A Night with Other Mutants

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I woke up in a dark room, laying on the moonlight with my wrists and ankles tied altogether. My mouth... was wrapped with red licorice- I am serious. What kind of game is this and why—I am not going to argue. I bit the licorice and chewed on it. Not so sweet, but it was worth getting knocked out for this kind of stuff! This is not my room though, I looked around and saw her stuff, I do not know whose stuff, but I just know that this belonged to someone. I do not want to think that this is kidnapping, but I just think of this situation as what the person wants from me. The door opened and I looked at it. A girl my age who seemed quiet, her face looked like it was painted in neon colors which was obviously annoying teal. she looked at me as her teal eyes glowed in the dark, she looked at me.

"Who you?" I asked her, in incomplete sentences, also even confused.

She stepped into the moonlight, "you can call me Sireta," Sireta told me. "I am one of your kind... but different, Dakoda."

I noticed some of her hair straps were glowing, but teal. I swear, it looks like she was drowned in some toxic electro like-liquid and become electro. "You're not my friend or my kind."

"Well? Does it really matter?" She asked calmly, "You're just like one of us but, something is off about you."

I looked at my hands and turned to my legs, "what's so?" I asked her, questioning.

She pulled out one of a microtainer full of my own blood out of nowhere, "apparently, your blood, it's not human." Sirtea told me, as her voice grew serious, "you are something else."





"No." Sireta said, becoming overwhelmed.

"Then what?" I asked.

She sounded like she groaned, so she shouted, "You're a shapeshifter!"

I stared at her, "what is that?" I asked, "so I can take shape of a rock, can I?"

Sireta nodded, "yes! Indeed! Just like that." She told me, "I'll explain everything for you."

"Yay... but here we go."

Sireta sat down, "shapeshifters can take form of anything, depending on what they know about that person or what they can see. It's definitely cool how they can become a person that they are not." She sounded informative, so she continued to explain, "you can regenerate anything, even a cut possibly, but basically immortal except not for so long if others find out that they can cut off the head of a shapeshifter in order for it to fully die."

I stared at her, "uh huh- "

"But yea. That's all."

I yelled, "but then you decided to abduct me without my mom knowing?! She could be panicking right now, even my brother!"

"Hey, it's your fault for causing a fight at school, and even jumping off of the school roof, your mom, she could've had gone to court by now for teaching you this mess!" She pointed out, but... Mother Penelope did not even teach me those stuff, she took care of me that is all.

I growled, "so? I could've had gotten away with that, but you are just some kidnapper, who takes kids over their abilities! You can't accuse my mother like that, and plus, she doesn't teach her children that stuff," I paused for a moment to share a thought, "and besides, even though if she had her own kids like us, she would know better." I said, looking away from her as my tone grew sad. "I'm the bad guy for knowing all of this stuff when I wasn't supposed to."

Sireta stared at me quietly and proceed to ask, "so... she was your foster mom?" Sireta looked at the window, "you see, I had one too, I also did stuff like that except I never done anything wrong but one bit," She sighed, "the only thing I knew was parkour and crafting dangerous weapons."

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