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BUT APPARENTLY, FATE DIDN'T want you to move on. Three days before the boy you had fallen for was getting married, he showed up one more time in front of your door, this time without warning.

You had just gotten dressed in your official palace trench coat, ready to scout the halls and check for anything in disarray. It was an unpleasant job, and honestly, you hated it. However, when Armin's fiancee assigned you to take care of the decor for the wedding, you just couldn't say no. She was too kind for you to resist and it honestly made you feel bad that you had grown a disliking to her because she was marrying Armin.

It was already eight in the morning and Mikasa had left around an hour ago to attend to Princess Historia's requests. It suddenly came to you that she wasn't aware of your breakdown a few days ago nor the incident you had witnessed. You decided to let it remain that way.

You were going to move on.

Sike, said fate the moment you opened the door and Prince Armin came into your line of sight. You blinked a couple of times, trying to confirm that you weren't hallucinating.

"What are you doing here?" you asked, gripping the checklist you were holding firmly as you felt your cheeks rise in temperature. "And where's your fiancee? Aren't you supposed to be with her?"

He pouted. "I'm hurt," he murmured. "You're really gonna ask about her first thing in the morning? Well, she went out to go shopping in town."

"At eight in the morning?" you queried, a little stupefied. "Wow, she must have some ridiculous powers if she could bend the opening hours of shops in town." Armin grinned at that, which made your heart leap out of your chest. Not again.

He cleared his throat before burrowing his hands in the pockets of his pants. "Anyway, I'm here because I want to talk to you."

You slowly nodded, gesturing for him to shoot whatever he needed to say.

"You know what I mean by that. Let's go to the meadows."

You heaved an annoyed sigh before throwing your checklist on your bed, stepping out of the room right after, and closing the door behind you. "Lead the way, Blond Coconut."

"Aw, I certainly missed your absurd name-calling," he cooed sarcastically as you made your way out of the back lobby and to the stables. "The princess is a little too nice and boring to be calling me names."

You chuckled. "Oh, insulting your wife so early in the morning? Should I go tell her you're saying mean things about her behind her back?" Honestly, you felt the evil inside you stir in amusement at his insult.

"Like you can do that anyway."

"Watch me."

For a moment, the two of you locked eyes, and once again, you found yourself falling for him all over again. If only you could wrap your arms around him and plant a kiss on his soft and tender-looking lips, life would be perfect. Unfortunately, you can't. Life was indeed very cruel.

REGALLY BLOND. armin arlertWhere stories live. Discover now