Blast to the past!....maybe a little to far? pt.2

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This kid even had the trust of Monkey King so much, that he would just listen to him. Let the kid take over. That make him wildly curious of who this is, and...slightly jealous he didn't have the same relationship with his Wukong. Just who was this MK?


Azure cleared his throat to get MK to look at him. "Alright, since it seems you'll be doing the talking, let's talk then. Do you know how you'll get back home?" He asked, hoping that they had some way home.

  MK grimaced, and looked down at Monkey King. Yeah, maybe Monkey King should be the one handling this. Though, seeing the tired king cuddle to his leg, and already asleep made his regret completely die down. He looked back up.

   "Not that I know of, Mr. Blue Lion." He admitted. Azure chuckled at the childish name the kid had chosen.

  "Well, that's unfortunate. Ah, also, you can call me Azure, Monkey cub." He assured, then became even more amused when the other seemed to get rattled. "Monkey Cub?" He asked.

   Dbk barked with laughter. "I mean, you are but a cub, and you belong to that Monkey." His loudness made Monkey King stir, along with MK sporadic movement. "He's- He's not my- dad- I mean I see him- well- I'm not his cub-" He fumbled over his words.

   Dbk slammed his hand on the table, laughing more. "The little monkey cub is flustered!" Azure smiled, laughing as well. Even Peng and Macaque snickered at the interaction. Monkey King was completely awake and smiling at MK getting flustered. He stood up, and stretched. MK jumped at seeing Monkey King up again. "Mm you know, they aren't completely wrong. Maybe I should start calling you Cub." He teased. MK got even more flustered, his da- mentor going along with it. "Monkey King!" He whined. Monkey king just chuckled softly, and ruffled MK' hair. He then sat back down, and right back to cuddling MK's leg.

    "Well, I'm going back to my nap." He hummed. MK groaned. "Did you wake up just to tease me??" He didn't get a response. The king already asleep. MK dead panned.

  "Really? I should wake you up just for being an ass-" A tail hit him in the mouth, and went back to being around his leg. He just sighed and went back to looking at Azure. He was thankful things had calmed down.

  Azure now had even more curiosity stirr in him. "You are pretty close to him, are you sure your not his cub?" He teased, with a serious question behind it. MK groaned. "I'm NOT his cub." They shook their head. "Moving on! Is there anywhere we can stay? Until we find a way home?" He asked.

   Azure pondered for a second. "Well, I would assume you could stay with Wukong and Macaque." Wukong stood up with huff. "I don't want to keep them! Plus! We have a war to fight soon! Let's just- put them in an inn somewhere." Macaque sighed at that reaction. "I'm sure there's space for them. And..why can't they just join us?"

   At that Azure paused. "That's not a bad idea...we'd have THREE Wukongs on our side...Monkey Cub, what do you say? Join us in the celestial war?" He asked. To which Monkey King stood up to answer.

   "NO!" He just about screamed. "I was hoping to nap then you bring THAT up! No, We will not join that- disaster waiting to happen. It's far to reckless, and would put MK in danger." His statement surprised everyone. Azure looked at him confusion. "But brother! This would be a golden opportunity!-" Monkey King interrupted.


"I don't CARE what it is! I'm not putting MK in danger like that! I don't give one damn what cause it's for, and I don't give a shit about what the celestial realm does! Hell! It's probably the only way for us to get back! And mark my WORDS if I learn you managed to drag my kid into this I will tear every one of you limb from limb." He spoke with such vigorous spite, and type of protectivness only a parent could have. It even gave DBK shivers at hearing the words. Knowing that he would keep true to those words.

  This Monkey King was nothing like they knew, because he was a different person entirely. Azure was properly shocked at his brothers words.

   He wanted to turn them down for a some CHILD! Some...child..."my kid" Those words rang through his skull like the bells at a wedding. Loud and forceful. "Why- Why have such strong feeling for a CHILD! Someone who claims he isn't even your cub! Over us! Your sworn brothers! Not only that, but he can clearly well enough to handle his own! This is important! Much more so then some kid- a kid who seemingly has YOUR powers! That would be a great help!" He didn't raise his voice much, and spoke with an almost calm anger. Like someone talking sense to the senseless.

  Monkey King looked him in the eyes, dead in the eyes. "He isn't just some kid. He is my EVERYTHING. He is the most important, and valuable thing to me in this world, and my world. I refuse to have him go into something that is not his fight. Especially something so- stupid! Fighting heaven! Listen to yourselves! Listen to my past self! Dammit! Can't you tell that even I was to young! To full of pride and too arrogant to realize how stupid this was!" His emotions started to spill over, imagining what happened to him. To his brother, happening to his MK. To his cub, to his kid, to what's his everything. He couldn't stand it. "I won't let myself lose someone else, I won't let myself be arrogant. And I won't let people fight my battles for me."

  Azure resigned, his expression of tight anger. He was holding back his continued shock. At how different this Monkey king was. How self depreciating he seemed to be, how.....caring. So very caring, and loving. Azure sighed, realizing that he should let it go. Clearly, This kid...was definitely Monkey Kings cub. Even if it wasn't by blood.

    "Alright, I'll leave you be. Just know, we won't stop the war just because your here. Meaning, whatever spills over from said war is not our problem." He said sternly. Monkey king looked at him, with tired eyes. He nodded.

  "We'll find our own place to stay. If we think you guys can be of any use to us getting home, we'll be sure to talk. For now, me and the kid are going to go find somewhere to sleep." He grabbed MK's hand, and walked off. When he was far enough, Azure looked at Macaque. "Follow them." He ordered. Macaque nodded, and fell into the shadows.


A/N: Wukong being a protective dad with self hatred and ptsd? Yes.

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