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i woke up the following day with a smile on my face. i still couldn't believe i told jeremiah how i felt and that he felt the same.

today was belly's deb ball, and all eyes were going to be on her. i pushed my conversation with jeremiah into the back of my mind so i could be as supportive of her as i could be. jeremiah was escorting her, and as jealous as it made me, i ignored the feelings.

the moms were bustling around the kitchen getting breakfasts ready and getting everything perfect for belly's big day. none of the boys were up yet. belly was in the bathroom having a shower, and i went to help with breakfast.

i cut up fruit as susannah made pancakes and bacon. laurel was making eggs, and my mom was decorating the kitchen for belly. seeing everything coming together made me happy.

conrad came down the stairs. his eyes met mine, and i froze momentarily. after being so focused on jeremiah last night, i had almost forgotten about my kiss with conrad on the beach. i had never told him about my feelings for his brother or that jeremiah had felt the same way. as far as i was aware, conrad thought we were something.

he smiled at me, and i smiled back at him. i did not want to start any kind of tension on belly's deb day. it was her day. anything i needed to do could wait for tomorrow.

"morning connie," susannah said, flipping some pancakes.

"morning, mom. rosie," he said, nodding my way.

i nodded back to him. laurel sent conrad back upstairs to go wrangle everyone to the kitchen for some food. susannah volunteered steven, conrad, and i to help set up the debutante event, so we had to get ready.

everyone sat around the table and ate. it was fairly quiet as steven and jeremiah had just woken up. jeremiah and i kept stealing glances at one another throughout breakfast.

once we finished, susannah sent conrad, steven, and i to the club to begin setting up the event. the car ride over was quiet. steven and conrad talked a little bit, but i didn't say anything.

with all the extra hands helping set up the ball, we finished within a few hours and got to go home to get ready for the day.

"is your sister excited?" conrad asked steven.

"oh yeah, man, she's so excited she won't shut up about it."

conrad laughed, "she's probably more excited that jeremiah's taking her." he looked up in the rearview mirror at me, "see, rosie, if you would have gone, you and i could have gone to the ball."

i smiled at him, feeling my heartstrings being pulled about jeremiah being her escort. i had wished she had asked conrad.

i was in my room getting ready for the event. i applied my makeup and pulled my hair back into a tight bun. i got my dress from the dress bag susannah had put in my closet. it was long and black. right around the waist with a leg slit. i slipped it on, trying to get the zipper done up.

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