Blast to the Past!....maybe a little to far?

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A/N: This is right after season three, and before season 4! By the way! Past Swk will be addressed by Wukong, and Future him will be Monkey King!

MK had come back from ANOTHER fight with Yin and Yang. They some how got their hands on some- weird mystical item that makes dangerous waves of sound. Waves of sound strong enough to shatter a building, and knocked MK through one. So, after defeating the pair he obviously knew what to do with it. Let Monkey King deal with it! Of course! So, here he was, doing just that. Well, minus being back home. They were instead helping Monkey find a place for it in his.....(hoarding) pile of mystical items.

   "Hey kid! Toss whatever you have over there, and come help me move something over here." Monkey King called out to his right. They nodded, and tossed the hourglass artifact to the left of him. "Coming!" They called, before something glowed to the left of him. "Uhh- Monkey king? Is it supposed to do that!?" He shouted in concern, looking over in the direction with a questioning look. Monkey king turned his head to see the glowing, and ran over quickly.

  "Is what supposed to do what!? What- what did you toss, kid!" Just as the words left Monkey Kings mouth, the light shot out in every direction. Wukong grabbed their wrist, and everything went white.


Azure sat with a smile at the end of the table. Wukong going on with another of his stories. He could definitely preform, even if it was for such a small crowd. His sworn brother amazed him, with his courage and bravery. He looked over at DBK as he roared with laughter. "You did not give the Jade emperor that much lip!" He grinned. Wukong perked up, with a wild grin. He sported young excitement, and bravery. His voice rung with naivity, and young courage. "Uh- Yeah I did! You know me! I'm the Monkey King!" He was about to continue when screaming happened behind him.

    Everyone at the table stood up, to see....Wukong? And a human boy? Monkey king had managed to wrap his arms around MK. MK was screaming as they hit the floor. Monkey king took most of the damage. "K-kid! Are you okay? Did you break anything?" Azure looked on with interest. Who are they? Were did they come from? Why did they fall from a glowing light? He held his hand up to keep them all calm, and quite. He wanted to watch this. Wukong watched...himself coddle some random kid. He was confused, why would he care about a human? Wait- WHY WAS THAT HUMAN HOLDING HIS STAFF?

   MK groaned a little bit, and sat up. He was still in Monkey Kings protective hold. "I'm okay! Just a little shell shocked! Are- Are YOU okay? You took the landing for me." He asked his mentor, worry on his face. Monkey king fully sat up, and shook his head with a smile. "Don't worry about me Bud. I'm fine, as long as your safe I'll be good." He grinned at MK. Then he gasped, and looked around. Only to see- himself! And-...them. His "sworn" brothers. He looked right at Azure. He got up, and got into a protective stance, putting an arm infront of MK. MK looked at the others, and got up. He stood, staff in hand, and looked at Monkey King. Waiting for him to say something, or give a signal.

   Wukong spoke up. "Just who are you!" He huffed out, looking wary. "Why do you look like me! And why does this- human have MY staff! Where did you come from!" Wukong spoke loudly, and looked ready to right without thinking. Monkey king winced, just like he used to be. Action before logic. "Look, I'll explain everything. Just stand down. Once I know that the kid is safe, I will be more then happy to talk." He said with caution in his voice.

  Wukong growled, before Azure spoke. "Alright, let's give them a chance. No need to act so hasty, my brothers." Wukong looked at Azure, then at Monkey King. "On one condition, you take down your glamor." He growled. Not making a move. MK heard this, and looked at Monkey King. He put his hand on Monkey Kings shoulder. The king in question looked pensive, and...insecure about the demand. MK squeezed his shoulder. Monkey king sighed, letting the glamor drop. Earning a gasp from some.

   Macaque, who's been silent, is one of them who gasped. Seeing this...version of his best friend like that. Wukong stepped back, a bit shocked. Monkey king, the great sage equal to heaven, looked nothing like a king. His fur had white streaks, his eyes were a deep red. His fur was permentantly chard. He was also smaller, like some kind of great pressure had made him loose some height. He had dark bags under his eyes, and even had some burn marks, and scared splattered on him. He looked...tired to say the least. "There, now, can we JUST talk?" Monkey King sighed.

  Azure nodded slowly, before calling everyone to sit down. He felt rage, he was sure everyone did. Seeing their brother clearly hurt so badly. He had many questions, but he decided to let his Wukong ask his first. Monkey King and MK stood beside Wukong and to Macaques side. Wukong took a breath. "So, where are you from?" He asked.


Monkey king had explained that they were from the future, and that they had accidently used an artifact when he told MK to throw it somewhere. He explained he was retired and that MK was successor.
  To say that everyone at that table was shocked was an understatement. Macaque was looking at him the entire time he spoke, it made him nervous. Well, everyone was. It made answering everything more nerve racking. He did his best to ignore it, ignore everything but his past self. Though, he did get asked something that made him was to curl up and die. Well, he can't die but still.

  Azure finally asked one of the questions on everyone's mind. "What happened to you?" His tone was gentle, and full of concern. It made Monkey King flinch back. "A...lot." He looked down. MK noticed this and put a hand on Monkey Kings shoulder. He looked at him in sympathy. Monkey king looked at MK, with a soft smile. This made both Azure and Macaque even more curious.

   "Maybe...tell us about your fur? Or...the white bits?" Macaque asked, hoping one question at a time would be better. Monkey king looked at Macaque, who looked back in concern. It made him want to cry, to see...his moon...look at him with care again. He looked down again. "Um...well...let's just say...possession isn't fun." He felt a cold breeze just then, tensed remembering it.

  He had to fight his moon again, he had tried to hurt MK. He had failed. His mind being taken over, his body was so cold. He jumped a little when felt a soft hug, from his successor. He realized he was on the verge of crying.

   Guess seeing all your old sworn brothers...your past best friend and for you again was a lot. Especially when the present was so far from that. Right after you just went through an extremely traumatic experience, while finally trying to cope with all the collective truama you have can make you cry. MK held him as he sniffed, and wiped his tears away. "This is a lot, and I know that it must be hard to deal with all of this right after...that. If you want, I'll take it from here and you can just relax." They spoke with supportive, and soft words. It washed over Monkey king like gentle waters at a hot spring. He sighed, and nodded. "Y-yeah, I don't really think I do much more right now." He relented. MK smiled at Monkey King. "And that's okay! Just sit down, I'll do the rest of the talking." He grinned. Monkey King sighed, with a small smile, and sat down on the ground. He leaned onto MK's leg, and closed his eyes. His tail wrapping around the cub's ankle.

  Macaque looked at Monkey King with guilt on his features. Had he really made him cry? He had gotten possessed? Had what he asked him brought back bad memories? Wukong on the other hand was so extremely confused. His future self acted so WEIRD. Being so open, being so trusting? He would never close his eyes in a situation like this if he was in his position.

  Azure had felt his heart squeeze at the scene. Seeing someone he saw so strong cry? Seeing him be overwhelmed? By something that must have been a traumatic experience. He then felt a pure white rage for whoever did this to Monkey King, someone who was pure with their heart. Then he looked at MK, who had comforted Monkey king. This kid even had the trust of Monkey King so much, that he would just listen to him. Let the kid take over. That make him wildly curious of who this is, and...slightly jealous he didn't have the same relationship with his Wukong. Just who was this MK?


A/N: This is my first time writing since I was like....9? So- might be jumbled! Hope you liked it so far!

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