2012 Mikey x Reader pt. 1

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 Rewritten later in this book.

When the krangg took over New York, and the turtles were beaten they moved to O'Neil family farm house. Leo was in a coma with raph by his side every minute. Donnie was working on a mutagen medication to help his eldest brother's state. April would help when ever she could. Casey was, well....he was Casey. Mikey spent his time working on the farm. From feeding chickens to chopping wood. He was scared for his family.

He was usually the happy one. He kept spirits high, and never missed a chance to smile. But now he never smiled, he was gray and dull. But when he saw her it changed. He had been in the woods that day. Trying to get his mind off of the current events.

When he herd a twig snap he took to the trees and watched to see what happened. But you walked out and he calmed.

Just a human he thought. You were walking through with a ukelele in one hand and the bridle to a beautiful American Painthorse.

"Andiamo, per favore Belezza?" You said in Italian to the horse. The horse just stood there and looked at you. You ran a hand through your (h/c).

"Fine we can take a break. I'll play us some music." You tied her to a tree and put the strap around your neck and began to play.
(^the video at the top^)

Mikey was nodding along in the tree. He had never heard someone play so well. Scratch that he had never heard anyone play at all, but he was glad that you were the first.

The branch he was on grew weak, and began to crack. Uh oh he thought. The branch broke and you jumped and held the guitar up as a weapon. Belezza rose to rear standing on her back hooves in fear. You dropped the guitar and grabbed the bridle to calm her pulling her face down to yours. You rubbed her head.

"Va bene, calmati." You whispered to her. Your horse calmed down and you turned to the humanoid turtle.

"Um..he-hello." You stuttered. Mikey jumped to his feet a waved.

"Hi I'm Michaelangelo but you can call me mikey. What's your name? I like your horse. Is it a boy or a girl? Do you ride horses. Can I pet this one." He said with a big smile on his face.

Your eyes widened and you stared at him clearing your throat to speak.
"Hello mikey my name is (Y/n), thank you, shes a girl yes I ride horses. And yes you can pet her." You smiled at him.

He walked over to Belezza and stuck his three fingered hand out. She sniffed it and nudged it with her nose. He rubbed her head and turned to you. You smiled at him as an idea came to mind.

"Would you like to join me for a ride Mikey?" You asked. His face lit up and he eagerly nodded. You giggled and stepped the ukelele in the case connected to the saddle and mounted the horse and held a hand out to Mikey. He took it and you pulled him up and onto Belezza. You turned to him as he placed his hands on your waist to steady himself.

"Ready?" You asked he nodded.
"Better hold on tight." You 'hyahed' and Belezza took off mikey let out a squeal of excitement. You ran across the empty field and jumped over a fallen tree.

This continued until mikey had to go home. He gave you directions to the farm house and you took him there on Belezza. When you reached the farm house Mikey hopped off and turned in your direction.

"Will I ever see you again?" you asked

"Depends, do you plan on riding back through here." You smiled and nodded.

"Of course you had a lasting impression on me." You leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Arrivederci Michelangelo." You said before you galloped away on Belezza.

Howdy readers if I'm not so sure about that ending but if you liked this then I hope you request more like this.

Te amo
~ Lelia

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