The police station

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Everyone got to the police station after what felt like hours of speed walking and looking back every 10 minutes.
Freddie started knocking on the door.
"HELLO" Freddie yelled.
He started banging on the glass loads.
"Damn guess they aren't in let's go back to the hou-" Maddie started speaking.
She was interrupted by the loud noise of glass smashing.
The door had been smashed and a brick was laying on the floor.
"I found a way in" Tj cheered looking really happy.
"Great now we're breaking and entering" Maddie moaned as everyone went in.
Everyone turned on their iPhone lights and shined them around the empty police station.
"This is fucking creepy man" Callie muttered.
"What's your favourite scary movie?" Tj said with a voice changer, scaring Callie.
"FUCK OFF" Callie shouted and Tj started laughing.
Freddie saw a room called cells.
He opened the door and it slowly creaked open.
The room had a control panel and a chair in front of an open jail cell.
In the jail cell was a dead prisoner and a police officer sat in the corner looking down but he appeared to still be breathing.
"SHIT HES STILL ALIVE" Freddie shouted and ran in.
Everyone else followed except Joey who was too scared to go in.
Freddie knelt down and started shaking the officer.
"Sir sir" Freddie muttered.
Suddenly, the man threw his head up and screamed at them with his eyes missing and his face covered in cuts.
Everyone jumped back and another police officer emerged from behind the control panel.
Joey jumped back looking terrified.
The police officer slammed his hand down onto the control panel causing the cell door to shut, locking everyone in the cell with creature.
"JOEY JOEY HELP OPEN THE DOOR" Everyone screamed.
Joey was frozen in fear with tears in his eyes.
The police officer in the cell wore a police badge saying Officer Dembro while The other officer wore a badge saying Officer Carrison.
Officer Dembro slowly walked towards everyone growling like a angry dog as everyone was screaming and reaching out the bars begging Joey to help them.
Tj quickly grabbed a knife from Dembro's pocket and sliced off his arm.
Officer Dembro went stumbling back with dark gray blood pouring out his arm stump.
Dembro did something horrific as he picked up the prisoners body and unlocked his jaw Like a snake.
Officer Dembro's mouth stretched really wide open and ate the entire prisoner.
Everyone screamed as the officers arm grew back and more arms started sprouting out of his back.
His teeth became razor sharp and he roared a loud demonic scream at them.
"JOEY PLEASE OPEN IT" Freddie screamed.
"JOEY I SWEAR TO GOD" Maddie yelled.
Everyone was holding each other screaming.
Joey had his eyes squeezed shut and was shaking his head crying.
Officer Carrison got close to Joey breathing heavily.
Joey could feel his hot breath on his face.
He gathered up all the courage and quickly ran over to the control panel.
Officer Dembro let out a high pitched scream and opened its mouth really wide to eat them.
Just in time, the cell door swung open and everyone fell out.
"GO GO GO" Freddie shouted.
Everyone quickly burst out the room and ran out the police station.
"WHERE DO WE GO NOW?" Blair shouted.
Emmet and Freddie looked at each other.
"The Go mart" They Said at the same time.

Freddie's legendary party 2: The sequelWhere stories live. Discover now