♪jacket♪ ¹¹

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Jeonghan was laying in his bed, looking online on his computer for a new violin bow. He had caught a cold from not wearing a coat or a jacket yesterday, he still has Seungcheols suit jacket.

He had forgot to call in cause someone was calling him "Hannie are you not coming in today? The roads seem fine today, did they not defrost your road?" He asks him on the phone

"Shit, I forgot to call in. I have a cold, Cheol...I can't come in" Jeonghan said and frowned, he didn't want his paycheck to get cut for his unexcused absence.
Seungcheol sighed on the other end "I told you you should've worn a jacket..."

"Sorry, I still have yours though.." Jeonghan said.

"It's fine, I'll come over okay, don't call in, I got you covered. I made copies of 'Fragile' I'll stop by and give it to you, then I'll grab my jacket okay?" Seungcheol said

"Thanks" Jeonghan coughed on the line "sorry"

"It's alright. Ill be over in 30? Where's your spare key?" Seungcheol asked, already heading down to the main lobby as heard on the phone.


"Your spare key? Do you not have a spare key?" He asked.

"Oh...it's in the grass, to the very corner on the left side by the wall, it's there" Jeonghan said

"Why didn't you just put it in one of those many flower pots you have out there..." Seungcheol exclaimed

"Cause that's the first place a thief would look, I'm not an idiot"

"Uh.." Seungcheol laughed "I'll see you in a little bit" and they both hung up the phone.

Seungcheol covered for Jeonghan and told his boss he was sick, even though he wasn't, it was just a cold, he still needed covered for.

He went to a coffee shop and bought Jeonghan a coffee, he wasn't sure he wanted the shit load one, or the mocha Americano one...

He just went with the regular Iced Americano to go. He then started to drive to Jeonghans house. When he got there he grabbed the two drinks and put his bag on his arm.

He then went over to the left corner in the grass beside to walk and searched for the key.

He put the cups down on the porch and squatted down to find the key. When he found it he unlocked the door, it made a beeping noise when he opened it, but it stopped after a second.

He grabbed the coffee cups and went in. He didn't know Jeonghans place well.

He walked up stairs to find one bathroom and one massive room. "In here" Jeonghan raised his voice

He walked into the bedroom "don't raise your voice if your throat hurts" He told Jeonghan and extended his arm giving him a coffee

"Don't pay me back" Seungcheol sat on Jeonghans bed beside him, which caused Jeonghans heart rate to increase.

"I wasn't planning on getting my wallet out anyway" he yawned, warming up to Seungcheol buying him things.

"How's the violin bow going along? Found one yet?" Seungcheol asked

"Um, a few, I'll probably buy more than one, I've been having problems with just that one bow for a while" he pointed to the bow he hung on his wall

"I didn't want it to break, I've won too many awards with it" he smiled

I giggled "okay, good luck with that. My jacket?" He asked

"Oh, it's in the chair over there" he pointed to a desk with a roller chair at it, and many pictures

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