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After mindlessly wandering the place for a while, it started to get dark. I thought about wether or not I should start heading to my dorm or not, but I decided to do it anyways out of fear of getting in trouble. I took my sweet time walking, not paying attention to where I was going when I bumped into something. "Oh shit." "Watch your language young lady." I froze out of fear knowing exactly who I ran in to and quickly apologized while keeping my eyes to the floor. "I'm sorry Miss Weems. I didn't mean any disrespect. I was just-" "Look at me when you're speaking y/n. You said you meant no disrespect did you not?" I tried my best to look up at her but I couldn't. She noticed my anxiousness and lifted my chin up with her index finger. I was finally able to make eye contact with the blonde and I swallowed my saliva and tried to calm my breathing. "Now what were u saying dear." "I'm sorry for cussing Miss Weems and for bumping into you. I didn't mean any disrespect or harm. I was just walking to my dorm."

"Well it is quite late Miss y/l/n. Lights out was 15 minutes ago." I stared at her with wide eyes and an open mouth. I immediately started to panic knowing I already screwed up before school even started. "Oh I- I- I'm sorry Miss Weems I wasn't keeping track of the time. I-" I could barely say what wanted to. My anxiety taking over I started to shake. "Woah woah hey, it's okay, it's alright. I understand you wanted to explore the campus a bit more before your first day. I'm not upset y/n, there's no need to worry." I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding. My anxiety immediately started to fade once I felt her hands caress my arms to calm me down. I looked up at her and saw she had a soft smile as she touched me. Her hand made its way to brush a stray hair out of my face and I instantly blushed at the touch. I smiled at the gesture and face turned an even darker shade of red. "You're absolutely adorable y/n." "I- um thank you Miss Weems."

"Why don't you follow me to my office. I have something I need to give you." "Yes of course please." I gestured for her to lead the way and I quickly followed like a puppy with its owner. The walk to her office was not long at all. She opened the door and motioned for me to get inside. "Please, have a seat on the sofa by the fire place. Wouldn't want you to get cold now." I gave a nod and smile and made my way to the sofa. Her kindness towards me nothing like I had ever felt before. I always safe and content around her. She came back to the couch with a glass of wine in her hand and bottle of water for me. I quickly realized that I hadn't been drinking as much water as I should and immediately took a sip. "Thank you Miss Weems I needed it." "I figured you did after your little attack a couple of minutes ago."

"So what did you need to give me ma'am." "Mmm ma'am. I do love a woman with manners." My face instantly turned a bright shade of red. I felt hot and I couldn't tell if that was from me or the fire place. "Well that's just how I was raised." I said with a soft smile. God the way she looked today was just stunning. The light from the fire outlined her features flawlessly like a painting come to life. She never failed to leave in a state of awe and bewilderment. She was truly something to behold and cherish and that's exactly what I wanted to do. "Y/n? Y/n..." I shook my head and cleared my throat. "Oh uh y-yes I'm sorry ma'am. What were you saying?" She chuckled at my actions and I blushed even more turning me a bright red color. "I was asking you what color you prefer for your uniform." "Oh I didn't know we had to wear uniforms, but colors do you have?" She gestured for me to follow her to her desk where she had pictures of the different types of uniforms.

She sat a lot her computer and pulled up the pictures. "These are the uniforms we offer." I got closer to the screen to see and saw they had to three different colors. A dark blue, dark purple and an all black. As I looked at the screen, I could see Principal Weems starting at me through the corner of my eye. I turned my head to face her only to meet her an inch away from me. I could feel her breath on mine as I jumped from looking at her lips to her eyes. Everything around me suddenly stood still. My heart was racing out of my chest I could have sworn she could hear it. Her eyes kept bouncing between my lips and eyes and I felt us gravitate closer and closer. She pulled away and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding just as I did. "Um I- I- I think I'm going to go with the (choose your own color) one."

"Excellent choice dear. Just give me a moment I'll be right back." In a flash she hopped up from her seat and went towards a door that lead to another room. I went to the front of desk and leaned against it trying to steady my breathing. Before I was fully able to, the blonde reappeared with my uniform in hand. She stood directly in front me trapping me between her and desk. We finally made direct eye contact and her hand came up to me to hand me my uniform. "Here you go dear." "Thank you m-ma'am."

Her hand came up to my arm and she soothingly rubbed it. I felt calm, safe and a little nervous all at once. All of sense went dead except for touch. My skin craved to be touch by her again but I didn't want to assume anything.

She leaned down closer to me and put her fingers under my chin and said, "You have such beautiful eyes, did you know that?" I swallowed so hard at her statement. "T-Thank you miss. Yours are beautiful as well. The most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen actually." Her lips turned in a little smirk and for once I think I made her blush. "Quite the charmer today are we Miss y/l/n."

I didn't know what to say so I just shook my head at her. "Oh so you're like this with everyone huh?" "N-no ma'am I was just- I- I- I didn't-"

"It's quite alright dear I knew what you meant. But I do believe it is way past your curfew and you need to head to bed. You have classes tomorrow and we wouldn't want you dragging on the first now would we?" I shook my head rapidly saying, "No ma'am we wouldn't."

"Smart girl." she said with a smirk as she tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. Her hand traveled to my cheek as her thumb softly caressed it. Mindlessly, my hand met hers on my face and I gently rubbed it admiring how soft her skin is. I nuzzled my face into her palm closing my eyes and humming softly at the peace and calmness it brought me. I opened my eyes back up and quickly realized I needed to head to my dorm. "I think I should be heading to my dorm now." I didn't want to leave this very moment. Her face was so close to mine and it took everything in me not to jump at her lips. She shook her head finally realizing what was going on and stepped back for me to walk towards the door. "Right yes of course dear. Here let me walk you to the door." Her hand gestures for me to walk towards the door and I did. As we walked, her hand traveled towards to my lower back and gently held me.

She opened the door for me to leave and I stood right in front of her not knowing what to do. I didn't want to leave, but I knew I had to. The tension between us grew significantly the moment we walked in here and I couldn't deny the feeling I had in me right. It was like an itch I needed to scratch, but I didn't know how to satisfy it. My breathing picked up as I began to flash my eyes between her bright red lips and gorgeous blue eyes. I swallowed and finally spoke, "Good night Miss Weems. I'll see you tomorrow." I said with a soft smile. "And to you as well dear. Sleep well." I slowly walked towards the stairs replaying the past moments. I couldn't stop smiling nor ignore this feeling I felt within me. 'I think I have a crush on my principal' I thought to myself. By the time I got to my dorm, I realized I left my uniform in her office. I groaned at the fact that I have to walk all the way to her office but that feeling quickly faded as it gave me an excuse to see her again.

I walked back to her office way faster than I did walking to my dorm. Before I could even knock I heard a strange sound come from behind the door. I put my ear closer to the door and listened. "Mmmm!" My eyes widened at the noise and I immediately froze in fear and shock. The noises got louder and louder and I started to panic debating on whether or not to run away. I started to move away from the door accidentally knocking the table beside me. Before I could comprehend what I had done the door swung open to a very angry principal. I stood there in shock, frozen in fear.

A/N: okay I know I've been MIA for a hot minute but school was kicking my asssssssss😭 but now I'm off for the summer and I'm going to try to keep up with the updates. I'm already almost done with the next chapter so hopefully I'll release it soon. Happy reading<333

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