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The room filled with my groans and the sound of my alarm blaring. I reached over to turn it off, but I decided to still laid in bed for a couple more minutes. I grabbed my phone and scrolled on TikTok for a bit since I decided to set my alarm for 8:30. I usually do this to give myself some time in bed to wake up and then I'll start getting dressed.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it was 9:00. I had an hour till Weems would come by to get me for our tour. My heart started to race at the fact that her and I would be spending time together. I hopped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom for a quick shower. I did my skin care routine and washed my hair. Once I was done with my shower I decided to let my hair down because I didn't want to mess with wet curls. I applied a bit of makeup so I didn't look as dead.

I checked my phone to see that it was 9:50 so it was time to get dressed as Weems would be here any minute. I decided to go casual today, just a pair of skinny jeans and a cute top to go with along with my vans. I had just finished getting dressed when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in." Just as I suspected it was Principal Weems. Goodness she looked absolutely stunning today. Her hair was a perfect up do with her signature red lips, heels and gorgeous green dress that hugged all the right curves. "Good morning dear. Are you ready for your Nevermore tour?" Her voice broke me out of my trance and I gulped before I spoke. "Oh uh y-yes I'm ready." I felt myself begin to blush as I stared at her.

"Come on darling. Don't want to waste precious daylight now would we?" She said with a tilted head and little smirk. "No ma'am we wouldn't. Please lead the way." She gave a little hum after I said that making me a little nervous.

We made our way downstairs towards the center of the school. Along the way she would tell me the history of Nevermore and how it came to be. I started to gain a better understanding of the school and appreciate it a little more. I kinda wish I did some research on the place now, but oh well here we are. On our way the "quad", as Weems called it, we ran into some students. Some waving at the blonde and some just minding their own business.

"Here we are y/n. This is the quad. Here you'll find just about every student at Nevermore. The students like to come here and hang with each other and play around a bit, but nothing too extreme." My eyes scanned the big outdoor area in wonderment. "Wow this such a beautiful place Principal Weems."

"It truly is dear." She said in soft tone holding her hands in front of her. "Oh look there's some one I want you to meet." We made our way to a table full of girls. One particularly caught me. A girl with a bubbly personality and short blonde hair that was colored pink and blue at the tips was chatting up a storm. "Hello ladies." The table got quite and stared at us. It made me feel like I was put on a spotlight. "Hello Principal Weems how are you today? Oh who's this?"

"I'm doing fine Enid thank you for asking. I wanted to introduce you all to our new student y/n y/l/n. I hope you all will give her a grand Nevermore welcome." I looked at Weems as she spoke to the group of students. I couldn't help but noticed how she glowed in the outdoor light. Her beautiful face lit up so perfectly it was like watching the most grandest piece of art come to life.

"Of course we will!" said the cheerful blonde. "Wonderful. I'll leave you all to get to know one another." Before I even had time to be sad about Weems leaving, I was dragged to a seat at the table and everyone stared at me.

"Tell us about yourself y/n! I want to know all about you!!" I stared at her with raised brows and a little smile. "Well there's not much to know about me to be honest. Um I'm from a little town in literally the middle of no where. I'm an only child and I like art, music and sports."

"Ou ou I like sports too! Are you taking athletics? We could be partners!" I gave a little chuckle as I saw how enthusiastic she was. "Ha sadly no I'm not, but I could use a running buddy if you're interested?" In a blink of eye she was hugging me and squealing. "OH MY GOSH YES!! I'D LOVE TO!" I couldn't help but laugh with her. I knew for a fact that she was going to be one of closest friends here.

"Great give me your phone and I'll put my number in so we can set up a time." She quickly hand me her phone to put my number in. "Alright here you go. I already texted myself so I could have yours too."

"Perfect! Hey do you want to come hang with us later tonight to start off the new year? It'll be fun I promise!" She gave me a little wink after she said that earning her a soft smile and chuckle from me. "Uh yeah sure just text me when you're ready."

"Great I'll see you then. Bye!" I waved at her as she left with her group of friends leaving me alone at the table. I was honestly a little nervous about tonight. I don't do all that well at social gatherings, but I'm desperate to make some friends. I slowly  made my way back to my dorm while listening to some music to put me in a good mood. I started to get lost in my own thoughts just listening to my music and ended up taking a detour through out campus. This place was truly beautiful and its structure was definitely something to admire.

A/N: so this was gonna be wayyyy longer but I decided to split it into two parts and I'm sorry for taking so long to update. School has really been kicking my ass😀 Also, I'm finally writing this books first smut chapter so it's coming upppp. Happy Reading<333

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