Remember the Time

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Third person pov:
You quite enjoyed this type of weather, it was your favorite actually. A misty day with light rain here and there. The clouds weren't dark or gloomy to you, they just felt as if they were protecting you from something. Being outside brought you so much joy because it was just you and your thoughts, or music if you were feeling like it, it gave a nice sense of peace and clarity. An escape. What are you trying to escape exactly? Your family.

As much as you wanted to make the first step and get as far away from them as you could, they made the first move. They sent you away to an academy called Nevermore Academy. You've never heard of such a place and didn't really care to look it up either. All that mattered was getting away.

First person pov:
My parents sat in front of me as they drove us to the academy. There wasn't much I could do except enjoy the light rain hit the window and listen to music. No matter what the situation was my music always seemed to get me in the right vibe. My current fav is an oldie but a goodie. It's none other than You Rock My World by Michael Jackson. This song never fails to get me back in the right mood regardless if I have my mother yelling and cursing me out.

The ride to Nevermore wasn't quick or smooth at all. My mother always managed to irritate me by making unnecessary comments like "Do you really have to wear that y/n?" or her favorite "Why didn't you put any make up on? Don't you want to look good when we go out?" My father just sat there not saying a word out of fear that she would tell him something for "defending" me. God forbid that ever happened.

I honestly didn't really care how I looked. As long as I felt comfortable in what I chose then that's alright. Sometimes I went to the comfortable route like today with just gray joggers and a t-shirt that was beige with half a moth and half of a heart that was set on fire. I didn't necessarily feel like wearing makeup today because we were just moving me in and I was going to sweat. Why waste good makeup like that and irritate my skin?

I knew our trip was coming to end as I saw the gates just outside the campus that said Nevermore Academy. It was surrounded my miles of woods and trees and animals of all sorts. The amount of deer I had seen on our drive in made my heart swell.

As we got closer and closer I started to feel nervous. My hands started to sweat and I felt chills down my spine. I feared that I wouldn't fit in and it would drive me to a place I didn't want to go back to.

Now one thing to know about me is that I'm an outcast. My mother is one as well, but my father is a normie. My mother and I come from a very long line of witches. Each witch is gifted with their own special ability upon birth. My mothers ability is telekinesis and mine is teleportation.

I've grown to love my ability because it's gotten me out of situations more times than I can count, but it's also gotten me into some trouble every now and then. Ever since my family found out which ability I acquired, they've trained me to control and understand my ability. The greatest teacher I ever had was my grandmother. She was the most powerful witch I had ever met. Covens from all over would come to our house and learn the things she knew. She was loved by all, but no one could love her more than I did.

When I turned 14, she died. I never knew what the cause of death was and I'll never forgive myself for not knowing. After she passed, my teaching was left to my mother. That's were our relationship went downhill. Mother would get angry and aggressive when I would mess up on our lessons. It got to the point where she would start using her powers on me as punishment. Like throwing me against the wall and leaving me there or constricting my airways. I've never looked at my mother the same since.

A/N: okay y'all this is the first time I've ever written anything so I'm sorry if this is really bad😭. I've already written a couple chapters but I'm a little unsure of how a want to post them. Also I'm sorry if there are any mistakes in this it's not proofread. But please let me know if y'all want shorter chapters or if this length is fine. Happy reading<33

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