Chapter 12

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Kara's POV

Saying goodbye is never easy no matter what the situation is. I know Alex and I won't be gone for too long but it still hurts when we say goodbye to Eliza.

We're all in the car on the way back to National City. Lena and I haven't talked about our kiss but the feeling of waking up next to her after we had kissed was indescribable. When she woke up she had said, "Staring is rude." I brushed her hair out of her face as much as I could and said back, "Can you blame me?" She laughed and snuggled more into me.

Eliza loves Lena though which I'm very glad about. Now that I know Lena feels the same, I hope that the next time I come home, I'll be introducing her as my girlfriend.

I've also realized that I don't think any label except pansexual fits me. I just love people and love. I don't care about your gender or what's between your legs. I just love people for themselves.

Lena puts her hand on my knee, "What are you thinking about?" She asks.

"A little bit of everything." I say and give her a closed mouth smile.

She gives one back but keeps her hand on my knee. I grab the blanket that's on the floor beneath my feet and pull it over my legs. Then I interlace my hand with Lena's, resting on my lap. Lena glanced at me and smiles as she gives my hand a squeeze, silently telling me that was a good idea.

I don't want to waste time when I could be touching her. For the longest time, I've wanted to just reach over and hold her hand without any consequences to haunt me so the fact that I can now do that right now makes me feel so so relieved. Of course, with the exception of the blanket covering our hands..

I don't want to tell Alex just yet about what happened last night. She was already giving me hell about it this morning when she saw us clinging to each other the night before. I just want to enjoy what's happening between Lena and I for right now. I'll tell Alex eventually.

The rest of the car ride went fairly well this time. Lena and Maggie hadn't encouraged any arguments with each other the whole ride. But that also may be because Lena and I switched sides. Well technically I'm sitting in the middle now but she did decide to sit in the seat I originally sat in when we drove to Eliza's.

We dropped off Lena first. I wish I could have gave her a kiss. I don't know if that's too soon though. Most people want to take things slow with someone. I don't. I want to kiss her all the time. I've always wanted to. And now that I finally have, I don't want to stop, ever. I think I just officially became an addict.

"Love you guys." I say leaning in from the middle seat to kiss the sides of their heads. I put on my glasses and when getting out of the car, Alex gives me the look that says, "Don't forget." I definitely won't forget. Ever since Lena agreed to help me decorate for Maggie's t party, I've been much more motivated to do it then I was before.

When I make it up to my apartment I set my bags down by the door and collapse on my bed. I didn't actually mean to fall asleep but about two hours later I heard a ringing coming from somewhere on the bed.

I groan, blindly feeling for it. My vision's slightly blurry as I answer my phone, not knowing who it is. "Hello?" I say.

"Kara, did I wake you?" It's Lena.

"I never meant to fall asleep but I needed to get up anyway." I say rubbing my eyes. I put her on speaker and check my phone, making sure I didn't miss anything.

"I was calling to check on you. Have you gotten unpacked yet?" She asks. I hear the sound of dishes clanking, so I assume she's doing the dishes right now.

"Nope, I actually crashed as soon as I got home. I can have that done in a flash though." I say. She laughs because she knows it's true.

"When is Maggie's surprise party going to be?" Lena asks through the phone.

"I think within the next few days. I think Alex was thinking about Wednesday. That way Maggie won't necessarily suspect it because most people have parties on Friday." I say carrying my phone with me to the door to get my bags. "I was wanting to go shopping for decorations tomorrow, do you want to come?"

"Of course. I should probably check in at work and get some stuff done first but I'll let you know when I'm done." She says. She takes a deep breath, "Kara...I already miss you."

"Do you want me to come over?" I Immediately say back. I hope she says yes because I already miss her too much to admit myself.

"If you want. I'm unpacking right now though." She says.

"I'll quickly also unpack then I'll be over." I say.

"Okay, see you soon, Kara." She says.

I end the call and quickly get up, forgetting I had just been asleep. I'm definitely energized now. I use my super speed to unpack and put my clothes in the washer. I put a t shirt on and jeans. I also brush my teeth because I was just asleep and I don't want my breath to smell when I'm at Lena's.

I secretly fly to Lena's house and surprisingly it's unlocked so I quickly slide in. "Lena?" I yell through her house.

"In here!" I hear her yell from her bedroom.

I walk in there and she's beside her bed going through clothes. She turns around and sees me. We both smile and she wraps her arms around my neck as mine go around her waist. "Hi gorgeous." I whisper in her ear.

She moves slightly, not unwrapping her hands from my neck, and looks at me. Her eyes go to my lips and she leans in. We meet each other in the middle and we're kissing again. Lena takes control and somehow her hands are now around my waist with mine touching her face. This kiss is different from the one we had. It's more desperate and urgent. We're both panting but we can't stop kissing each other. Lena's hand gravitates towards my butt but she doesn't squeeze it, she just palms it. She slips her tongue in which draws a whimper from me. I never knew kissing someone could give me so much pleasure without doing anything remotely sexual.

Lena sits down and brings me on top of her, straddling her. Our mouths never disconnect and it's like my hips have a mind of their own because they start grinding into her as we kiss. Lena's hands go underneath my shirt and un clips my bra. Her lips back away from mine only to connect with my neck. Her hands palm by breasts and she starts playing with my nipples. The sensation between her playing with my nipples and her kissing my neck becomes too much and I moan, "Lena."

Before I know it or before I even knew it was possible, I'm orgasming. She hasn't even touched me where I need her yet and I've already had a orgasm. "Did you just—"

I nod my head embarrassed. Lena makes me look at her, "Kara, you are so fucking sexy." All my worries go away once again and I'm kissing her again.

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