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Normally I would not want to even breathe near a Rivabianci, but after some research done about Alessandro, Rico's son, I found that he's not lying about trying to do good. Yeah, call me stupid, but I want to use him to get his father. That man has to die by my hands or I don't know if I will ever forgive myself.

As I hear a soft knock at my office door, I tell the person to come in. Seeing my assistant, Bri, I sigh in relief. "Talk to me Bri." "Alice, Mr.Rivabianci has arrived and wishes to speak to you.", she says with a hint of fear in her tone. "Tell him to meet me at the bar. And please don't fear him, I am here to protect you, soon you will see that it isn't that difficult and that's why I chose you as my assistant. Now be confident and deliver the message to him please." She nods and slips out again.

Minutes later, I get to him at the bar and his bodyguard is nearby, but sits on the couch. "Alessandro. What brings you by on this lovely day?" "Some important news and maybe you.", he says with a sly smirk. "Anything to drink?", I ask and walk around the counter. "Yes, give me your best drink.", he says and stares into my eyes. Clearing my throat, I say, "the negroni might be okay. If you're wondering, it has gin, campari and vermute rosso in it." "Fine by me." He says and takes his glass after I make us the drinks.

"So what's the news about Alessandro?" "Just a moment.", he says clearing his throat. He turns to his guard and tells him to give us some privacy and the guard complies. I can't help but feel anxious around him, but I quickly shake away the feeling and pull myself together. "So, I came here to say that we may have found the person who stole your supplies.", he states. "Who is it? Tell me Sandro!", I force with a bang of my hand on the counter. "No more Alessandro huh?", he asks with a smirk. As I stand up to walk away, he grabs my wrist and pulls me to him. Whispering in my ear, he says, "it was Rico, the bastard. He is behind all the schemes. Now calm down and let's finish talking." In that moment, I lose focus from the anger in my veins and my eyes feel like they are about to pop any second, but all of a sudden the feeling fades. I find myself straddling Sandro's lap and him grazing my cheek.

"I need you to join me. And yes, I know you don't trust me, but we can find him faster together, then I'll be out of your hair.", I watch him say. "What makes you think I would want to join you? Or let me ask you this. What are you willing to do to make me help you?" "Oh, dear Alice. We both know that what I say, you clearly follow. Your mouth says one thing but your body does another.", he now says as his breath fans over my lips. "But that's where you are wrong Sandro. You are clearly the one who's obssessed with me. Aren't you?"

For a few seconds he stares into my eyes, then suddenly his face becomes serious. "I think it's time we talk about our deal.", he says and I get off his lap. "Okay, so what's the plan?" "Well I have an inside man who is close to him and tells me his plans, so we could use him to find out where Rico will turn up. After finding out, we can make our plan on catching him.", he says. "Yeah that would be great." "So, then our meeting's done?", he asks me. "Yes, there's nothing else for me to say. If by chance you have more info, contact me through my assistant."

With that we both leave the bar and I lead him to the front door. "See you soon Alice." "Ciao Sandro." As he gets in and drives off, I start breathing in more air like someone who has been suffocated. I don't like the effect he has on me at all. "Are you okay?", Bri asks. "Honestly, no. I don't know why, but I have this weird feeling whenever he's around. Almost like he steals my breathe from me. He just–... I don't know." "Well if you ask me, I think you're developing feelings for him.", she says almost scared. "Maybe, but anyway, he said he'll keep in touch and we made a draft of a plan so far." "That's good to hear. I just wanted to say that Dominique called me a few minutes ago and said he'll call your personal phone in 10 minutes. It sounds serious.", she states quickly.

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