Part 8

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I woke up the next morning at 6 as usual to go to work. I was still cuddled in landos arms but we both had to wake up. I shook him lightly and said 'lando we have to get up we have work'. He said 'nooooo, I like being cuddled with you. 5 more minutes please' 'no lando, I know I love cuddling with you too but were gonna be late.' He then said to me ' ugh fine but you need to kiss me to get up'. I then kissed him and he got up with a smile.

I then got my things and went to my appartement to get ready for the day. I wore my grey McLaren hoddie paired with blue flared jeans, a black leather blazer, a pair of AF1, my bag and gold jewlery.

 I wore my grey McLaren hoddie paired with blue flared jeans, a black leather blazer, a pair of AF1, my bag and gold jewlery

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I then did my hair and make up, ate a muffin and had a cup of tea

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I then did my hair and make up, ate a muffin and had a cup of tea. I got my things and told lando that I had left for work. He said he will see me there and I got into my car and drove to the headquarters.

I got to work and I went into my meeting room to have a briefing with lando, oscar, their social media managers and zac to talk about what is going to happen next weekend at the race regarding post and any social media and interviews with media things that were happening.

The meeting lasted for an hour and a half and after that I went into my office and started editing some pictures and posting things on the Instagram and tik tok page. I worked for 2 hours until I heard a knock on the door. I said come in and lando walked in with an iced coffee. He gave it to me and sat down on the chair Infront of my desk. He then said to me ' So, I have the afternoon off toady so I was thinking maybe we could go out for lunch, your choice, than after we can go for a walk and If you want you can come back to the office or you can take the afternoon off and we can go shopping or something'. I then smiled at him and said ' yeah, that sound really nice. I'll let zac know that I am taking the afternoon off I was still finished for today'. He got up from the chair and came next to me and kissed my check, said bye and he left my office.

I finished off all my work and lando come to my office at 12.30 and we left for lunch. We drove secretly since I needed my car and went to a hot pot restaurant for lunch. We got a table at the back of the restaurant since we didn't want paparazzi to ruin our day. We ordered our hot pot ingredients and after we cooked and ate we paid and made our way to an ice cream parlor to get some ice cream and have a little walk. We talked a lot about life on our walk and we got to know each other. We walked for 30 minute and we got back into our car and went to the shopping mall. We went to Primark, h&m, pandora, rituals, Ted baker, Michele Kors, Luis Vuitton and Prada. I bought some things from all the stores I went to. We then went to lind to get some chocolates. We then decide to go to my appartement and watch a movie. 

We got to my house and I unpacked all the things I had bought and put them in their rightful place. Whilst I unpacked and organized lando chose the movie we were gonna watch and got snacks ready. We decide to watch 2 fast 2 furious. We sat on my sofa, cuddled up and watched the movie. We finished the movie at 7.00 so I decide to cook dinner for lando. Before dinner lando went to his appartement to shower and get changed into comfy clothes. I also showered and got into comfy clothes and did my skincare.

I went into my kitchen and I started preparing the ingredients for me to make spaghetti carbonara

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I went into my kitchen and I started preparing the ingredients for me to make spaghetti carbonara. I had taken everything out when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and it was lando. He came and sat on a bar stool at my kitchen island. I started cooking and we chatted and we sang to the music that was playing in the background. We ate our food then we decided to play a few rounds of uno, then charades and then we finished off the nights by going outside to my balcony and sat there looking at the night sky.

He left my appartement at 11.00 and when he left I went and cleaned up then I went into my room journaled and read for a bit then went into bed and fell asleep.

The right choice ~L.NWhere stories live. Discover now