Childhood Bully

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I guess that we just talked for a while and played around together, I remember walking home in midnight and knocking out, they were pretty aggressive. Way more aggressive than Canon, he just doesn't really push me around that much since it was just the two of us. Anyways, I fell asleep on the couch since that was close.

A cat who watched from the window looked at me snoozing off with the basketball onto my bottom torso, it's tip of the tail whirled around softly as it sat still on the same spot. Without meowing, the cat stood up and walked on the wall that it sat on, heading to the front door. With a scratch on the door, it had Penelope running towards the door thinking that it was someone 'knocking' on the door leaving Canon confused upstairs.

She opened the door and noticed the cat, "oh, stray cat!"

The cat meowed and I woke up, "meow what?"

"It's outside, I would adopt it," he hesitated walking downstairs, "but how was your sleep?" He asked randomly.

I looked at the cat, "it was alright, and I played basketball with a group of guys last night."

"How was it?' Canon asked, "did they do anything bad?"

I shook my head, finally sitting up with the ball into my hands, "no, but they've never seen a girl play basketball."


Anyways, he turned around and saw me. I stared at him and he... looked familiar.

I went up to him and asked him out of the blue, "have we met?"

The guy looked at me and responded dryly, "have we met?"

"You look quite familiar; I just don't know if I have seen you- "

He revealed openly, "Kraznea," Kraznea turned around (to where he was facing before), "and if you still don't know who I am, figure it out." He told me with an attitude in his tone.

As Kraznea took his first step, I reached my arm out and settled my hand onto his shoulder, I asked, "hey," I paused and froze for a second when he turned around, "what is your problem with your attitude?" I questioned him again.

Kraznea leaned in, "I'm having a bad day," he cooed," and if a girl named Dakoda is going to make it worse, then shoo."

"Oh, I guess that we have met then." I said, pulling my arm away. I asked myself, where did this guy came from?

After that happened, I walked home, and I guess he stayed in the park until night. As I arrived home with the backpack on one strap, Penelope was in the kitchen and Canon was in the living room staring out in the window. I looked at Canon and rolled my eyes over to Penelope and went upstairs. I was standing on the 2nd floor and watched them. I did not know what to do, so I wondered where did Kraznea come from.

On January 13, 2383, we moved to Qreasolo when I turned 7. I met Kraznea when I was pretty much in 2nd grade. He was a lonely kid, but whenever I watched him walk around with no other students on his side, I felt bad. I went up to him and... he seemed to be a nice and loving boy. Mostly humorous. When I began hanging out with Kraznea, we both built a good friendship and I sort of... liked him, but at that point we were soon to become best friends, it was a little early to say something about how I feel about him. When we were in middle school, (September 10, 2386), we were pretty much inseparable, Kraznea loved being so happy, a lot of elementary kids assumed and rumored that we liked each other. A few days later in middle school, Kraznea disappeared and I always wondered what happened to him. After those days, Kraznea returned, but he was not the way how he was. Kraznea walked into the class, with his head on the ground and his eyes dull. The teacher and everyone looked at him.

"Kraznea!" Younger me shouted, getting up and hugging him, "I'm so happy you're doing okay!"

He coldly responded, "I'm doing good."

I looked at him and smiled, but shortly frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he responded, "do you mind moving away for a second? I don't like you embarrassing me when I feel so despondent."

I started to feel puzzled by his response, "what?"

He pushed me to the side and headed to his desk. Everyone looked at him and the teacher seemed concerned. I went to my desk and sat down, wondering why he was not having it. The next day, I went to Kraznea and he did not really seem to have the hype for me, so I did not bother him as much as I did anymore. In 8th grade, Kraznea started pushing me around and he also begun to bother me whenever I am alone. That is when the bullying started. I did not know what I did wrong, but I hoped that he realizes how much I tried.

Anyways, I leaned against the wall and pondered to myself. I looked at Canon and he got up, walking towards the staircase. I watched him and he entered his room.

"Hey mom," I said walking to her from the staircase, "do you know anything about Kraznea?"

Penelope looked at me and responded, "why is that so sudden, Dakoda?"

I looked at Penelope, "I just met Kraznea again and uh," I paused and frowned, "do you... know why he was so downhearted when we were younger?"

She listened quietly.

"I tried so hard to make him happy too, I just don't understand why he started to do this and that."

"It's maybe his personal issues," Penelope said, caressing my cheek, "sometimes, when you try to do something for other people, you cannot really expect them to fully cherish it. Especially when that person is going through something or not."

I nodded my head, keeping tears behind, "maybe... I just tried too hard to impress someone. I should've had known that sooner, I just accepted everything without confirming it completely."

"It's okay, as long as you didn't give your happiness away, then that's fine." Penelope said, hugging me.

During dinner, I continued to think about Kraznea and how he was doing. I continued to stare down at my plate and slowly, one by one eating dinner off my plate. Canon looked at me and noticed how I behaved like, so he offered a piece of meat and added it into my plate. My eyes followed his fork as he pulled away and I looked up at him. Penelope looked at us and ate a spoon of food. It was quiet and awkward, they both looked at me. After dinner, I went into the room and headed into the bathroom to shower for the day. I wondered where Kraznea has been for the entire time if he were not in high school (since Qreasolo has a few high schools, he would not attend any of them but stay at home anonymously). He can maybe join me and Vincent, but who knows what his choice is. Eh, I will have to find out myself.

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