Part 7- Heal me

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Aryan woke up and out of habit picked his phone to check how many messages he had received..

Imlie would always be awake before him and send him good morning followed with several messages mainly listing out what she has planned for the day..
It felt comforting..
He unlocked his phone and frowned..

No messages

He tried not to think too much of it.. he shook his head and got up to get ready for work..

2 hours later:

Aryan drank some coffee and picked up his phone.. his phone was strangely silent.. there was no incoming messages.. and its been already 10am..

Was something wrong?

Surely nothing was wrong.. otherwise she would inform him.. or her parents would let him know..

He tried to concentrate back at his work.. he had an important project to handle.. and maybe she was busy with some school work.. she would contact him once she was free..

But what if something was really wrong?
Was she angry with him? But he had apologized last night.. she had bid bye with a smile.. even sent him a sweet goodnight message..

What if she is in some trouble?

The concern inside him won so he dialed her number.. which surprisingly was switched off.. he tensed more..

What the hell!

A sense of dread filled inside him as he stared at the screen.. This was so unlike Imlie. Since the time he has got to known her she has always been the one to call him and contact him daily. Not a day would go without her talking to him..

He wondered what to do next when his next client walked in.. reluctantly he got up to greet him trying his best to not be distracted with worry..

Two more hour passed and there was no news of Imlie. He was sick worried and he had kept trying to contact her even through out his meetings. He had badly failed to concentrate on it so he had apologized the client and informed they will have a new meeting..
He dialed Mr.Rao number hesitantly..
"Aryan! Son how are you?"
"I am good uncle.. Do you happen to know where Imlie is?" He questioned quickly..
There was a brief pause at the other end.. "Oh she had some urgent errand to take care of.. I have been trying her number too but as she returns i will let her know that you called.."
Aryan felt more frustrated.. "But where is she? Cant you tell me?"
Mr.Rao sighed.. "I think its upto her to inform you Son.. I will for sure let you know.."
Aryan cut the call and stared at his phone feeling lost on what to do next..

What was she hiding? What was her parents hiding?

He called his secretary and cancelled his schedule for the rest of the day.. It was time to find out the truth..

Aryan knocked on the door and waited.. her dad opened the door and for the very first time he saw sullen look on his face..
Even Mrs.Rao was seated in the sofa staring out the window looking deeply lost..
The house which always bloomed with laughter whenever he had come did not look same..

It was as if they had got a bad news..

"Is everything okay uncle?" Aryan inquired urgently..
"Ofcourse.." Mr. Rao ensured him hesitantly.. "Imlie just came home.. But she is not feeling well.. " his words trailed off.. "i will tell her to talk to you when she is better.."
Aryan tensed.. clearly something was wrong.. and no one would tell him what was going on..
"I need to see her.." he told them firmly..
"But Aryan.."
"Please uncle.. i must see her.. Now!" He felt more desperate..
Mrs.Rao interuppted them.. "Dear.. let Aryan see her.. maybe she will feel better then?"
Clearly he could read body language of her father that he was not happy about letting him see her.. and that made him more worried.. what exactly was going on that they did not want to share with him..
But it also did increase warning signs in his mind.. was he ready to know what they are yet to share?
As Mr.Rao stepped aside, Aryan rushed towards her room..

Arylie FF- Meant to be ♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt