Pain as old as time, and the brand new pain coming with it pt 2

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Tw: Description of active self harm, ptsd, and trauma discussion!

In the shadows, watching everything, there was Macaque. Who decided he definitely had some questions for his Peaches later on.


A few days have passed since Macaque had found MK self harming. MK was sleeping soundly in Wukong's bed, and Wukong was in the kitchen making breakfast. After he found out about MK’s actions, he insisted that he stay with him for a little while. Wukong wanted to keep a close eye on the kid, and unlike in the past, be there for him. MK had been opposed at first, worried he would be a burden. Soon enough, though, they felt comfortable in Wukongs home. They felt comfortable waking the Monkey late in the night with nightmares. MK was getting better, and happier. Unfortunately, Wukong wasn't. He felt guilt, extreme guilt. It weighed on him heavily; sometimes it felt like he was trapped under that mountain again. He loved having the kid here, he was happy to care for them, but he couldn't help the sadness he felt when he saw them. The lingering feeling of knowing he was the reason the kid was in need of being watched. Sometimes, when the kid was around, his guilt got so heavy he would scratch at his chest—so much so that he would bleed. A hypocrite was what he was. When he had his own nightmares, he opted to just cry himself back to sleep rather then bother the kid. He let his emotions fester. Everyday it grew, and grew. Everyday he scratched himself worse and worse. Of course, it wasn't noticeable. He healed quickly, he was immortal. So, as his mind started to wonder again as he cooked, it was no different. His thoughts were loud, very loud. Telling him it's his fault his kid is hurting, that it should be him hurting himself. That lead to memories of an even older sorrow: when he killed his moon. Another form of guilt he'd never wash away. He didn't care that Macaque had tried to kill his master. He didn't care if he had to do it to protect his freinds. He didn't care. He still did it, he was still a horrible person. His master....his master who he failed. Who he couldn't be good enough for. Never, was he ever good enough. He mind ran wild, and he stopped cooking. His breath quickened as he brought his hands to scratch at his arms. He dug his nails into his skin, until- he felt blood pool underneath his nails. He was about to drag his nails down his arm again, then someone grabbed his wrist.

His eyes widened as he looked up, expecting to see a crying MK. Only to see Macaque, looking at him with disgust written deep on his features. He wasn't concerned, Wukong couldn't let himself believe that Macaque was actually concerned for him.

"Macaque..." He looked down, his arms already healing.

"Um....sorry." He muttered awkwardly. Macaque stared at Wukong before doing something unexpected. He enveloped Wukong in a tight embrace. Wukong froze up, anxiety building up in his system. "Wha-" He was swiftly interrupted.

"I knew I should have talked to you sooner." Macaque whispered.

"Peaches...why?" Macaque asked softly, pulling back from his hug.

Wukong felt trapped. Macaque acting like he cared made him feel as though this was...some form of pity. He didn't want pity. He backed up from Macaque.

"Don't..." He growled. "I don't need your pity. I don't need you mocking me. Just- leave me alone." He crossed his arms, his tail twitching.

Macaque grew angry. He was just trying to help him, then gets treated like this!? Forget it. "You know what? Fine. Oh please don't hurt yourself over me trying to hug you." As soon as the words left his mouth he felt a large amount of regret.

Wukong's eyes widened, and glossed over. "I have plenty of reasons, don't flatter yourself." He spat, nails digging into the skin of his arms.

Macaque scowled, and tried to ignore the blossoming pain in his stomach while Wukong’s nails dug into his arm. "I'm sure you do. Someone like you probably has a dictionary of reasons. Honestly surprised you wouldn't be more flashy. Scratching yourself is pretty lame."

Wukong teared up. His eyes darted back and forth between Macaque and the stove.

Macaque watched this, but it didn’t resonate until it was to late.

Wukong threw whatever was on the stove off, and slammed his arm against it. It seared his skin, and tears streamed down while his heart raced. There went those stupid memories again. He contemplated turning off the  furnace, but didn't budge.

Macaque got over his shock and tackled Wukong to the ground and away from the stove. "Flashy enough for ya!?" Wukong screamed at Macaque.

Macaque just growled. "Damn it, Wukong!" He yelled, hot tears flowing.

Wukong's expression softened. "...Mac?" He asked, barely above a whisper. Macaque just let out a small sob. "Peaches....I can't stand this. I can't stand seeing you like this. Seeing you hurt yourself, seeing you in pain while you support everyone else. It's just like...back always cared for others. I'm...." Macaque took in a breath. "Peaches, I'm sorry." He apologized, no strength left in him to fight.

Wukong stared, flabbergasted by the apology. Slowly, he recovered. "Plum...." He said softly, hugging Macaque. "It's okay, I forgive you."

He felt some weight lift off his shoulders, even if it was just a little.

Macaque pushed him away, and shook his head. "No, it's not okay. You aren't okay."

Wukong looked away, unable to meet Macaque's strong glare. He knew that much, but he didn't think it mattered. He wad Monkey king. Someone supposed to carry everything on his shoulders without any repercussions to his health. "...I know." Was all he could muster. He couldn't lie, and he couldn't bring himself to talk about how he felt. " I seeing something I'm not supposed to?" MK stood there, a blanket in his hand. Wukong panicked, pushing Macaque all the way off.

  "H-hey bud! Morning!" His mood switched, smiling as if nothing happened. MK hummed, then noticed the large burn on Wukongs arm. "What- what happened to your arm!" He shouted, rushing to Wukong. Wukong froze up, trying to think of something to say. Macaque spoke up. "Your mentore doesn't seem to take his own advice." He said simply.

"He wasn't using a razors at least." MK felt his eyebrows knit together in confusion. Wukong watched his kid warily. Then MK had it dawn on him. "Monkey King! You shouldn't do that to yourself!" He grabbed Monkey King's shoulders, looking at him with worry and concern. Wukong felt himself tear up.

"It's- it doesn't matter. I'm okay! It always heals right up! I'm immortal!" He grinned through his tears. Trying to play it down. Macaque groaned in frustration. "Just because your immortal DOESN'T mean you should hurt yourself! You aren't okay Wukong!" MK nodded. "Exactly! You matter to me, and that means the fact you're in pain matters to me. It's not about the fact you might die, it's because you aren't happy in the living."

Wukong felt his smile drop, looking a little...surprised? He knew the kid cared about him, but he didn't imagine...that he would really feel this level of love still. After what he did. Then something else dawned on him, by hurting himself, he was hurting the ones he loved as well. He shook his head and let out a small sob. "....Kid...I..."

CLIFF HANGER IKK I just wanted to go ahead and get this out :3

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