Greysville underground

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Everyone treaded through the gross wet sewer tunnels. They all shined their iphone torches through the darkness.
"where actually are we going?" Billy asked.
"well these tunnels lead all over town so if we can find one next to my nans we can quickly get the car and get out of here" Freddie explained.
"that's actually a pretty good idea" Blair told Freddie.
"I'm gonna fucking kill them all" Tj muttered.
suddenly, everyone heard footsteps and water splashing echoing round the tunnels.
"What was that?" Emmet whispered.
"I don't know but let's walk a bit faster yeah" Spencer awkwardly laughed.
everyone started walking quickly down the tunnels trying to find the ladder leading up to a street near Freddie's nan's house.
Billy accidentally fell and dropped his glasses in the dirty water.
he turned around and crouched to pick them back up.
he looked up with his torch and screamed, falling back into the sewer water.
following them in the distance behind everyone was a huge creature that looked like a gross mutilated person crossed with billions of rats.
it had a long mouth with whiskers and let off a loud roar that hurt everyone's ears where it echoed.
it started charging towards everyone.
Callie quickly helped Billy up and everyone sprinted through the tunnels.
"FUCK WHAT IS THAT THING?" Billy yelled.
"I think a parasite consumed a bunch of rats and turned into that monstrosity" Emmet told everyone.
"FUCK SAKE GIVE US A BREAK MAN" Freddie shouted.
Blair scooped up a handful of the sewer water and threw it at the rat monster.
the monster roared and carried on chasing them.
"QUICK UP HERE" Freddie shouted as he spotted a ladder leading up to a hole literally right next to his nans house.
Freddie started climbing up it but everyone else carried on running.
Freddie saw the monster coming quickly towards him and shouted "FUCK SAKE" as he quickly jumped off the ladder.
the monster slammed into the ladder just about missing Freddie.
"FREDDIE HERE" Emmet yelled.
everyone quickly climbed up a different ladder.
they all just about made it about before the monster smashed into the ladder.
the ladder fell over and was crushed by the rat monster.
they all took a minute to catch their breath on the overworld.
"where are we?" Freddie asked Emmet.
everyone turned and saw the woods.
"DONT TELL ME WE HAVE TO-" Billy screamed.
Billy layed down on the road pissed off.

Ron came out the bush and walked over to where every parasite in town was.
he stood on the roof of a house.
"EVERYONE. COMBINE." Ron spoke with bits of dark gray dribble dripping from his mouth.
Ron watched with a smile across his face as all the parasites started eating each other and growing.

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