Pain as old as time, and the brand new pain coming with it

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Tw: This chapter contains self harm, and discussion of self harm. (There isn't any descriptions of it actively happening) Please be aware of your mental health!


Pigsy was busy in the kitchen, Tang sitting in his usual spot. He looked at Tang, with a scoff. "You got any idea were that kid is?" He hadn't seen the bloke the entire morning. This wasn't the first time this happened, after LBD was defeated this became a regular occurrence.
    Tang hummed, and shook his head. "Nope! Haven't seen him today!..." Tang trailed off, then sighed. "I'm worried, Pigsy. This kind of behavior is concerning, especially after what happened." His voice carried concern, heavy concern. Pigsy sighed soon as well. He was worried too. Not just because he deliveries aren't getting delivered, but for the kid. That was traumatic for everyone, but he couldn't imagine what the kid was going through. Even Mei was getting better, and faster then MK. "I know...ugh what do we do? We can't just- ask the kid. You know how he is, stubborn." He shook his head. What to do? Then, someone opened his shops front door. That someone being Monkey King. "Have you guys seen MK? He was supposed to train yesterday, and now I can't get ahold of him. He isn't even taking up my offer to just hang out." Wukong lamented his worries just in his tone.

   Tang felt his stomach sink. "He's not even answering you? That's not good. There's definitely something wrong." Tang looks at Pigsy, Pigsy looked from Wukong to Tang. Then, he put down whatever he was doing. "We need to find out what's wrong with the kid. This is to- strange. He's acting all out of wack." Wukong nodded at the sentiment. "Way, Way out of wack." He paused. "I think- I know someone who can help. You guys need to text the others. Whatever's going on, it's definitely not good. I'd have Sandy ready to do his therapist thing." Tang got out his phone and got to texting. Pigsy looked at Wukong. "If better know what your doing. Once you find our what's going on, let me know immediately." Wukong gave Pigsy a smile. "You bet you'll know immediately, I'll make sure of that." He then walked out the door again. Now, to talk to Macaque.


He went to his house, to find Macaque already there. Usually, Wukong would be agitated at this. Today, it was a blessing. "Macaque." He spoke first before the other scoffed at him. "Monkey King." He responed back. Wukong sighed, and just put his hands up in surrender. "I'm not looking for a fight right now, I'm looking for help. You're help." He relented. Macaque eyed Wukong warily. "Help with what?" He asked cautiously. "MK. He's acting odd, and I need you to track him down. Possibly watch him for a little bit. I'm worried about him, and I don't think me just barging in would do much."

   Macaque simmered in those words for a few minutes. Then, he sighed. "Alright, I  guess I can help." Macaque might not like Wukong much. He still had a grudge against him, but he did care for the kid. So, he wouldn't mind helping Wukong this time.

      If not just to ease his own worry. Wukong beamed at him. "Thank you so much, so so so much!" He hugged Macaque, to which Macaque just awkwardly patted his back. Wukong let go, chuckling a little awkwardly himself. "Uh, anyway, there's a few place I think you should look." And with that, he sent Macaque off to look for MK. He sat down on his couch, a pit forming in his stomach. He hoped it wasn't bad, that he was overthinking. Though, this time, he just couldn't convince himself that he was just overthinking.


MK sat in his bed, sulking. Cuts lined his upper arm, and thighs. They weren't very deep, but were deep enough to cause some pain. Earlier, he had shrunk so Pigsy couldn't find him. He just couldn't do it right now. Everything was his fault. He knew this. If it wasn't for him, none of this would have happened. If he...didn't exist....then this wouldn't have happened. Tears threatened to spill again as he thought of what he did to his freinds. How he couldn't even protect himself. He even put his mentor in trouble. He was bad luck. He had to be. A bad omen, and curse. One that shouldn't be here, and couldn't even control his own actions. Technically, what happened wasn't his fault. But that was technicalities. The tears began to fall again, and curled up, causing some cut sting and hurt. Unknown to him, his shadow seemed to frown. Macaque had come to MK'S bedroom, not expected to find this. To see Wukong's kid covered in cuts, and sobbing to himself. It made his stomach turn with guilt and sadness for the kid. He saw what he needed, and left. Wukong wouldn't be happy about this in the slightest.

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