Part 3

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It was now lunch and I was sat at my usual table waiting for my best friend Genesis.

To distract myself from looking lonely I went on my phone switching between Instagram and Twitter.

alexander sent you a chat

Why was he snapping me?

I went over to Snapchat to see what he wanted.

A: Wya
H: lunch
A: Where should I meet you to go to detention
H: we have last period together so we'll just go together
A: Oh yeah
A: I forgot
H: yeah cause u stupid as hell
A: No need for the hostility harms 😘
H: there's always a need when ur involved😘
A: Whatever u say harmy


Chile lemme stop, I know I liked that.

"Girl, who got you smiling at your damn phone?"

I looked up and long behold my dear best friend.

"Bitch, hush." I said as she sat down and opened up a pack of chips.

She snatched my phone out my hand and read the conversation me and Alex had.

"Since when you been friends with that white boy?" She asked as she handed me my phone back.

I explained everything that happened starting from this morning and she took in every word.

"Ooooo so you finally spoke to your crushhh." She said in a sing song voice.

She play too much.

"Why everybody saying I have a crush on this man, first mama now you." I said as I stole one of her chips.

"First of all, get your black ass hand out of my chips, second of all you know me and mama T are never wrong. You like the dude." She said.

Maybe I do? But how can I have liked him if today was the first time I'd even spoke to him.

"Shit, he is fine as fuck and funny." I said back considering her accusations.

"Exactly why you should make a move on him." She said back now having finished with her chips.

"Plus, the dude lives right next door so you can fuck whenever you want."

"Girl, behave."

"Who said he liked black girls anyway and I'm not exactly the most popular choice even if he did." I said back.

I loved being black. I was dark skin and had beautiful mid length 4c hair. Sure I loved wearing wigs and braids and shit, but I also really enjoyed having my natural hair out.

I'd never had a real boyfriend before since all the dudes in my predominantly white school did not mess around with black girls. Now that I think about it, I'd never seen Alex with any other race but his own.

Scary as fuck.

I also wasn't skinny like all his girls. I had big thighs, a flat ass, a big stomach and massive saggy boobs.

If I didn't see myself as attractive I doubt anyone else would.

"Girl shut up, you are sexy as fuck and he would be lucky to be graced with a beautiful black women like yourself." She said back praising me.

"If it bothers you that much then ask him."

The bell went and me and Gen finished our conversation.

I now had English with Alex so I went to the class.

I was one of the first to get there so I had first dibs on seats. One thing about me, imma sit in the back left hand corner every single time.

I went and sat down and put my AirPods in.

About 5 minutes later, the class came in and everyone took a seat.

Alex walked in graced with a blonde girl. She seemed to be clinging on to him and he looked like he was trying to escape.

His eyes wandered looking for a familiar face when his gaze landed on mine.

"Get off me McKenzie." He said in a stern voice still looking at me.

Of course her names McKenzie.

"Your so sexy though." She said back in an annoyingly high pitched voice.

He rolled his eyes then looked at me and he looked as if he had just come up with an idea.

"Get your bony ass hand off me, I have a girlfriend." He said.

He had a girlfriend?

Damn, guess I lost my little bit of fun.

"You have a girlfriend?" The blonde, now known as McKenzie spoke.

"Yeah, she's over there." He said pointing to me.

I know you lying.

Ain't no way this dude used me to get the hoe away from him.

He walked over to me and slumped in the seat besides me.

He then draped his arm around my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek.

His lips felt like pillows on my skin and I could've swore I felt electricity pass through my body.

"Hey baby." He said.

As mad as I was I realised the situation and just went along with him.

"Hey bae." I said back.

McKenzie stomped off and sat in a seat on the other side of class.

"Sorry bout that Harms, she's been bothering me all day." He said arms still draped around me.

"Your good, just tell me you ain't been kissing anyone else today. Don't need my cheek catching stds." I said back smiling.

He threw his head back and laughed.

"You can't catch stds through your cheek stupid. And no I haven't kissed anyone else today beside you." He said still grinning.

"Mhm." I said back.

"Class had started everyone shut up." My teacher Ms Hunter spoke.

"You gotta have more faith in me baby." Alex said before he went in and kissed my forehead.

I'm so wet rn istg.


Lesson finished and me and Alex were now in our detention. He was sat beside me playing with the ends of my ass length braids.


We were now walking outside of school waiting for mom.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Of course." He said back.

"Would you go out with black girls?" I asked.

"I've never been with any, mostly cause all the girls that fling themselves at me are white and easy. But yeah, they're beautiful, especially the one in front of me right now." He said giving me his stupid smile.

"Preciate it white boy." I said back. If I was white my cheeks would definitely be red.

"No prob Black girl." He said.

I gave him a side eye.

"Too much?"

"Way too much."

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