Chapter 12 - Resourcefulness

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Y/N made her way through the packed streets of Diagon Alley. The best place to hide was in plain sight, she thought. She had her black cloak on and the hood pulled far over her face. She popped down to Knockturn alley from one of the side streets. It was a shady area of the village, but she needed some supplies and with her hood on, she almost fit right in.

She went into a small cornershop, the sign hanging above the door said Parsels and Potions. The man behind the counter, an old scrawny looking fellow. With one missing eye and heavy blue tinted bags hanging under both of them. He had long strains of really thin, greasy hair and greeted Y/N with a malicious grin, missing most of his teeth.

«What can I get fer ye today, miss?» He spoke in a raspy voice, coated in a heavy scottish accent.

Y/N cleared her throat. «I need a polyjuice base».

«Ahhh, a polyjuice base. I recently sold almost my entire stock to a young wizard earlier this week.» The old man looked at her through bushy brows with his one eye. «He can't have been much older than ye, actually. Handsome fella, yet a bit tired looking»


«Anyway, excuse me chattiness, I don't get many customers these days» The old man shuffled in the drawers under his counter. «Ah! One left fer ye, miss!»

He pulled out a metal flask and slammed it lightly on the counter. «2000 galleons, it is then»

Y/N scoffed at the ridiculous price, but left a pouch on the counter and grabbed the flask.

As Y/N made her way to the Ministry of Magic she skillfully bumped into some random Ministry witch and plucked a hair from her head as she apologized for the clumsy encounter.

She quickly evaded her way into the girls' lavatory and locked herself in a stall. Fumbling after the metal flask she opened the lid and released the strain of hair inside. A small vapor released from the flask filling her nose with the worst smell. Ugh she hated this potion.

In one solid gulp she swallowed the content of the flash and had to pull herself together to not gag it all out then and there. After a few moments she could feel the layer of her skin bubbling and changing to the disguise she had chosen. Good. Now to pay our old friend a visit. But I don't have a lot of time.

Y/N made her way through the crowded halls of the Ministry. She maneuvered skillfully through the masses and snuck into an elevator that was already packed with witches and wizards in Auror uniforms. She only hoped they would take her where she needed to go.

The elevator stopped at a corridor where everyone got out. Y/N acted as she knew exactly where she was going and followed them through the hall before reaching a grand foyer. The Aurors scattered into different doors and Y/N was left standing a bit disoriented.

At the end of the foyer was a reception desk and a small, round woman was sitting behind it with a tall stack of papers and a magic quill that was signing the papers off as they moved themselves into another tall stack on the other side.

«Hi... Um, excuse me» Y/N said as politely as she managed

«Yes, darling?» The round woman looked up at her with a bubbly expression.

Y/N did not really consider the fact that she didn't have a plan beyond this. How was she going to get in to see Ominis? She needed something important, considering she did not have an appointment. Luckily her slytherin resourcefulness had not left her quite yet.

«Yes hello, I require an audience with Senior Auror Ominis Gaunt please. I have some important and confidential information about...» Y/N lowered her voice and leaned closer to the receptionis. «... The Azkaban prison break».

Blood Pact (S.S, O.G x Female MC Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora