The Escape

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                     I am a young teenager who was a senior in high school. Every single time when I am always chased by a group of boys, I always end up staying in the girls' restrooms inside of the school. No, I do not have experiences with being social, and besides, it is just my first year of high school. I have a good foster mom, and she was named Penelope, pretty name huh? I loved her as my mom of my own. I have a brother, and we both lived with Penelope because... well it is best if I should not explain what happened there.

"You! Girl!" A boy yelled at me, chasing after me with a bunch of boys following behind.

I sprinted away from him, "what do you want?" I responded to the filthy guy, with my backpack wrapped around my arms and even pressured to my torso.

He also yelled out to me, "you should keep that up, oh man, we'll get you too!"

"Who cares?" I added, stopping into the crowd, seeing them slowing down. "You guys shouldn't be following me around, like total creeps."

I walked to the school rooftop, but this time I stayed by the gates, I investigated the view and searched for my own home. A car drove by and it headed to the school. As I watched, a man came out and headed into the office. I settled my backpack to the ground and left it laying there. I turned around and ran to the other side of the gate. I saw a bunch of people walking on the streets, which left me wondering where they will head to next. There were children and bikers as well, but when I looked around closely, I saw my foster mom, but I watched her walk away, holding two bags. I was going to call out her name and wave at her, but since I was up so high... she probably would not be able to hear me from that far anyhow. However, I turned around and sat down. The wind blew my bangs that were hanging from my head, laying on my chest, and it flew away from my chest. I looked at the sky and gazed myself into the calming and relaxing wind. Shortly later, I picked up my backpack and hung it over on my shoulder and walked inside, and onto the staircase. All you see is just some senior in oversized long-sleeved shirt, and knee-high, with some casual blue shoes. Yea, aww, isn't she cute? Well I may look like it, but you cannot just pick on the looks, instead, just pick on the personality.

Belle came out of nowhere and shoved me, making me grunt, "Move out of the way, "halfwit."

I furiously snapped at Belle, "do you think you have the rights to do that, because your just some rich fool?"

She briskly turned to me, "what did you call me?" Belle asked, becoming disconcerted, standing in her own 'spot', with a few other students grabbing their phones out to run the tape.

"You should've had listened."

I prepared my fists and she turned red from anger, seems like she boiled the both of us. Hey, it's not really my fault that she's some rich kid who can afford the entire school (or worse, Earth), and she would attempt to make herself look like an amusement comedic show by messing around with others. Belle got ready to pull a fight, and she got into the 'prepare' position. I stood there and watched her, glaring at her red face. The security came running down the halls, he was pretty far until Belle made a punch on the cheek. Seriously. I heavily landed onto the wall and rubbed my cheek, I furiously stood up properly, and attacked her with the same move that she did. Now, at this point this feels like Pokémon except some officer is trying to stop us. When my fist made a move again (left side...), I noticed it created a strong, small, and circular-like shield and it legit looked cool! As it smashed onto Belle's face, it was actually harder than her move, the shield cracked and she fell to the ground until I heard, "stop right there, young lady!" I looked up and turned behind where I came from and ran back to the stairs to make it more complicated for the officer to capture me. Mrs. Wellsburg finally opened the door and she was about to step out, but she felt Belle's shoulder, and when she looked down, she gasped. Everybody was slightly chattering about me and Belle. Back to me, I ran all the way, passing the group of boys and passing every single student that was in the way. I made it to the final staircase (where the roof top is located) and slammed into the door, knocking it onto the ground and finally reaching outside. I got up and settled my other strap onto my shoulder.

Suddenly, the officer caught up and aimed his small taser at me, shouting, "I want you to stay still, young lady."

"Why should I?" I asked him, looking at the gate for an exit, "you should say that to the rich kid who started it. I just stayed at the spot until she pushed me out of nowhere."

"Whatever you do, do not do anything, just freeze." He tried to tell me 'calmly' as other students ran up to the roof to watch. "Put your hands up."

I slowly turned around to him, "okay, okay," I said to him, raising both of my palms high, "just don't tase me."

He settled his taser down, slowly putting it down, "now come to me." He told me.

I turned to him and steadily walked towards him. As I got mildly closer, I made a run, turning to the left. I climbed on the gate as quick as I can as the other students screamed, some recorded and the officer did not know what to do, so he pulled out his walkie talkie for backup. I looked at them and managed to get myself on the other side, I faced my body out, pressed my feet onto the gate and held onto the gate with my hands. I turned to the officer and to the other students, putting up a peace sign.

"No!" He yelled.

I smiled softly and said, "have an amazing day!" But before he pulled anything out, I jumped. The students ran to see.

When I jumped, let me tell you... I felt guilty. Like very guilty. For a moment, I thought about the other side. Mother Penelope would not love me the same anymore, and she will be upset. Canon would be sad, and we will not be able be the same anymore. I felt my back rip into twos, and when I turned behind, I noticed feathers and it looked familiar to a bird's wing. Turns out, I have wings! I attempted to manage to take over my wings, I looked down, and I was getting close to death, but then, when I tried, they both somewhat managed to control itself so, I flew. I looked behind and looked up. Smiling in amazement of my new wings. Of course, everybody in the town was shook about it, but I care about if Mother Penelope would see and be disappointed in me. So sorry, ma. I continued to dash into the air, and tried to stop myself, but instead I stomped down and fell, making a small grunt. When I got up, I was in between some swamp meet shops, and it looked empty, but on the other side (behind), there were people, where I'm facing (front), its full of people walking. I heard that the officers are catching up, so I stood up and unzipped my backpack, pulling my hoodie out and wore it, putting the hood on top. And wearing both straps that were hanging out on my backpack, putting them onto my shoulders so nobody would notice who I was. My wings decided to go invisible and never show up. Along the way, a neon teal cheetah-girl who looked just like my age, she raised her elbows up behind me, and BAM! Knocked me out and plus, she just came out of nowhere. And I mean, her colored patterns were neon and it would glow, and her fur I suppose, it was black. I could feel her behind me, but why would she do that, is she out of her mind? Who knows? She must have just wanted to have a private interview with me. I heard good chattering about me, but there were just two females, I do not know who the other girl was, but they both seemed to hate me and for all I know, all I heard was, "what are we going to do with her? She's just a child." And even, "we should try to grab important evidence from her DNA." I am sort of scared, but okay that is how it is.

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