The history held within a crown

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Tw: alluding to abuse, PTSD, power dynamics


Monkey King was well aware of his fame, and the merch that went with it. He's spotted plushies, replicas of his outfits, even the fanart made by many adoring fans. Even if some of it....was a little much for him. He never once considered details of what could be replicated. In particular, the golden hoop that adorned his head on the journey. He purposely tried to forget that part of the journey. He adored his master, and his past friends. He didn't want to associate them with negative memories. With that in mind, he couldn't have prepared himself for the whiplash and anxiety this experience caused him.

He sat there, in Pigy's noodle shop. He had started to try and be around the gang more often after the whole...LBD situation. Often, he found himself chilling right beside Tang as he listened to any offset conversations. With his hood up, and hidden away from any unwanted eyes of the public of course. So, here he was, relaxing as he listened to the absent noises of Pigsy cooking. Today, Tang wasn't sitting beside him trying to get free noodles, or rant about whatever topic he hyperfixated on for the week. The monk reincarnate had run off with his successor to some Monkey King merch event. Wukong found it endearing that they still showed such fan behaviors even after they had become close. Thinking about it with a small smile on his face, he closed his eyes and laid his head down of the counter. His tail swaying gently as he pondered on the two he grew fond of.

He jolted with a start as the two burst through the door. MK beamed as they pulled out a huge bag of stuff. Tang standing beside MK with a cardboard cut out of the Monkey King.

  "PIGSY! MONKEY KING! WE GOT SOOOO MUCH STUFF! EEEEEE!" He squealed, jumping around a bit before he settled back down. Tang was grinning ear to ear beside him. Wukong smiled at MK, before chuckling at the two's excitement. "It still amazes me that you've been around me for so long, yet you still act like such a fan boy when it comes down to it." He teased, though clear fondness showed through his voice. This caused MK to blush, and scratch the back of his head with a nervous chuckle. Tang seemed completely unfazed, digging through the bag. "Oh- you'll understand our excitement! When I show you what we scored!" Tang reassured with great vigor.

Wukong simply raised an eyebrow with slight interest. Pigsy, hearing the ruckus, finally came to see what was going on. He groaned at the site of the huge bag. "Hope you morons have a storage bin or something cause that junk isn't going in here!" The grumpy pig huffed. The monkey watching the two with a small amount of intrigue waved Pigsy off. "They can keep the stuff at my place, don't you worry old man." Pigsy was about to retort the old man statement when Tang let out a satisfied "Aha!" He pulled out a round object, and held it up. "BEHOLD! The limited fourth line addition of the perfect replica of the Golden hoop, aka circlet, aka crown, worn by Monkey King during the legendary Journey to the West!" Tang grinned, but Wukong didn't.

   His chest tightened as he saw the golden hoop in Tang's hands. Before he knew what was happening, he suddenly found his breath gone from him. He felt pressure, as if a mountain was dropped on him. He fell out of the stool he was on, and started to crawl back desperately. His movements speratic. Looking up, his eyes blured by tears, he saw a figure taller then him. He didn't see Tang, he saw his master. He saw the circlet, and he feared the worst. His mind in a haze as he tried to get away. Fear shook his entire body. "Master please! Please! I've been good! Don't put it on me again! I'll be good! I promise! Im not a bad monkey! I'm sorry!" He pleaded, but didn't know if his pleas had worked. His arms were up infront of him as he tried to block his master from view, to try and make it harder for him to put the circlet on his head. Before he knew it though, he had dropped through a dark shadow in the floor.

MK was freaking out, angry even. "WHY would you think it would he a good idea to FLAUNT SOMETHING THAT YOUR PROBABLY PAST LIFE SELF USED TO HURT HIM!?!?!" He yelled at Tang, they had expressed that he didn't think it was a great idea to show him the circlet. Knowing his teacher better then the others. Tang just didn't listen, not believing it would turn out bad. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't- I just- I...I'm sorry...." To say the monk look alike felt guilty was an understatement. He looked down at the floor in shame.

  Pigsy finally piped up. "I don't think it's the kid you should apologize to, Tang. As much as I don't necessarily care for the monkey, (He cares a LOT for Wukong, just won't say it) he deserves an apology." Tang nodded in understanding. "True....I think...I should let him be for now. Clearly I look to similar to Tripitaka for an apology to do any good right now."

  MK felt his lips tighten before he sighed. " about I check on him in a little bit, and then I'll let you know. I'm going to call Mie over. We're going to set up some comfort things for Monkey King." They pull our their phone swiftly to make the call.


Macaque had been eavesdropping on MK and Tang. Totally not to try and snag some of the merch, no, it was just to stay in the loop. Yeah...he absolutely didn't have a stack of Monkey King plushies at his place. That's besides the point right now, anyway. Right now, he was trying to calm his Peaches down. Wukong was crying, and shaking. He felt ashamed, and utterly embarrassed to have such a meltdown. "Peaches...please. Look at me." The dark furred monkey held an arm around Wukong, holding the other monkey to his chest. Wukong shook his head. "If you can't look at me, at least verbalize something." He pushed further. With a shakey sob, Monkey King relented.

"I can't...I can't believe something STUPID! Got to ME! I'm the Monkey King! A stupid toy shouldn't make me- make me feel fear!" Frustration burned through his veins, and made the pit of his stomach feel as though it would melt though the floor. Of course, the frustration was only to mask a deep sadness, and embarrassment he felt. The feeling of failure and stinging guilt. Having to face the negative emotions that he associated with his master, the fear, and worry, and anger, the resentment. Everything he willed himself to ignore for so long, to will down every negative thing. It wasn't fair for a simple glimpse, a simple toy, to bring it to the surface again.

He sighed in defeat, knowing it was no use to be angry. He resided into Macaque, curling into the monkey's embrace. Sobbing as he clung to the only thing left from that era of time. The only reminder that made him calm. He cried, and cried, until he fell asleep. Leaving a worried Macaque to ponder just what could have happened between the master and disciple he didn't see.

Possibly tbc-

A/N: I've got a wonderful beta reader now >:D So I might publish more often...

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