A Writer's Struggle

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One hundred percent
One hundred ten
Self-expectations never end
Gotta be the best
Far above the rest
Pin a medal on my chest
My own selfish crest
Gotta take a breath
Things need time
It's more than a rhyme
It's a whole life
Of heartache and strife
Attempts and tries
The mistakes make me
Shape me
Grow me and mold me
Again, all about me
But one shot
All I've got
It's not about the big shots
Or Tik Tok
It's a story, a dream
An idea to be seen
Of hills of green
And under a sea
Murder mystery
Cups of poisioned tea
Everything really
Not about me
But it has to be
In my head
Waiting to be read
Raised from the dead
Bring it to light
Despite everything
I must give it life

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