Into you

179 16 1

I grabbed my phone to check the time to see if it was almost time to head to Principal Weems office. When I looked it read 8:00. I had practically finished just about all my clothes and set up everything in my bathroom. All that was left was to just hang up some decorations.

8:20 rolled around and I decided to make my way over to Weems office. I didn't want to make a bad impression by being late. I grabbed my jacket, headed out the door and made sure to lock it behind me. The walk to the office didn't take me that long. I know I could've just teleported here, but I rather enjoy walking. I arrived at her door at 8:28. I knocked on her door three times and waited for a response. "Come in." I opened the door and saw her sat at her desk with her eyes fixated on her computer.

"Ah Miss y/l/n please come, have a seat." I sat down in the chair in the middle of her and immediately started to get anxious. I didn't know what it was but every time I was around her she made me feel soft and anxious. I couldn't comprehend it.

"So what did you want to discuss Miss Weems?" I finally looked up after I spoke I saw that she had been starring at me the entire time. It was hard for me maintain eye contact with her but I tried my hardest to not seem disrespectful. She had a little smirk on her lips as she noticed my nervousness and began to lean forward on her desk and spoke, "I wanted to talk to you about your schedule and see how you were settling in dear."

"I'm almost finished setting up my room so that's  good. Also, Professor Thornhill came by and gave me a welcoming gift. It was a beautiful sunflower. It's actually my favorite type and she said she knew it was the perfect fit for me the second she met me." I said laughing a bit at the last sentence. Principal Weems faced didn't seem to take much amusement as I said the last sentence. I kicked myself for making her upset. "Well wasn't that nice of her." She said in a fake happy tone.

"I'm glad to hear you're settling in well darling. Now I just wanted to ask you what sort of extracurricular you were interested in taking. Here..." she hands me paper with a list of classes I can take, "these are all the classes we offer, but you can only choose one." I take a glance the paper and see they offer both Athletics and Art. I'm torn between the two because I want to take both, but I can't. That sadness quickly faded when remembered that she taught the art class. "I'm sorry um didn't you say that you taught the art class here?"

"Yes I do dear" she said with a smirk. "We just started offering that course this year and I've been trying to get kids to sign up for it. Would you like that as your extracurricular?" I didn't need anymore time to think. "Yes please!" Oh god that sounded desperate. As I looked up, I saw she had an amused smirk on her face. "Excellent choice darling."

She stood up from her desk and made her way towards me. I froze in place not knowing to do other than just stare at her. She was absolutely tantalizing. The way she walked, held herself, the sound of her heels clicking the floor. It all made me weak in the knees. I was snapped out of day dreaming when I heard, "Y/n...Y/n? Miss y/l/n?" My eyes shot up and my jaw closed. "Oh I- uh- I'm so sorry ma'am. I don't know what happened." I heard her giggle after I finished stuttering. "It's quite alright dear. Here's your schedule." She handed me my schedule and I saw that I had Art first thing in the morning with her. "Thank you so much Miss Weems. Was that all?" She sat back against her desk still looking at me with an amused look. She looked me up and done and her mouth sprang open like wanted to say something, but she didn't. "Yes dear that is all. You have a good night now. Remember lights out is at 10 so you have some time to finish up your dorm. Tomorrow you and I will be taking a tour of the school since classes start on Monday the following day." I started to get butterflies in stomach when she said this. Just her and I taking a stroll through the campus together, yes please.

"Okay great thank you ma'am. I'll see you tomorrow at..?" I said with a questioning look. "I'll be by your dorm at 10:30am so don't be late." I nodded my head in agreement fearful that I might say something dumb. I got up from the chair and Weems immediately put her hand on my lower back walking with me to the door. As she opened it I turned and faced and gave her a soft smile and said, "Thank you Principal Weems. Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow." She gave me smile back and brought her hand up to my face. Her hand softly brushed a stray piece of hair from my face and tucked behind my ear while starring intently into my eyes. God she had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I could get lost in them forever and never complain. Her hands were the softest thing you had ever felt and the gesture made me lean into the touch. She noticed this let out a light chuckle. "Goodnight darling. Sleep well, I'll see you tomorrow morning."

I made my way back to room at a much slower pace than did getting over here. My head was filled the thoughts of her. Her smile, her skin, her eyes, her gentleness, the height. My god I've never seen a woman this tall before.

I finally got my room and plopped right on my bed still day dreaming about the tall blonde woman. She was making me feels things I've never felt before. Things I couldn't quite explain. None the less I shook my head and got ready for bed not forgetting to set my alarm to meet with Weems. Tomorrow is another day.

A/N: this woman plagues my thoughts and I ain't mad about it😌 Happy Reading<333

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