Chapter 7 - Atonement

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*Adult content warning*

Y/N's lips collapsed with Sebastian's in a fiery battle. Their tongues danced lightly at first, before becoming completely consumed with hunger for each other. The attraction was enough to make them both turn feral and they completely lost all sense of reasoning.

Y/N felt Sebastian's hand slide from her cheek to her neck before he pulled her in even closer. Their bodies are now pressed against each other, the warmth radiating from both of them. Sebastian felt himself let out a relieved moan as if Y/N's warmth was something he had been craving like water in a desert.

Y/N slid her hands under his jacket to remove it and let it fall to the floor. Right after Sebastian pulled the rest of Y/N's shirt over her head and she was left with her breasts bare once again. The chain around her waist did not tighten this time, but they were too busy to notice that... or the fact that the circular gem in the pendant was now glowing.

Sebastian moved down to Y/N's pants, loosening them enough to slip his hand down to her knickers. Y/N let out a moan as he grabbed her gently outside of the fabric. He pulled his hand back up to finish taking off the rest of her pants and panties. She was now completely naked, only the chain wrapping around her waist and down to her leg remained. Sebastian pulled back a bit to observe her, his eyes looked almost sad with longing before shifting back into famine.

Sebastian looked deep into Y/N's eyes. «May I?» He said under a veil of heavy breathing. Y/N was too flustered to respond and just nodded vigorously. How could she accept this? She- She didn't know this man anymore. But she just felt this immense pull towards him. Like magic.

Sebastian went in, kissed her neck, down to her chest, her breasts, her stomach before finally stopping at her lower abdomen. He kissed her groin, teasing her around her area. Y/N was breathing heavily, whimpering in desperation. «P-Please» Y/N whispered.

Sebastian looked up at her through his eyebrows.

While keeping eye contact he slowly rose back up. Sebastian placed Y/N's hands on his shirt and helped her pull it off him. Y/N was left in awe. The scrawny boy he once was is no more. His body was toned and that of a man. A small gathering of chest hair was resting between his pecs. The clear definition of his arms and the veins on his hands made Y/N's head hurt slightly. She knew there was no turning back now.

Sebastian stopped for a moment, observing Y/N with a regretful expression.

«What's wrong?» Y/N asked, placing her right hand to his cheek and gently caressing it.

Sebastian leaned in to her touch. «I- I don't think I can do this Y/N»

Y/N looked confused. Just moments ago this man was willing to manipulate her and even had a plan to kill her before discovering her remaining pact to him. And she was surprised by her own acceptance to that.

«I thought I had this whole thing planned out... And then when I met you and held you, all of that just crumbled.» Sebastian looked at Y/N longingly. He reached out his hand, placing a strand of hair from her face to the back of her ear and caressing a path down her neck. His hand stopped, but his eyes kept scanning her down. Stopping at the pendant around her waist which was still faintly glowing. He grabbed it gently, twisting it in his hand. It did not burn him this time.

«Can you believe how naive we were to create this in fifth grade?» He chuckled lightly, but his tone was laced with shame.

Y/N inhaled. «Well... I thought I was in love with you»

«Thought?» Sebastian looked back up at her and furrowed his brows.

«Yes. Thought. Just like I thought you loved me back. But this was all just some way to keep control of me, was it not?» Y/N's eyes filled up with sorrow from the conclusion that she had made so many years ago.

«H- How can you say that, Y/N?» Sebastian placed his hands back up Y/N's face. «This thing protects you from me as well, you know that»

Y/N's eyes started to swell up with tears. «This thing... prevents you from hurting me as long as I wear it, and I am bound to you in every other way...»

Sebastian paused. Still cupping Y/N's head in his hands. «I always feared your magic, Y/N.» Sebastian admitted.

«So you manipulated me into putting a leash on me?»  Y/N's voice was now trembling.

«No... I.» Sebastian stopped. Realizing that may have been exactly what he had done as his younger self. He was obsessed with finding a cure for his twin sister, Anne. And while Y/N proved to be the solution, he did grow incredibly close to her aside from just finding a cure for Anne... But it didn't matter anymore. Because he ended up losing them both anyway, as well as Ominis.

Y/N stared at Sebastian, expecting an answer. But there were none to be given.

«If you wish it, Y/N, I'll leave» Sebastian muttered.

Y/N paused for a while. Long enough for Sebastian to take it as a hint. He first picked up a blanket from the couch and covered it around Y/N's naked body. Then picked up his jacket and turned towards the door.

Y/N stood there, muted and torn between decisions. She had so many unresolved questions and she was still quite upset with him. But something in her mourned for him and something even deeper longed for his touch.

«Wait...» She finally said as he pressed he made it to the first door frame.

Sebastian turned around and glanced at Y/N expectantly.

Y/N let out a heavy sigh. «Stay with me... tonight»

Sebastian was hesitant at first. «Are you certain?»

Y/N was anything other than certain, but she knew what being alone felt like and for once she wanted to feel something else than that. Because of the blood pact, she was safe from him, after all. Y/N nodded gently towards the man before her. She reached out her hand from the blanked, while keeping it locked around her with the other.

Sebastian stared at her hand, behind it he could see the hints of her naked body under the blanket he had just covered her with. He grabbed it gently.

Y/N led Sebastian into the bedroom where she started from scratch removing his outer layer of clothes. It was more controlled this time, they were not ravished with hunger. After a moment they both stood there, naked, looking deep into each other.

The sexual famine they both experienced just moments ago had shifted into something more sincere.

They laid down on the soft bed. The breeze from the window that Y/N had not closed this morning was gently caressing their skin as they laid there facing each other.

Sebastian reached out his arm and pulled Y/N in with one firm movement and their bodies melted together momentarily. Both of them felt a sense of peace they had not felt in years as they fell asleep in each other's arms. No nightmares awaited either of them that night.

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