Chapter 1 - The news

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Y/N stood quietly in the windowframe of her Edinburgh apartment. The sheer linen drapes covered some of her vision as she observed the busy muggles on the streets below her. She had left a small gap open in the window, letting the fresh spring air into her bedroom. Dust particles lit by sunlight were floating aimlessly in the air, leaving a trail of light that stretched over her unmade bed. Y/N clutched her cup of coffee, a peculiar muggle drink made from the burnt seed of a cherry-typed fruit. She had grown oddly fond of it the past years. She took a sip of the hot, bitter drink as she lifted her vision on something getting closer from above the Edinburgh rooftops.

    The owl descended closer to her window as she placed her free hand under the gap of the window to pull the opening a bit more. The owl landed in the frame with a small thump and some wing flapping before settling down, his right talon had a coarse string tied to a binding of thin, rolled papers as well as a separate parchment. Y/N untied both the newspaper and the parchment, placing them on the bed behind her. She reached into a drawer of the cabinet on the opposite wall and found a small paper bag of beast treats. Y/N picked up her wand from the nightstand, pointed it down the paper bag and softly spoke an incantation causing the pellets to float out towards the owl. As the owl started munching on the floating pieces of snacks, y/n gently scratched the owl's head. «Thank you, Gilbert...» She spoke softly, still a bit groggy from recently waking up.

    After finishing his pellets, Gilbert took off and y/n sat down on her bed, placing the deliveries in a pile on her lap. She unrolled the parchment first.

    'Dear Ms. Y/N.

    I am receiving my promotion at the Auror office next week. There will be a celebration after. I would really love it if you would come. I know we have not spoken since... Well, you have not responded to me, that is. It has been 10 years. You need to move past this. It was the right thing to do. We- I miss you. I will be awaiting your response.

    Yours O.G'

    Y/Ns eyes hardened towards the parchment. Her heart pounding in her chest, she could feel the desire to give in. Some part of her really wanted to see him again, but she couldn't. She pulled out her wand and pointed it towards the parchment. Incendio minima. The edges of the parchment slowly lit up as the soft flames ate its way to the center of the parchment before evaporating with the smoke.

    Ominis Gaunt, once her best friend and pillar of support after Sebastian was turned in to the Ministry of Magic on anonymous tips... Only it was not anonymous at all, was it. Him and Anne had gone behind both y/n and Sebastian's back after y/n thought she had convinced them not to turn him in for the murder of his uncle.

    Y/N finished the last two years of Hogwarts before she realized. Ominis had mysteriously received an offer from the Ministry of Magic to become the youngest Auror in history. Sure, Ominis was an excellent wizard. Yet, the Auror program is known to be extremely challenging and selective. And he just got it after finishing school? Her suspicions had quickly led her on a cunning path of finding out why. And she did indeed find out why.

    Y/N shook her head back to reality and rolled out the newspaper. Her heart jolted in her chest when she read the headline.

    'Three prisoners escaped Azkaban. No sign of breach'

    Chest pounding, y/n ran her eyes through the article. No sign of breach? Then how did the-. And there it was. Three pictures lined up. Two wizards and one witch. One of the wizards and the witch twitching and screaming behind the sign with their name and number. The third. No expression at all. The wizard was staring blankly at y/n with such familiar, yet unrecognizable eyes. His hair was longer, still a mess, but now reached to his jawline which had sharpened significantly since the fifth year at Hogwarts. His eyes bore such darkness and he looked tired, drained. Y/n could feel her chest tighten, her breaths getting faster and more shallow.  She tossed the newspaper back on the bed and rested her forehead in her palms, her elbows leaning on her knees. A knock at the door slammed her back into reality and ground her instantly.

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