Lessons In Control: Part 1

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Part one of two of a short story sequence!


Another meeting...one of the tri-annual meetings that the Council had. With the Ancients and Mortals speaking, this was an incredibly exhausting event for Marrok...Much was on his mind.

The voices continued on with the topic at hand...it seemed that it was going far slower than expected.

"This has been a good year for us." Cadmus spoke to his brethren. "We have seen strong reinforcement in the Isles of Eclipse, the Capital of Meridian and the Citadel at Kolariah. And with the increase of our forces supporting the temple at Balerion, it may be decades before we see activity from the Titans. So our military zenith is secure."

"For the time being," The liaison of Balerion exclaimed. "But the demons have become much more organised these past few months. Perhaps the rumours of their new masters intending to lead an assault will come soon?"

"It is highly unlikely." Viviana spoke. "Karayan and Satanis have not been seen for the past 800 years. They will not risk their own lives to lead an assault unless they had a reason."

"Having both our races slaughtered is reason enough, my Lady." The king of Kolariah spoke. "We may be strong now, but the enemy is regrouping. I do not wish to live another 300 years in another war."

"And we do not wish for that either, your Majesty." Elon spoke. "But until we can guarantee that our realms are truly safe from the Titans, we must remain alert..."

All members of the Ancient High Council and the Mortal Council nodded, talking amongst themselves. Marrok softly nodded his head.

He looked to the side of his chair, his eyes dim from exhaustion. His thoughts had travelled elsewhere. He felt uneasy...something rather odd for him to experience...and yet, it provided a good distraction...too good.


His ears twitched as he blinked quickly, turning his attention back to the Council members. "Hm?"

"The Ambassador was just speaking to you." Viviana replied.

Marrok rubbed his eyes, before turning to the Ambassador of Eclipse. "I apologise in full, my friend. I had not realised you were speaking...what were you saying?"

"I was merely asking about my Realm's Ancients, Master Marrok." The Reaver replied calmly. "How are they progressing?"

The other members of the council looked to Marrok, Viviana's brow raised in concern. Her brother saw her reaction. This was still a sensitive topic.

"Well...there has been great progress in their physical training regimens." Marrok began. "Considering who Sephtis was, they possess great skill in arms. However, they are much more...impatient, then I thought they would be. But, I believe once they have tempered their emotions with some discipline, we could very well see a few joining us...once they come of age."

"Will there be a God of Eclipse on the council, Marrok?" The Meridian representative asked.

"That is the intended goal, my Lady." Marrok replied. "As you know, the Council currently consists of those deeply connected to the Realms. Cadmus's apprentice Einar will eventually be taking his place as the Council's Battlemaster, while Kolariah is expected to receive Solaris as a Councillor soon, hopefully where he can aid Eridanis in creating our Realm Gate project."

Viviana smiled softly.

"Given that nearly all of our Eclipse kin are still at a relatively young age...at least, in our eyes." Marrok spoke kindly while the Mortal Council appeared amused (and slightly insulted). Quite obviously, their shorter life was not the same to the gods.

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