Chapter 10 - Sebastian's POV

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Sebastian's POV

A short chapter to get some intel on what's going through this nutjob's head.

Sebastian stared over at Y/N sleeping peacefully across from him. She looked almost ethereal in the mellow blue tint from the moonlit night outside. So blissful and so... Naive. Sebastian felt himself for a moment thinking that maybe he could be happy with her. Run away somewhere together, just the two of them. But no... He could not afford to be naive like her. He could not let this betrayal go, not until the debt was paid.

Sebastian paced the back of his fingers slowly along her side until he reached the blood pact chain around her waist. He traced his fingertips along the chain until he reached the pendant. It was glowing faintly when they were both in each other's presence.

Sebastian stopped for a moment to observe. His gaze shifted between the phial and Y/N's beautifully sleeping face. No, no, Sebastian, focus! A piercing headache struck him as he was arguing with his own reasoning.

In Azkaban he was alone in a cell for 10 years, constantly tortured by Dementors. The only thing that kept him sane in there was keeping himself company, talking to himself, imagining the scenarios where he would have revenge on the people who sent him here. The people who claimed to be his friends. Bitterness grew in him. And while he was there, plotting his escape, he knew that the first person he would visit was Y/N. The girl, now a woman, who even claimed to have love him.

Ominis had visited him once. As an Auror he could access Azkaban with somewhat ease. It did, however, not go so well. Sebastian remembered he had lured his friend closer to the gates before lunging at him, grabbing at his hair and collar. The Dementors had very unfortunately stopped him, but not before he could get a good chunk of hair from Ominis' head. Which led him to his plan of using polyjuice to get close to Y/N.

His head filled with whispers as he dwelled in the past and he twitched his head as to shake them out. They silenced.

But she did love him still... His reasoning continues trying to persuade him. She still had the blood pact, she did not turn him in like he had thought all these years. But someone still did and he was going to find them. The only thing that was different was that Y/N was no longer on the list of people he was going to kill. But then, what was he going to do with her?

He was torn, he did not want to kill her anymore. And some deep part of him even wanted to protect her. But she knew he was out now and she was going to figure out his plan anyway. He could not risk her stopping him or warning the ministry of his plans. And he needed to make her hate him... So she wouldn't want to persuade him away from his vengeance. Because he knew that she was the only one who might be able to. And then everything would be for nothing...

Sebastian stood up from the bed quietly. He walked over to a cabinet across the room and fetched out a piece of parchment and a quill. He started writing about suspicions and concerned neighbors having seen a previously convicted Azkaban prisoner around Y/N's apartment. The woman was also seen with something resembling a blood pact attached to her body. When he finished the letter, he pulled out his wand and cast an enchantment on the letter. Making it untraceable and rendering the handwriting into audio. A howler of some sort. He addressed it 'The Ministry of Magic: Auror's office'

Sebastian cast another enchantment, causing the letter to fly out of the small gap in the window of the bedroom. He then turned back to look at Y/N who was still sleeping deeply.

Sebastian could catch a glimpse of the golden gradient in the horizon outside. The sun was rising. His next move needed to be quick. He moved over to Y/N and pointed his wand at the blood pact phial.

«nuvos mandatum, blood pact» He whispered.

The phial abode his command as he was one of its two masters. The chain wrapped around his wrist, up his arm and around his neck. It felt strange, but he knew this would protect him from Y/N's wrath.

Sebastian leaned into Y/N very gently. A knot of tension building in his chest, knowing he was about to let his darkness take over and ruin his one chance at ever being happy. «I am so sorry for what I am about to do and who I am about to become, Y/N... I'll love you forever» He whispered quietly in her ear. Y/N did not flinch, she was so deeply asleep that she didn't have any knowledge of her surroundings.

Sebastian put his trousers back on and stood waiting at the edge of the bed. He closed his eyes and stopped straining at the voices in his head to stay quiet. He allowed them to take over his mind, the voice of anger and despair now instructing him. He opened his eyes, looking at Y/N and waited for her to wake up, preparing himself for the biggest performance of his life.


Little sidenote on this. Sebastian wrote the letter to the ministry BEFORE he stole the blood pact from her. Otherwise he could not have moved against her in such a physical way. Hope it makes sense.

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