Part 1- Arranged?

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I cant do this...

"No way mom" Aryan held his firm tone strong even if he felt bad seeing his mother dissapointed. "I dont want arrange marriage. What do u think i am 20?"
His mom was not impressed.. "After your 5th cancellation of ur almost bride i have no trust in your choices Son. What was the excuse this time.." she gave a thoughtful look.. "Oh yes Aryan Singh Rathore is a workholic"
Aryan rolled his eyes but supressed from smiling.. Nobody understood him better than his mom. And for him work always came first. If the girls he dated wouldnt accept it and continued to crib about it, that wasnt his fault.
"And you hardly smile son.." his mom spoke unhappily.. "How can u impress a girl by frowning wholeday.."
"I dont.. " he bit back impatiently.. "I have an urgent meeting. I must leave now. Take care.." he gave a chaste kiss on his mothers cheek and got up to leave..
"You cant get away this time Son.. i have seen a family.. u must meet this girl.. Please!! For me.." his mother spoke hopefully..
"I am not promising.." he spoke warningly.
There was no way he would get in this mess..

"Can you believe it guys!! She wants me to marry someone she finds!" Aryan complained unhappily to his bestfriend..
"Well you are getting old.." Sameer shrugged..
"I am just 30.." he argued back..
"Perfect age to marry.." Gaurav grinned.. "I am sure your mom will find someone sophisticated, well mannered and perfect to stand next to you. She has good taste.."
He gave a thought on this for a second.. would it be that bad? Or was he just overthinking..

2 days later:

"No mom. I am not in mood to meet anyone plz!" Aryan was not feeling impatient as he tried to work on his project. But how can he work with constant calls from his mother.
"Okay fine Aryan.. I accept you dont want to meet anyone yet. But least you could do is join me in dinner" his mom spoke sadly which made him feel bad..
"Mom please.. Its just i am not ready for all of this.. and you know how busy i am" he tried to reason out..
"Fine! I know you are always working son. What say we dine out tonight? Lets get some fresh air for a change.. i will do the booking.."
He smiled hearing the excitement in his mothers voice.. something which was rare and less since demise of his father few years back..
It was almost as if they had forgotten to smile at all.. There was just not much reason to do so..
"Ok Mom. Text me the address i will meet you.."

Aryan made his way inside the elegant restaurant.. It was their favorite restaurant and often dined here..he made his way inside and frowned seeing no one was there except his mom..
"This place is never this empty.." he spoke confused..
"That is because i have booked this floor for us.. " his mom spoke rushed..
"But why would we need.." his voice trailed off as he heard voices behind him..
No freaking way!
"Mom!" He was mortified.. "How could you!" he whisper shouted..
"I had no other way to convince you okay! Now dont be silly and be nice to them.." his mom dragged him towards the entrance where a very happy two people stood smiling..

They looked too happy..
He didint like it..

"Hi Mr and Mrs Rao.. I am Naina and this is my son Aryan.." His mom introduced them and he gave a forced smile as he shook their hand..
Once again they couldnt stop smiling..
"Nice to meet you.." Mrs Rao spoke grinning.. "I must say your son is really handsome.."
"And charming too.." Mr Rao agreed with his wife..
He wasnt used to such compliments so he did what he was known for..
He cringed..
"Your daughter..." His mom spoke hopefully as they set down..

Maybe she didint want to come or get married.. Aryan thought.. Maybe he could convince her to call this off..

"Oh she is just coming up. She went to park the car.. " Mrs. Rao turned towards the door..
He looked up just as the girl walked inside and rushed towards them.

Dressed colorful she was a sight.. a vision.. for a moment he felt flabbergasted seeing her choice of clothes.. it was not too traditional but had a trendy kick to her clothing..
It was also really bright.. but that was not what caught his eye first.. it was her eyes..
And her smile.. she was smiling so wide that it felt like she was glowing..

Arylie FF- Meant to be ♡Where stories live. Discover now