things spratt does that pisses me off (also give me short one shot ideas hel)

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also so danni lied to me (not rlly) and gave me the idea of posting my wips for you guys to choose which i continue BECUAEE actually i like have none id want to continue so if you want to give me a short story idea go ahead nothing too complicated tho cuz i'm writing the hg au whatever anyways hi pooks muddybedsheets

No description what so ever of the characters which led me to making up my own versions. Like all we get abt wai-yi is that she wears glasses and is a book worm (which is a MASSIVE stereotype abt asians so way to go spratt) like????

The random bits of racism ARE SO WEIRD??? that thing harvey said in the camp book abt rajiv was so fucking random and was not needed??? like hello?? and don't get me started abt how much i hated the agent in the newest book because spratt made her entire personality about how she gets discriminated against like girl firstly youre white she doesn't even understand the half of it, secondly we could've had a badass woman AND she could've gone through some discrimination and third it was just so badly written i couldn't handle it like ... trying to be woke so bad!!! i genuinely do hope she doesn't go on this trail because it's not needed and if she does she should at least research cuz it was not it😭😭😭

THE FACT THAT THE FKN AMERICANS GEY THE ART COVERS??? like hello australians deserve it more but whatever idc (i care a lot) like why don't we get the illustrations huh but whatever .

how she mentions how petite and dainty friday is on every page like we get it she could get stepped on what... anyways my personal redesign of her is not like that cuz i think i'll punch something if i have to read how thin she is one more time
AND how she's so quirky and not like other girls because she wears the same outfit every day like please. enough.

Likewise, how every single time Ian appears there's a comment abt how handsome he is like he's 12 for majority of the time i do not care if his piercing luscious gorgeous stunning radiant carefree jaw dropping eyes are blue ffs would it kill her to give him a real personality😭😭

this one isn't abt spratt but it's how old fb writers made friday the biggest pick me (she can be one in canon too which sucks balls) LIKE ENOUGH STOP IT😭 can we please leave pick me friday and alpha Ian in 2020 please and thank you

How fridays written to be soo stupid like she's some alien from a different planet. like i get it she isn't social and doesn't have friends but she isn't some AI robot she's been to school.💀
she lives in the real world and she goes out?? ? Like i'm not saying change her character but come on now she's not from outer space 😭😭 let her be nerdy but also know wtf is going on around her!

honestly the lack of Ian and friday just being normal, i touched on this in my ian essay but it's just crazy how the MAIN couple have no scenes of them just hanging out in a chill environment. the closest i can think of is in the 8th book when ian's studying but even then the poor boy is stressed tf out

all the weird comments ian gets. Like he gets point blank harassed and everyone's chill😭?

like she could've done so much to make it not happen and she still did!!! what!!! like it's so weird how do people skip over it. It's frankly gross but whatever anyways. bernie being her dads friend and not her uncle all the way i cannot handle the step cousins thing

anyways i sound like a bitch complaining but ignore that😭
bye mwah🤞

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