How Macaque was killed- wait, he joined them!?

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A/N: This is pretty much just a jttw one shot, but with LMK designs and cannon in mind. (PS: This is NOT a SanzangxWukong thing! It's more of a parental bond! (With Sanzang acting fatherly) so please keep that in mind!)
Tw: Mentions of cannibalism

♡°-----------------‐----------------------------------°♡ Wukong stood before Budda, with Macaque being revealed for who he was. He was appalled- HIS moon was responsible for not only injuring his master, stealing their luggage, and eating one of their monkey's, but for doing it ALL disguised as him! The dark haired monkey at least had the humility to look ashamed for being caught.

Wukong felt rage as he stared upon the figure in front of him. His rage was grounded in utter betrayal. Invisible tears stung the edges of his eyes. Invisible to everyone but Budda. Budda spoke, before Wukong could.

"Lui're Mihou, The six eared Macaque, Please, explain yourself." He spoke, as he gave the monkey a strong stare. Macaque dipped his head, and bit of his lip so hard it bleed. His hands balled into fist. "I couldn't....I can't STAND that dammed monk! And his little possy..." He growled out. "They act high and mighty on their morals, as the monk tortures one of his disciples under the guise of...discipline." He spat out.

Budda nodded at this. "I can understand your frustration, but that is no reason for such rash actions. You heavily injured the monk, tricked him, stole their belongings, and committed cannibalism. That far outways the actions of the ones you have attacked." He explained with a soft, but stern tone. "Though, don't be mistaken, I will have someone have a strong word with the monk for his missuse of the circlet." He added, to quel the Monkey's rage.

Wukong didn't say anything, he couldn't. He had to keep himself from crying in rage, hurt, and betrayal. He stood their shaking, digging his nails into his palms. The Macaque considered Budda's words. He had to admit, eating one of his own subjects was a bit to far. Especially since he knew how much every one of Wukong's subjects ment to him. Doing it as he looked like Wukong no less. That was the only thing he slightly regreted so far.

"...and how can I...atone...for these sins I've committed?" The six eared being spat out, knowing it was the only way to get on Budda's good side after this. Budda hummed, then smiled. "Join them on their quest. Maybe once you get to know them, you'll see the true error of your ways." Macaque's eyes widened.

Wukong finally spoke up. "WHAT!!" He screamed, making the black furred monkey flinch. Normally, he'd apologize, but right now he didn't care. Budda sighed at the reaction. "I said-" The man was swiftly interrupted. "I heard what you said! And I say NO WAY! After what he- he did! He ATE one of my BABIES!! As me! He hurt my master! He stole my friends things! He betrayed ME!! How- how am I supposed to LOOK at him!" He realized he was crying when it was too late, he bit his lip and looked away.

Budda looked sympathetic, this was the first time he'd seen the Monkey show so much emotion. He knew that this Six Eared Macaque meant a lot to the sage. Said monkey was looking at Wukong in surprise. He felt a little guilt now, seeing how upset he was. "Peaches-" He tried to start but didn't get a chance to say anything. "Don't...don't you DARE call me that. Especially after what you did. I know we had a fight...but what you did HEAVILY outweighs that." Wukong growled at the other, then turned away. "Just...whatever. Don't try anything again, and DO NOT talk to me. Don't even LOOK at me." With that he walked away.

Macaque looked at Budda. Budda simply shook his head. "You better take my offer, because I have a feeling you'll loose what you were truly after if you don't." Mihou bit his lip again, and sighed. He knew the Budda was right. So, Budda adorned him with new robes, and he set off after Wukong. He managed to catch up with him as they went to towards the recovering monk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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