You know...we can't

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"You know...we can't really date, since it's going to be a risk of our safety?", Dom says. "Yeah, but can we atleast keep under covers until we get ahold of Rico?" "Okay, but for now we take it slow, I don't want to lose you, not now, not ever!", he says back.

"Look, just focus on school, we have just this year left and then we can work on capturing Rico and you'll have your way with him. When you are done with him, then you can start on a new slate.", Dom suggests.

"Yeah, you're right, but then I'll only get to deal with him once I'm 20, cause by 18, I start ruling and getting the hang of things. With 19, workload becomes an issue, so 20 will be my only chance to fuck with his pretty face!"

"Come here.", he says, gesturing for me to come forth. Once his hands have mine, he pulls me in by the waist and kisses me shortly, but sweetly. Seconds later his phone rings and he answers.

'Dom, hello. Oh Alanzo, where are the spies I asked for?' On the other side of the line, I hear minor squeaks only. 'No tell him his ass will be ablaze if he doesn't do the job the way I said it should be done!', he grunts.

"Okay, do you have anywhere you wanna go?", he asks. "Yeah." "Okay, tell me.", he says with that sly grin and I end up staring at him. (Not so long and you'll be having his child.) Addison, don't start a topic you can't even handle, okay!

"What?", he questions with yet another smirk and smile at him. "You know that smirk is gonna become a problem for me to handle." He then plants small pecks down my neck and ask, "Why? Oh, does it give you a wild imagination? Or are you getting horny, just from the way I touch you?", he asks, while still kissing down my neck.

Humming softy, I say, "Stop, you know there's no going back once we're at that point." "But I'm fine if you want to continue.", he replies. "Okay then, let's go to my house, since there's no one there and then you can fuck me in every possible way. How does that sound?" "Damn, you already getting sexy. But quick note this is only a fling, we can't date right? For your safety and mine.", he replies.

Yes, it's sad but true, we can be fuck buddies, but no dating, that can link our work to our personal life and may cause more damage than we can think of.

"Yeah, don't worry, we'll have it under control ofcourse?" "Yes, but you mean that I'll have you under my hold.", again with his smirk and I roll my eyes.

My house

We got in here 5 minutes ago and now we are chilling out in the kitchen. By chilling, I mean that I'm on my counter top and he's between my thighs, kissing from my lips down and going even lower. Yes, I took off my top and bra, so now all that needs to go is my bottoms.

"Omg, where have you been in the times that I crave a guy to go down on me good?" "I don't know love, but no worries, I'll be here, just for you.", he answers.

Moments later, I'm on my bed and he's undressing himself. Holy fuck! Yep, those are the right words Addy. He is big, my hole is gonna have to do some stretching and needs some lube.

"Are you still okay with this, we can stop if you want to wait or if you aren't ready.", he says. "No, no, let's go on, I was just looking at how big you are and how small my hole is." "Don't worry I will help you through this. Is it your first time?", he asks as he wets his finger in his mouth and brings it to my hole. I nod a yes, to answers his question.

With no hesitation, he starts kissing me softly and I feel his finger go into my folds. Fuck, I moan softly. "You can go as loud as you want, cause tonight is about you. I'm gonna teach you some things that are irreplaceable.", he says.

His finger pumps faster and he adds a second. To say I reached the point of no return, was and is an understatement. He has me under his spell. Once I got nice and wet, he looked at me for reassurance one more time and I nodded. Pulling on a condom, he came back to me and slowly plunges through my hole.

By now he's in fully and my back starts arching as he slowly goes at it. With my eyes rolled back, my hands on his arms and his on my waist, with him ontop, I take in what he gives and I feel like it's love. He doesn't go fast at all, instead he has me moaning as he slowly thrusts into me.


Alice really is someone special to me and us sharing this part of our lives, makes our strong bond even stronger. I thought I was just gonna fuck her normally, but at the moment, things look different, cause I'm not just fucking her, no I'm making love to her and she knows. This is a level of trust not everyone can achieve and I'm glad we have it.

"Fuck Dom, right there, ahhh.", she moans as I get to that sweet spot of hers and hit if repeatedly. "Choke me, please.", she asks. Okay, maybe I'm making her crazy, but I comply and choke her just enough for her to breathe.

I admit I have never had this type of sex ever, with anybody. It's mostly just a quick fuck and I'm done, but with her I'm taking my time.

Once we both reached our climaxes, we layer back to catch a breath. I can see that she enjoyed this just as much as I did, she even has stars in her eyes.


O, M, G, he officially fucked me till I saw stars. And from the passion I saw in his eyes, I'd say he enjoyed this just as much. "How was it Al?", he asks nervously. "That was the best, but the only sex I've had in my life and I loved every moment of it." "Let's get you cleaned up, before we sleep.", he says, taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom.

In there, I decided to shower once and for all, which led to where we are right now. While the water runs, Dom is giving my boobs some love. Damn he really, knows just what to do.

Moments later, we get back to washing and go back to my room in towels. Once we're done applying body cream, we put on some underware and go to my kitchen.

"So tell me, what are you planning to do with the house?", he asks. "Um, I wanna keep it and make it my headquarters once I start ruling the mafia. As we speak, I have been training and I'm being shown how to rule. What about you?" "My dad has my getting ready to rule his empire too, so that's the only exciting thing so far.", he replies.

"Atleast you don't have to be scared. I have no one left, except for my grandparents who I now visit weekly. Plus I have to run a shop, work school and you now.", I say the last part with a smirk.

"Oh is that so, I never knew that Alice Rossi would have me as work, but the kind she enjoys.", he says and winks at me. "I'm always there for you girl. Just call or scream and I'm there. Now what do want to eat for dinner?", he asks.

My answer, "you boy. Nuh, I'm joking, let's go out to McDonald's, then Starbucks. Is that okay?" "Yeah.", he says. Since he puts on a blue hoodie with black sweats, I put on a black hoodie and blue sweats and take my gun and he his, our sneakers are the same colour and off we go. I only have a few guards at home, for my safety, so some drive with us.

At McDonald's

"I want a big mac with some chips and fanta, please." "And I'll have a big mac too with a Coca-Cola.", he says as his arms entangle around my waist from the back. After paying, we went out to wait for the order. 5 minutes later we get the order and I can't help but feel like someone's following us.

"Dom, I might be wrong, but I feel like someone's following us." "Okay, let's go to Starbucks and while you order, I'll keep an eye and the guards can too, is that okay?", he asks.
"Yeah, it's fine, but we'll have to be quick."


"Whew, I was kind of frightened there, who do you think would want to follow us?" "Definitely Rico, cause he's out for blood, he has wanted your family gone, since your father began to rule. Now he knows you're alive and won't stop hunting, till you're dead.", he says. "He can try, but I'll kill him first."

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