We'll have that again 🌼-👀(GN)

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(Sry this isn't the request that was requested I just wrote this up real quick, I promise I'm still working on that tho)

You sighed, resting your head on your hand. Shinobu was currently stirring a spoon in her tea. The honey brown colored drink steamed a thick cloud, floating up into nothingness.

You appreciate moments like these, quiet, peaceful moments You get to spend with you lover. It really seems like everything else doesn't matter. Just you and Shinobu.

The wind outside the window Shinobu sat infront of was gentle and brushed against your skin softly. It's warmth made you comfortable. You hummed in comfort as you felt the warmth from the sunset kiss your skin.

You looked over at Shinobu, a soft smile crossing your lips upon seeing the gorgeous sight of her.

Her short Raven to purple hair reached the middle section of her neck, her bangs hung over her forehead. Her unique purple eyes gazed at the sunset that gave a warm yellow glow to her features. Her smile was real, she was enjoying this moment as much as you.

Shinobu took notice of your stare.

"Heh, do you like what you see, butterfly?" She whispered, laughing sweetly after. You joined her laugh. "Yes, actually I really do." She looked over at you, her cheeks warmed up, dusted pink.

She took in your relaxed appearance as you took in hers.

Your (H/L) was kept in a sloppy (H/S), your love filled (E/C) eyes looked into her own. The cup of tea held in your hand had some steam coming from it, you held it with both hands, your hands shaking up the warmth from the cup. The sunset gave your relaxes figure a nice, yellow, warm glow.

A chuckle left your soft lips, "Do you like what you see?" She blushed a bit more, "I do, Love, I really do.." she blinked away oncoming tears...

If things went how she hoped, to get her revenge..

You both would never have these moments again, she'd never get to feel the amazing feeling of being loved by you.

Your calmed expression fell and was quickly replaced by one of concern for your lover.

"Shinobu? Are you ok? You look like-" She took a sharp inhale. "I'm fine, Im..I'm just so happy that I have you." She smiled after inturupting you, she felt bad, but she didn't want you to see her cry. Cause then you'd ask her why.

You frowned a bit, unconvinced. You've been courting Shinobu for a year now, you can tell when she is truly upset or when she's lying. Or when she's doing both at the same time, like now.

"If your say so.." you mumbled, lifting your cup to your lips and sipping the tea happily.

Shinobu smiled and did the same.

She was going to miss this.

She was going to miss you dearly..

You choked, your own blood spilling from deep in yoir throat and out your mouth, staining your soft lips red. Shinobu's eyes teared up, she planned on her dying, and only her.

She didn't want you to come with her.

"Y..Y/n, I-I told you to run!" She cried, her tears falling down her blood covered cheek. You blinked out your own tears, the pain was awful, but you could only imagine her pain.

You both were awfully injured by this uppermoon two. You shut your eyes, some tears spilling out, you shook your head and wrapped her in your strong arms. "If you thought I'd just simply  leave you alone to this bastard, you thought wrong." You opened your tired eyes, looking into her glossy purple ones.

"I..You can't die too..you need to keep on living.." she looked over at the blond demon who smiled at the couple, the dying couple.

"So do you, but..I can't really feel the pain anymore..I think I'm dying." You said, holding her tighter. Her beautiful haori was covered with hers and yours blood, her hairpin taken by the demon, Doma. Your haori too was blood covered and torn, your sword long alone along with hers.

"No..no," she cried. She felt it too, the feeling of pain was slipping away. She could feel herself dying too..

You glared at the uppermoon who held your Fiancé beautiful butterfly hairclip, the one who stole you and hers futures.

"Don't look at him- you don't want his disgusting excuse of a life form to be the last thing you see." She whispered, her breathing begginging to get lighter.

"Ouch." The demon said, licking some of her blood from the clip, you sneered as much as you could, which wasn't a lot. You are dying after all.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't do more for us." You whispered, your last tears gliding down your cheeks. Shinobu felt herself ready to burst seeing you not only cry, but also hearing your apologize for something that isn't your fault, and that you would die before her.

"I love you so much.." you said, your voice getting quieter and quieter. Shinobu shuddered, her eyes widening and her vision blurring.

"Wait- Wait, Y/n, please don't go!" She tried to sit up, but your hold was so tight, she couldn't move. She's too weak, too tired.

The uppermoon chuckled, "Aw, don't pay any mind to them, they're dead!" He chirped happily. He began walking towards you two.

Shinobu began shaking in anger, she didn't want the filth near her, she despised him with all her being.

He took her sister.

And now her lover too.

He made it to you two, Shinobu looked at him with anger filled eyes, looking at him wkth only hate. He chuckled before peeling her out of your arms.

Her eyes widened, "Don't touch them! Don't-" She yelled, desperation and anger apparent.

He picked her up swiftly, you body landing to the floor with a thud, she growled and tried moving, but her body too damaged and aching.

Doma held the beautiful girl to his chest, forcing her into a unreturned hug. "How sad! Ugh, you just saw your lover die! How depressing!" He fake cried, Shinobu sneered, feeling only disgust towards this thing hugging her.

"You disgust me, you fuckhead!" She shouted. Doma laughed, his body shaking with laughter causing her to the same.

As he kept laughing, she looked over to your lifeless body. Silently crying and wishing for your death to be some sick dream. But she knew as anyone else did, this was real..you were gone, taken from her.

The memory of you sitting with her looking at the sunset flashed before her eyes. The way you looked at her with nothing but love. How the sunset made you look simply beautiful.

She shut her eyes tightly, the pain was almost gone, she's almost dead.

Don't worry, Y/n...

We'll get that again..

I promise.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated In a damn dang while, but lately schools really got me stressed. I'm in ceramics if you didn't know, is like pottery I guess? Anyways, we have like two things to make in one week. And it's way harder then it seems.

So here's that oneshot and a apology lol

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