Um- where did this child come from?

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A/N: Look I love parental Wukong. Don't judge me.

Wukong was just piddling around on his mountain, trying to cure his boredom. MK was over at Mei's house, and Macaque was off doing only God knows what. That left the poor King all alone. It didn't bother him to much, he always found something to do. Today being no different. As he was walking around, he heard something. Chirping. The chirps of a baby Monkey.

   Thinking that there must be a lost baby Monkey in need of it's mom, he went looking for it. He was chirping in response to the baby, following the sound of chirps he got in response. Once he finally got to the baby, he stood in shock. That wasn't just a Monkey. It was...a demon monkey. Like him. It had golden fur, and six petal like ears. A red splotch on his face in the shape of a heart like Wukongs. Wukong stared at the baby with confusion. Then the baby chirped with distress, and Wukong picked it up. Looking down at the child, not sure what to do. He could figure put where it came from later, right now he needed to take it somewhere safe. He chirped down at the kid. The baby chirped back happily, and started to purr. Wukong smiled as he walked back to his hut.

He sat down on his couch, still holding the baby Monkey. The baby cooed up at him. Wukong's tail thumped against the couch. "Just what do I do with you. You're adorable but where did you come from?" He asked the baby, who just tilted their head at Wukong. He felt his heart melt at the little one in his arms, a smile spreading across his face. "You really are adorable, little I should give you a temporary name." The baby chirped at Wukong, it's little tail swaying. Wukong thought, then grinned. "How about chip? Cause your small, and you chirp! My little chip!" The cub giggled happily.

    "My little chip?" A smooth voice asked behind Wukong. Wukong squeaked and looked at Macaque. "You have got to stop doing that!!" He groaned. Macaque looked over Wukong's shoulder at the baby in his arms. "Who did you manage to get pregnant?" Macaque asked, seeing as the baby looked a lot like Wukong. Wukong gagged. "Ew! No one. I just found them in the forest somewhere." He explained. Chip giggled at the funny faces and noises that Wukong was making. Wukong looked back down at the baby, and nuzzled their face. "Aren't they cute, Macaque?" He asked, smiling down at Chip. Macaque couldn't help but smile a little. "Your both cute." He hummed, then felt his face heated up. "I-I mean yeah, Chip is cute." He quickly corrected. Wukong felt his own face heat up. He laughed a bit. "So, you think I'm cute? I mean- I am cute and cheeky." He joked, before Chip reaches up and pulled on his fur to get his attention. "Ow ow ow ow! Okay okay! You got my full attention." He relented, going back to looking at the baby. Chip chirped at Wukong, and Wukong chirped back. Macaque held back a laugh at hearing Wukong chirp.

   "So, what are you going to do with Chip? I'm sure they have parents, we need to find them." He raied the concern that was haunting the back of Wukongs mind. Wukong sighed, and shook his head. "Why would he be left here of all places? Why does he look like me? And why does he have six ears?" He rattled off some questions that were bugging him. He sat Chip down in his lap, where the baby started to play with Wukong's tail.

   "This is all really weird." He sighed, and Macaque nodded. "This is strange. Maybe we should call the others. I know Tang would probably know something." He went around and sat down beside Wukong. Chip looked up at Macaque. The baby chirped at Macaque, and Macaque just awkwardly patted it's head. Chip giggled, and grabbed Macaque's hand. The baby played with Macaque's hand, and Macaque looked at Wukong again. Wukong smiled at him. "Well, Chip seems to like you. Couldn't imagine why though." He teased, before he handed Chip to Macaque. "Wha- hey! I don't know what to do with this thing-" He objected. Wukong gave him a look. Macaque went quite.

    "I'm going to call MK and tell him to bring his freinds up here. You hold the baby so I can actually make the call." Macaque decided to just go along with it, and held the baby awkwardly. He held it by its armpits, and stared at it like it would bite him. "....hi?" He said nervously. Chip tilted their head, looking at Macaque curiously. The baby chirped at Macaque. Macaque debated doing what he was about to do for a little bit, before he chirped back. Chip giggled and chirped again. Macaque's tail thumped against the couch as he smiled.

   Unknown to him, Wukong was keeping an eye on them as he talked with MK. "Yeah- I know! Yeah...that's why I wanted you to come over. Mhm, so we can figure it out together. Oh! I was gonna ask that, yeah bring him. That might be a good idea. Yeah....mhm! Al-......Alright! See you then." He hung up, and walked over with a grin. "You chirped!" He giggled at Macaque. Macaque felt his face warm up, and he shoved the baby into Wukong's arms. "Whatever." He huffed. Chip giggled at Macaque.

    "Your laughing at me too?" He sighed, and shook his head. "I've never felt more betrayed." Wukong smiled and sat down again. "Oh don't be so dramatic, plum." Macaque felt his tail move a little faster hearing that sweet nickname again.  "Plum?" He huffed, with a smirk. Wukong went red, and looked away. "Shut up. I didn't mean to call you that." He retorted in embarrassment.

" it. You calling me that...." Macaque whispered softly, looked away. Heat rose to his face, a feeling blossoming in his chest. Wukong was about to say something, when he heard a soft cry. He looked down at Chip, glad for the distraction.

   "Yes chip?" He asked as if he'd get a response. Chip started to cry, distressed chirps leaving its mouth. Wukong started to rock the baby, hoping that it would calm it. When that didn't work, he decided he needed to feed it. He didn't have anything to feed it! He only had peaches! "Macaque, could you smash up some of my peaches? I want to feed chip." Just as he asked that, he heard someone slam through his door.

  "I'm here!" MK yelled, brining in everyone else in behind him.


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