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it was the next day. i had slept for a long time. jeremiah was still next to me. my head still lay on his chest. i moved slightly to stretch. jeremiah woke up. "what time is it?" he asked.

i rolled and checked my phone, "nine."

"i've got to get ready for work," he replied, rubbing his eyes.

i put my head back on his chest and wrapped my arm around his waist. "just a couple more minutes?"

he smiled, holding onto me tightly, "okay, rosie. a couple more minutes."

we didn't say anything while we lay there. i enjoyed his company.

once he left, i got up and got changed. i threw on a pair of white linen shorts and a dark blue top. i added my brown strappy sandals to complete the look.

i walked up to conrad's door and knocked. he said to come in.

i entered his room. i haven't been in his room all summer. nothing had changed. he sat up quickly when he saw me, "rosie, everything okay?"

i nodded. "oh, yeah. i was just wondering if you maybe wanted to go do something?"

"yeah, sure. we can go to the arcade or something," he said, standing up.

he grabbed his car keys and wallet and followed me out of his room. i sat in the passenger seat of his car as he drove us downtown. we listened to the radio and had the windows down.

he parked the car, and we got out. we walked next to each other down the street to the arcade. he bought us tickets, and we each got a pool stick.

we played each other in pool for a few rounds. as he leaned over the table, i kept a steady eye on him. he was focused one play he was about to make. once he sunk a ball, he looked up at me, and our eyes met. i held eye contact for a few moments from across the table before i smiled at him. he smiled back.

once our game was finished, we hung around the arcade briefly before heading home.

"want to come down to the beach?" he asked, shutting his car door.

"yeah, sure," i replied.

i walked next to him down the beach, our arms bumping into each other every few steps. we found a spot away from kids playing in the water and sat down. the sun was warm; it heated the sand beneath us. the waves hit the shore, and seagulls swooped into the waves before us. it was a gorgeous day outside.

conrad pulled out a cigarette and lit it with a black lighter. i looked over at him, and he passed it to me. i took a long drag feeling the nicotine in my body.

"hey, rosie?" he asked between drags.

i looked over at him. "what's up?"

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