~ Her true colours~

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There is no lying, Alice has my whipped. She actually gave me a chance to persue her. Tell you this, she is so on guard that I thought she'd never even listen to what I had to say.
Knowing that she's on my side just helps so much more. We can finally bring down Rico Rivabianci and live in peace after it all.

It's a few days after Alice and I met and one of my guards at the warehouse overheard someone talk about how Rico is planning to take down Alice and then me. I had always thought my team had a mole, but could never hint at them.

Finally we caught him and have him tied up, but I think I'm going to milk this one for answers or else he'll just bleed out to death. Walking to my basement, I call over Louis, my second in command. He tells me that they have the guy is down there and that he isn't answering any questions.

Arriving in the basement, I see him in a chair. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Alessandro himself. Are you here to chat or talk business?", he asks with a taunting grin. "You know Marcus, I always trusted you and it was just for you to betray me. You know what happens to idiots here right?" "Yes, I do.", he fires back. "So I give you two choices. 1. You answer my questions and I give you an easy death. Or 2. You remain stubborn and I have fun with your bones. I am the bone doctor afterall.", I say and see his grin falter.

As I stand at my table of tools, I ask. "So tell me Marcus. Who is your boss?" "Why should I tell you?", he asks and I walk back to shoot his thigh. A few questions still came from my mouth and as always he refused to answer and I chopped off a toe. Right now his left foot has no toes left and he looks drained. "You better start talking or the zoo would love a new animal joining.", I push. Seeing his evident fear towards pain, I take a tweezer from my tool cabinet. "W-wh-what are you going to do with that?", he asks as his voice drips of pain and denial. "This.", I say and plunge it through the hole I recently made with my bullet, while not forgetting to pour some vinegar onto it. "Ahhhh, shhh, sss. Shit, I'll talk. Please, please, I'll talk.", he screams.

"Now talk, what is Rico planning?" "He has spies, some of them work for you and some work for this girl he despises. He says she became a problem in our line of business. Her name is Alice. He says he wants to take care of the unfinished business by having her killed and you gone too.", he rambles.

"Okay, so he is up to something. Louis, keep an eye on him. I need to make a quick call." "Yes boss.", he says. I walk out and take out my phone to call Alice.


It's finally morning and I can't wait to start the day. I have no unnecessary plans, all I'm gonna do is train and go shopping for some under garments. And no, they aren't for anyone, but myself. I like looking and feeling good. As I enter my bathroom, I brush my teeth and do a morning routine, thereafter, I get dressed in my gymwear and head to my indoor gym. After leg day and some target practice, I am worn out and head back for my shower. In the shower, I have a me moment and walk back out to my room after I'm done.

There's no such thing that's as peaceful as knowing that you don't have to stress that day, since you are off. It's almost like a vacation, but I never seem to feel completely comfortable with it either.

Anyway, I am dressed and heading down for my solo coffee date. "Guys, can two of you join me today? I want to go out for a coffee and need some security.", I said having a strange feeling run through me.

We all go to my new favourite Spanish cafe that opened just recently. At the cafe, I see a friendly girl and she says, "Como està. Me llamo Maria. How can I help you?", she asks kindly. "Hi, Maria. Està bien. Me llamo Alice. I would like an iced coffee with ice-cream por favor." "On it, I'll have it ready in 5.", she says smiling. A few minutes later, I am blessed with my drink. "Thanks Maria.", I say after she puts the drink on my table, not forgetting that my bodyguards are seated with me. As we are about to get up so I pay for my drink, I get a call.

'Sandro, miss me already?' 'Oh, yes I do so, so much.', his voice dripping of sarcasm. 'Okay why'd you call?' 'I called to tell you about the info I just received from a guy today. He knows a lot about you and I was thinking you could come in to interrogate him more. Is that okay?', he asks. 'Ofcourse.'

'Where do I find you.', he asks. 'Well, I'm at the new Spanish cafe downtown.' 'Okay I'll be there in 10.', he assures. 'Okay then.', I say and end the call. This man named Rico is really working my last nerve. Before he knows it, I'll paint this town red with his dirty ass blood. He better be ready for what I have brewing for him.

Just as he said, he arrived in 10 minutes and I had my guards follow behind us with my car. "So how did you find the guy?" "Well, he was overheard by my second in command's crew and they informed him and I.", Sandro says with his hand firmly gripping the gearshifter. "What did he say about me?" "He just said that my father wants you and I both dead.", he says. "You know, that man is really getting on my last nerve.", I say and he quickly glances at me when we stop at a red light. "Don't worry, we'll get him soon. Then we can have a weight lifted.", he says and smiles at me warmly.

Arriving at the gates of his estate, he asks if I'm ready and I nod a yes. "Okay, now look into the camera for it to get your face scanned. Your guards will have to do the same.", he says and I tell the guards the instruction through a phone call. "Okay, we're here.", he says. Parking the car, he gets out first, then he opens my door and helps me out. The guards follow him and I into his house. His house is the type that has a dark homey aesthetic and drips of manly power. Looking around, I can feel my trouser shrink onto my skin. We all follow him to the basement and it looks no different there. I look at the details briefly and look to the center of the room to see the tied man. I smirk and see him look at Sandro before looking at me. His face is evidence of shock on steroids and I can't help but smile at him.

Sandro calls over his capo, Louis and introduces us to each other. The three of us walk over to the 'tough guy' as I heard and I start the chain of questions. "Okay 'tough guy' do you know who I am?" Laughing, he says, "Well, well, if it isn't the girlfriend herself. I have to admit you two look good together. At first I wondered how a little girl like you even made it in this life. It's a pitty I can't have you. You would have enjoyed my dick." He says all that and trails his eyes up and down my body.

"Hmm, over my dead body.", I say and stab through his left eye. "Those eyes you use to scan me won't help you out of here. Now give me some answers!", I demand. "Little girl I am done with this shit. Does little Alice miss her family?", he asks in a mocking tone. "You better behave, or trust me, I will feed you to my dogs piece by piece if he doesn't kill you."


It's been a while since we all came to the basement and he still isn't budging, but she has him under control. A moment after I move to the door to go out for a drink, I finally see the power she has, but I think she's going soft on him.

Coming back with my whiskey, I find her looking furious. "You better behave, or trust me, I will feed you to my dogs piece by piece.", I hear her say to Marcus in ropes. She is truly different from any girl I've seen. She even calls me Sandro now. I think I'm inlove. "Alice, let's leave him to thaw in his blood. Can you all excuse us? I want to talk to Alice in the office.", I ask and leave her guards and Louis behind.

Moments later in my office, I have her in my arms and the door is closed. She is clearly shaking from the anger pulsing through her veins, but still she hugs back tighter. "I just couldn't stand him Sandro. He brought back all those difficult memories I had to bury. He is lucky I considered killing him. I want to find Rico, he needs to pay!", she says calming down and placing her head on my chest. After calming her down, we still have each other embraced and now we are looking into each others eyes. My eyes shift between her eyes and lips and without knowing when, our lips capture each other. Blissfully that moment felt short lived when we pulled away. But then she came back in for another long kiss.

"If I knew kissing you would be this good, I would have done it a long time ago." "Me too.", she says with a blush. "We'll catch him Al, okay?" "Surely we have to.", she says and smiles at me. "What, why are you smiling?" "I am because with your guys the basement, I bid them farewell and she pecks my cheek, making my think back to what happened in the office. I can't believe we just kissed. Just like that, I saw her true colours.

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