Rise!Leo x witch!reader

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Hiiiiiii, I missed you guys this is a request (pictured above) and it's loosely based off of owl house and btw never seen it before so take that into account. I hope this meets expectations I used Neem oil from the Harry Potter wiki when I couldn't make something weird on my own for a potion ingredient or potion but that wiki is wild I'll say I have a headache from reading it so credits to whoever wrote that shit anyway enough brain dump here is neon Leon @Alex_the_weirdo45

"Just a little longer." (Y/N) said, waiting for the time on her phone to hit 8.

Why? You may ask.

Well, that's when the shop that (Y/N) frequents the most for its wide range of ingredients. From edible food-making ingredients to deadly potion ingredients, some isles have edible and non-edible ingredients on the same shelves. Which was dangerous, but it's a store in the hidden market. And that's all I have to say to justify that statement.
Waiting outside on the sidewalk (Y/N) brightened as the owner shuffled to the door turning the sign to open. Upon seeing (Y/N), they immediately made a face akin to someone holding in the biggest bowel buster in history and waddled back to the counter.
Entering without a second thought (Y/N) made their way around the store, gathering ingredients they were running low on or out of. Even getting a few things to restock in their kitchen.

"Woah, this place is cool."

A voice drifted into the store as 4 bodies entered the store. The owner immediately looked as if he wanted to murder a small village. Probably hoping that they only came in to look around.

"Donnie, what is...actually, what is this, and how do you say it?" (Y/N) peaked around the aisle at the voice that seemed closer now. Eyeing a tall, slender green man with a hunch back...no...shell? Hold out a bottle of meek oil.

"Oh, that's need oil." (Y/N) stated, recognizing the product. "It comes from a Neem tree and is used in Fergus Fungal Budge."

The 2 green men, now obviously turtles exchanged glances; the purple-branded one gave (Y/N) a curious glance.

"what's Fergus Fungal Budge do?"

"it treats ringworm infections in the feet." (Y/N) stated.

"Who are you, oh knowledgeable of the weird and disdain?" The blue branded turtle said, kneeling in front of (Y/N). He had charming red stripes along his eyes, speaking of which were so big and trained on your face.

"Um, I'm (Y/N)." You moved the shopping basket to free a hand and extended it to him. "I'm not from around here."

That was how you met Leo; after telling him and his brothers more about yourself, you exchanged contact info and went about your separate ways. The two of you exchanged calls and texts before meeting at a small cafe in the hidden market. Where you currently were deciding what drink to get, helping Leo pick between all the weird concoctions.

"What's that?" He'd ask, pointing to an item on the menu.

"that is a tea comprised of rose petals and mint."

"What about this?"

"that has ginseng, matcha, and brown sugar."

"Woah, this one looks so cool."

"That's plain black coffee."

After helping Leo pick a bakery item and a drink that wouldn't help hype him up, you made yourselves comfy in a booth near the window.

"Wow, it's so cool that you can do all this stuff with the flick of your wrist." He said, his chin resting on his palms as he gazed at you with wonder and admiration.

"Well, used to. My tracks restrict what types of magic I do, remember?" Asking as you thanked the server for bringing your goodies.

"So you're saying that if I burn my tongue on this hot chamomile tea, you could heal it?" He asked, holding his drink expectedly. You nodded but immediately grabbed his drink and blew into it to help cool it off.

"That doesn't mean I want you to hurt yourself to see my abilities. I can still make potions remember." Handing back his chamomile tea, you smiled, watching him take the drink and sip it cautiously. He thought back to when you met brewing his brother Raph, a potion that helped calm the mind and relieve stress after he confessed he wished he had the ability to brew something similar.

"This is good, and this." He gestured to the chocolate-filled scone. "Amazing as well."

"You haven't even tried it."

"I can just tell."

As the day drew to a close, Leo walked you back to the magic portal that separated your world and his; he sighed, looking over at you.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye." He began to pout and give you a puppy-eyed look.

"Well, not exactly. You'll see me tomorrow when I come for the game night." He immediately brightened and took your hands, pulling you close in a hug.

"I must say that of all the humans we've met or saved, you've been my favorite since day one." He sighed, letting go, seeing you eye him curiously and opening your mouth. "No, it's not because you can make magic either."

"it's because you are amazing; you are the bread to my PB&J sandwich. Ya know, 'cause you keep me together. Anyway, the point is, would you wanna be the bread to my PB&J sandwich?" He asked nervously, smiling at you and rocking back and forth.

"Absolutely, only as long as it's Bunny Bread, though."

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