The Past

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TW: Violence, sh, murderer

Quinn stared at Narcissa for a moment. The young girl was taken back by what the older woman just said. Then she looked back down to the floor, trying to hold back her tears. Narcissa wrapped her arms around Quinn and pulled her close. "If you want to talk, just talk okay. It will help you." Quinn shook her head. "Nothing has helped, not even hurting myself." Narcissa kept quiet, she knew that if she said something wrong Quinn would be hurt and wouldn't trust her anymore. Quinn cries.

"I just want to forget everything! Forget the stupid life I had. I don't want to carry on like this! I want to leave this planet sometimes and just" Quinn took a deep breath. "be happy again. Like I used to when I was a little girl." Quinn looked at Narcissa. "Do you know what I mean?" "Yes, I know what it means Quinn. And I also know that what you let out a minute ago is a step into the right direction and will help you. And always remember that Draco and I will be there for you." Quinn let her head fall onto Narcissa's shoulder. Narcissa hugged Quinn tight.

The two women sat there in complete silence for half an hour. "Come on, up to bed with you. You really need rest." Quinn nodded in agreement and then got up. Narcissa brought Quinn up to her room. "Good night dear, have a good night's rest." "Thanks, you too." Quinn smiled and went into her room. Narcissa gave the young girl a quick smile and went to her own room.

Quinn got ready for bed and then stayed up a little longer, reading her book. When she finished the chapter she was reading she put the book away and tried to sleep. But everytime Quinn closed her eyes she was reminded of the day her parents were murdered. Her eyes shot open everytime she tries to sleep. This goes on for hours. At some point Quinn is fed up and decides to grab a drink from the kitchen. So she goes down to the kitchen and gets herself a water. Then she goes back to bed and tries to get some good sleep. But once again she is haunted by a nightmare.

"Mommy can we dance?" "If course darling, James please turn on the music." "Of course my lady." The young man giggled and turned the music for his wife and daughter on. The young woman had the five year old Quinn in her arm and danced with her. Little Quinn giggled. She had fun for sure. All the sudden there was a loud bang. A spell was shot and the young man named James dropped dead. The young woman stood there frozen as death eaters entered the room. She put little Quinn down. Little Quinn hid behind the couch so that the intruders weren't able to see her. "Well hello there." "What do you want?" "Something that's in your house." "What are you looking for?" "Where is Hufflepuffs cup?" "What?" "Hufflepuffs cup you idiot!" A death eater slapped the young woman. "I don't know, how should I even know?" "You stole it! We know that! And our master wants it back!" "I don't have that cup you are talking about!" "Yes you do!" Another death eater shouts. "I am telling you the truth. I don't have it." "You have it! And if you don't give it to us within the next few minutes you will die!" The young woman argued with the death eaters for some time until the death eaters had enough. "Avada Kedava!" The young woman dropped dead. The death eaters leave and little Quinn comes out of her hiding spot. She tries to wake up her parents but they wouldn't wake up because they were dead. Little Quinn runs away because she is scared.

Quinn woke up sweating and heavily breathing. She sat up straight and tried to calm herself down. After calming herself a little she got out of bed and washed her face in the bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror and starts crying. She walks out of the bathroom, out of the bedroom and over to Narcissa's room. She knocks on the door. She heard a quiet 'yes' and went in. Quinn saw Narcissa sitting on the bed, a book in the older woman's hand. Narcissa took her reading glasses off and stood up.

"Quinn, are you okay?" "No." Quinn sobbed. "Hey, it's okay." Narcissa went over to Quinn and hugged her. Quinn broke down crying in Narcissa's arm. The older witch went over to her bed with the younger witch. They both sat down, Quinn still crying. "What's wrong dear? Why are you crying?" "I-I had a n-nightmare." Quinn stuttered out. "I-I dreamed of the n-night my parents w-were m-murdered." "It's okay, I understand that it traumatized you, this time it was only a dream dear." Quinn nodded. She knew that it was only a dream but it still freaked her out. "I'll go down to the kitchen and get us both a tea. Is it okay if I leave you alone for a moment Quinn?" Quinn nodded in response. "Okay, I'll be back quick." Narcissa gave Quinn a reassuring smile as she tugged a strain of the young girls hair behind their ear. While Narcissa was down in the kitchen Quinn curled up in a ball on Narcissa's bed. Not even ten minutes later Narcissa returned with a tray. On the tray were two cups, a teapot and a few cookies.

"Hm, so bad darling?" Quinn nodded. Her head still replayed the traumatic experience. "Oh dear. Come on and sit up, the tea is getting cold." Quinn sat up and grabbed a cup with tea. She sipped her tea and was lost in her thoughts. Quinn was done with her tea pretty quickly. And then she felt tired again. Narcissa put the tray away and sat down on the bed. She wrapped an arm around Quinn's shoulder. "Try sleeping again?" Quinn nodded and wanted to get up. "I think it's better if you stay here Quinn. Do you want that?" Quinn nodded. "Come here, you need cuddles for sure." Quinn shuffled closer to Narcissa and the older witch wrapped her arms around the younger witches body.

"You want to tell what happened to your parents?" "They were murdered, by death eaters. I-I don't remember much but- I remember that I ran away. Scared that they might come back for me." Quinn played with a ring on her finger. "That was my mom's ring, before she died. I went back to the house and found it, then took it into my possession. She probably would have wanted me to have it anyways. After they died and I ran away I lived in the streets for some time. After a few weeks I was put into foster care but never found a family so I ran away to Scotland. Better said I took the Train to Scotland and then ended up in a Village called Hogsmead. There a nice bar lady took me in. She kept me until I went to Hogwarts. Until I was nine I totally forgot about my parents murder but then it got back, I had trouble falling asleep and have been haunted by nightmares ever since. I tried to get this sad feeling out of my head so one day I took a lighter and started burning myself with it. To my surprise it relieved the stress and sadness inside me. Well, a few years later I also found out that drawing helped too. So instead of burning myself I drew whatever I imagined. That always had been a great help." Quinn chuckled. "I'm often hurt when I see parents happy with their kids. Or when I see kids happily playing together. The only friend I ever had was Draco. No one wanted to be friends with me, a parent less freak. I can understand them, I'm just a pain."


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