mourning the death of his unborn child. We were no longer on speaking terms because I never came clean to him. I kept that secret and honored that secret for Jen. But this one. This one, I knew was gonna break him.

"Tell me it's not true," he responded. His voice was dangerously low. Almost like a growl.

I looked at Sean. He then looked at me. We both knew this wasn't gonna go well.

"Tell me," Johnny screamed.

"That's what Antonio told me," Sean finally responded.

The scream that came out of Johnny was enough to traumatize me. No way was I ever gonna forget his reaction.

Ricky and Fernando came running to us, a couple of officers following them.

"What's going on?" Ricky asked.

"Why, dear God WHY?" Johnny kept screaming. Pacing around. He was enraged. He was out of his mind.

"Sir," one of the officers tried to interfere. "I'm gonna ask you to calm down."

Johnny didn't listen. He kept screaming.

"Jen," he screamed. "Where the fuck is Jen?"

He walked towards his SUV.

"What is going on?" Fernando asked.

"Sean, Mark," I called out, ignoring Fernando. "Please, let's try to calm him down."

Sean and Mark walked towards Johnny. I turned towards the officers.

"I'm sorry officers," I began. "We'll try to keep him calm. He's Ms. Hernandez's boyfriend. He didn't take to the news very well."

"That's understandable," one of the officers nodded. "Make sure he's calm. We are about to head out."

"Yes, sir," I nodded.

I turned towards Johnny who was still pacing around. He was now mumbling and crying openly. I couldn't make out what he was saying. The sight of him broke my heart.

"Lin," Ricky interrupted my thoughts. "What is going on?"

"Sean told me Jen was pregnant," I began. I felt the tears began to finally form. "Antonio told him he had known all along. Had given Jen a fake pregnancy test and she was given a false negative. Alex killed her baby."

Both Ricky and Fernando looked shocked.

"Fucking animal," Ricky growled. Tears began to fall down his face in anger.

Fernando said nothing. He had been in love with Jen for years. I'm sure finding out that she had been carrying her ex-boyfriend's baby was not what he wanted to hear.

"Johnny just found out," I continued. "He's completely heartbroken."

Ricky nodded and sniffed.

"JEN," we heard Johnny scream out. The sound of a broken glass followed. We turned around and saw that Johnny had punched his SUV's front window. Completely shattering the glass.

"Johnny," I screamed out.

Officers immediately surrounded us. As we all surrounded Johnny.

"I got him," Ricky turned to the officers. "I'm so sorry about that officer. I'll calm him down."

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