Part 2

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After a while of being in the car driving, mom pulled up in the school parking lot.

We were very late but both Alex and I could give less fucks. Since we're seniors the school care less about our time of arrival as long as we show up eventually.

"Alright y'all, get out." Mom said.

"Thank you again Tash for the ride." Alex said as he opened the car door.

"No problem baby." Mom said back smiling through the rear view mirror.

Alex closed the door and began walking towards school, not before giving me an annoying smirk.

I mugged him back.

"You too girl get out, I have to go to work." Ma said.

"You just had to take his lil white ass to school with us huh." I said looking at her.

"Just say you happy you got to speak to your lil crush." Ma said laughing.

I did not have a crush on that man. Yes he was very attractive but his whorish ways made him very ugly.

"Girl bye." I said getting out the car also.

"Byeeeeee!" Mom yelled out as she drove away.

I took my AirPods out of my ears and put them back in their case and began to walk up to the school reception.

Alex was standing outside for some reason still.

"You gonna go in or what?" I asked looking at him suspiciously.

"I was waiting for you dummy." He said back grinning.

"Not to much now." I said back as we walked in together.

We got up to reception and were now currently being interrogated by the office lady about why we were late.

She looked to being in her mid 40s. She had long brown hair and a face that made you want to hide.

I stood there blankly as she threatened us.

Alex however, being the natural charmer he is was flirting with the lady to try convince her to let us go without detention.

"Come on Ms D, you know I'm your favourite person right?" He asked while licking his bottom lip and looking her up and down.

She looked flustered as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink and gave the impression she was completely possessed by this 18 year old demon.


I just decided to remain silent cause he seemed to know what he was doing.

"Both of you are going to have to have a detention but instead of 2 hours, I'll make it to 1." She said back whilst twirling a piece of her ratty brown hair.

"Thank you ma'am." Alex said back still giving her his famous all star grin.

She gave us our detention slips and sent us on our way to our classes . Since we came in so late it was now 2nd period.

"So you're that much of a hoe that you got old ladies around ya dick?" I said to him.

He gave me a lazy smile that made me wanna drop my panties.

"What makes you think I'm a hoe, Harms?" He asked while leaning against my locker.

Was this nigga delusional?

"Be so for real." I said back.

"I can name 10 girls I've seen you with in this past month ALONE." I said and begun listing names.

"Ok ok, I get it. Maybe I am a bit of a ladies man but having a good sex life is healthy." He said back as if he'd won.

"Boy, if you wanna be so healthy go eat a salad not fuck half of the state." I said with the same tone he used before.

He laughed, throwing his head back. His laugh was like music to my ears and I felt my knees go a little weak.

Like that Fantasia song.

"You hilarious, Harms."

Something about that lil nickname made be wanna buss.

"I know white boy." I said back.

"You wanna meet after detention to walk home together?" He asked.

"Nah, momma will be picking us up. Ain't nobody doing no walking in this cold ass weather." I said.

"You right."

He looked at me for a while. I'm usually quite good at reading people, but I couldn't figure out what this looks meant. His green eyes seemed to be scanning me almost as if he was looking for me to do something.

"Nigga quit looking at me and let's go to class." I said back, growing flustered under his gaze.

"That makes no sense." He said

"What doesn't?" I asked.

"You calling me the N word. I'm not black."

"Well no fucking shit whitey, I call you it bec-

Before I could finish my sentence he interrupted me.

"We need to find a new nickname for me, can't be up in here calling me that." He said.

"Not you silencing black voices?" I said back in an offended tone.

Y'all, I was just playing but the way this dude looked so scared.

"No i- i meant- no because you said-

"Chill white boy, I'm just playing. No need to turn pink." I said.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You play to much." He said.

We laughed some more and then went to Math class.

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