Mikey X reader pt 1 (REWRITE)

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so there is a few obvious differences in this one and the original i have more detail and i wadded a few more scenes in it. I tried to make Mikey more than just a goofy character like i did in the first one as a well as series neutral, meaning any series you imagiine him as you can use.

 I didn't make thei readers whole personality Italian but there are a few things that make it more obvious the reader has Italian heritage then just a regular joe. That being said the reader also is gender neutral as well so here you are loveliessss <3

Mikey was afraid. He was grieving. He didn't know how he felt at the time but now he knew how to categorize it. It made him feel a bit better but when he was there it felt like a new day would bring new hardships. He felt out of place among his brothers. Leo was in a comatose state, Raph sat by watching the unconscious blue banded turtle to wait for a sign he might wake up. Donnie busied himself in the lab working on a cure for his eldest brother.

Mikey didn't know what to do he had no skills akin to helping his brothers or to even help April or Casey. He only knew a few skills to which he dove into. He chopped firewood to keep the winter chill from reaching the house and his eldest brother in the bathroom upstairs. He fed whatever chickens were left at the farmhouse and made sure to feed his family.

Mikey developed a habit for baking when he became stressed. He also began to cook more during this time, to which everyone forced themselves to eat having no appetite after their hardships in NYC. But he pressed on.

He went into the woods a few times during this snowy icy period, gathering firewood. He'd never expected to stumble upon a human this far into the wood in all honesty.

"I wonder if nonna will even use these." he tilts his head to find a hiding place where he could observe you. You were picking berries this far into winter and he was unsure how that was possible.

"Go pick me some Winter Berries bambina." he watched your face turn to that of confusion. "Nonno doesn't even like these."

I observed you as you pulled your heavy jacket closer to your body when a particularly harsh wind blew into you. He noticed the cold induced flush that settles across your cheeks and nose. You were certainly a very cute human, he smiled at the thought of being your friend. He also realized he hadn't smiled like that in a long time.

"I'm too cold to be doing this shit, I love nonna but i love being warm more." he watched as you turned and made your way back out of the forest, following to make sure you got to your car safely.

Hed do this a few more times until like spring did winter you melted the icy hold his sadness held on his heart. He hadn't spoken a word to you, but he already knew you'd be a wonderful person. He also noticed how you spoke to yourself a lot he assumed that maybe you had a big family like him and that it was hard for you to speak to them, so you spoke to yourself and the nature around you. Unknowingly you spoke to him as well. This went on until the wildflowers began to bloom.

"Why do i always fall for nonna's helpless act?" he heard you ask yourself as you picked flowers for you nonna, he watched as you smiled fondly. It was getting warmer noted by your choice of a thin tan cardigan over top a pale green camisole. He saw how instead of grimacing at the breeze you now looked blissful often tilting your head back eyes closed and smiling. He was now able to hide in the canopies as the leaves had grown back.

The birds seemed to sing at the sight of your beautiful face had Mikey been able to confidently, he'd have joined in. Singing at the sight of your beautiful smile, there was still a slight flush to your cheeks, but it wasn't a struggle for warmth like before. You seemed to flush at being so happy and free. Mikey flushed to at the sight of your decolletage and the simple necklace that decorated the bare skin there.

He felt entranced, so entranced in fact he hadn't noticed the cracking sound of the branch he was perched on until it broke free of the trunk and plummeted to the ground. With him still perched on it. The first thing he saw was your pretty eyes widening in fear as you jumped out of the way to avoid being hit by what you assumed was a huge tree branch. He hit the ground with a thud and a groan. Finding you standing there with a wide-eyed look of confusion. Unsure if you needed to help, hurt or run away from him.

"Are you ok?" your brain opted for the first option; you watched as he sat up rubbing his head groaning. His eyes widened at the realization of his predicament. And he slowly looked at you, his baby blue hues meeting yours as you both stood there unmoving.

"Sorry..." he cowered under your questioning gaze, and he almost seemed nervous. He scratched his head before holding a three fingered hand out to you. "I'm Mikey."

The wind picked up once more seemingly shoving you to hold his hand. You his hand with your own.

"Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)"

Choosing to not scream bloody murder was a good choice on my part. Mikey and I had begun to hang out a lot more so now when I had to come out here to get things for my nonna, I had a friend to talk to. But i had a surprise. This time I wasn't just doing things for my nonna, I planned a secret picnic for us.

"Ok watch your step.'' I helped him over the root incline before we stepped in front of the picnic. "Now open your eyes."

Mikey's baby blue hues opened to find a blanket laid out with a woven basket to the side. A small foldable table sat between two pillows meant to be seats. He listened to your giggle as you walked over removing your shoes to walk barefoot across the blanket where you took a seat on the pillow. He sat across from you as you pulled things from the basket.

"I know you said you liked pizza, but my nonna believes that there is more to Italy than pizza. So, I brought some other traditional foods." you said pulling out two things of Tupperware. "I Bought ravioli stuffed with pork, and a Caprese salad. There is a desert too."

Mikey was speechless, for the first time in his life he didn't know what to say. He looked in your eyes as you smiled at him brightly. A single tear formed in his eyes and fell down his cheek, traveling to his neck and plastron. Your smile fell as a look of concern took its place.

"Mikey?" you pulled out some tissues and leaned over, drying the tear up. "What's wrong?"

More tears fell as you quickly moved your pillow next to his and began drying up his tears. The weight he carried in his shoulders fell and he felt like he was finally in a place where he could be cared for. Not that his brothers didn't care for him, but with you it seemed different. He hadn't felt care like this in a long time.

He told you the reason for his coming to the farmhouse and everything he's been feeling. All his worries about his brothers. His loss of his father and anything in between.

"I just feel so weak and useless," he said, looking at the ground. You cupped his cheek and wiped away the last tear that fell.

"You're anything but useless or weak." you said, smiling brightly at him. "From everything you've told me so far, I think you're very strong. It takes a lot to smile into the face of danger and despair. Even more so to not explode when that's the very thing you want to do most."

"Thank you."

"Let's eat the foods that are getting cold." you moved back across from him and began explaining the dishes to him. He was pretty sure that then and there he decided he loved you. He felt like he could be anywhere in the world but would always be happy next to you. 

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