Chapter 24

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Kara's POV

Everything has went back to normal for the most part. I have my powers back and while my powers were blown out, Alex and John had fought the alien that attacked me and locked it up.

The one thing that has been engraved in my brain is what Lena had told me while I was in a coma. I could hear what everyone had told me but I couldn't open my eyes or move my body.

She wants us to move in together. I would love for Lena and I to take that step into moving together but I'm also quite terrified that Lena may realize that being around me all the time may seem boring or insignificant. I always want to be around Lena and I feel like even if we move in together, that won't change. I'm just so in love with her, I feel like the possibility of getting bored of her is impossible.

Lena is coming tonight for Game Night and Mila will be staying the night as well. Mila stays with me every Friday now after game night. Here moms have agreed so it's became our routine now.

I head to my apartment after a long day of work and put more comfortable clothes on. I put black leggings on with a tank top and a cardigan. I leave my hair and makeup the same then make sure my apartment is clean. James and Winn are bringing pizza and of course potstickers for me. I hope Lena arrives first so I can kiss her as many times as I want.

Speaking of Lena, I can hear her heartbeat at my door. Before she can knock on the door, I open it. She jerks up as the door swings open and I giggle. "Sorry." I mumble. I really need to stop doing that, I always scare people because they don't expect it.

"That excited to see me?" Lena teases as she leans into kiss me. She only pecks my lips but I want a real kiss. I grab her neck and mold our mouths together and kick the door shut behind her. As I'm kissing her, I rest her back on the door. "H-Honey, we can't do this right now." She says to my disappointment.

I step back towards her, "We don't have to have sex Lena. Who says we can't just makeout like teenagers?"

Lena smirks at me as she drags me to the couch with her. She pushes me down so I'm laying down then gets on top of me. She looks so deep in my eyes, "I love you so much Kara." This feeling is indescribable. I can see the love Lena has for me inside her eyes and it's like pouring out of her. I know I'm so loved by her and she knows she is so loved by me.

I never thought that love was in the cards for me. With my double identity and all, I thought I would be lonely forever. I always hoped for my perfect partner at game night. Even at the time when I was dating Monel, deep down I always knew that he wasn't the one.

Before Lena and I finally got together, before I even knew I had feelings for her, she was my perfect partner at game night. She was the person besides Alex that knew everything about me (Besides that I was Supergirl).

"Kara?" Lena says my name as she sits up but she's still straddling me. "Baby? What's wrong?"

I didn't realize I was crying until I can feel the wetness around my eyes. I wipe my tears and just smile at Lena. "I'm just so happy Lena. And I love you more than anything in this world. You're my soulmate and I truly believe that soulmates exist because of you and us."

Lena gives me one of the softest smiles I think I've ever seen her give me and she leans into kiss me. I deepen the kiss and guide her so she's laying on me. And we do just that, we make out like horny teenagers until we hear a knock on the door.

We finally break away and Lena's lips are red and slightly swollen. I'm sure mine are the exact same, at least that's the way they feel. I wink at her as I walk over to my door. I open the door to reveal James and Winn with a couple pizzas in their hands and Winn is holding my potstickers. I decide to wait until everyone is here to start eating but I do steal a potsticker.

I walk back into the living room to see Lena now sitting near the arm rest. I smile at her as I sit down next to her. I kiss her lips and my arms rests between her legs. Winn, James, Lena, and I all talk about our lives recently and any projects we have coming up until Alex, Maggie, and Mila get here.

When I hear the knock on the door and know they're here, I yell to come in. I hear Mila's little footsteps run to me and I pick her up, setting her on my lap. "Hi my little monkey!" I say giving her kisses all over her face. She giggles and gives her lovings to Lena as well.

Alex and Maggie walk in and sit down. "Can we have a movie marathon night instead of playing games? I'm in a movie mood." Alex says as she pops open a beer to drink.

I move my hand back and forth on Lena's thigh, not forgetting what we were just doing before everyone got here. "I'm good with that if everyone else is." I say nodding.

I stand up and go to my movies collection. Alex pics out a horror because that's what Maggie wanted. I walk back after putting the movie in and reclaim my spot beside my beautiful girlfriend. My hand goes right back on her leg like a natural instinct. Lena leans into me, laying her head on my shoulder. I kiss her head and she puts her hand over top of mine that's resting on her leg.

As the movie continues, Mila can't make up her mind from going between her moms and her favorite aunts. When the really scary parts come on, Mila is sitting between her moms and I'm leaning in towards Lena. Everyone knows I don't do well with horror movies no matter how much I try to act like I like them.

"It's okay baby." Lena says wrapping her arms around me and kisses my head. It's the little things that Lena does that make me fall even more in love with her if that's possible. I love the way she loves me.

Thankfully, the movie finally ends and everyone starts to leave. I put the leftover food in the fridge and clean up a bit with Lena's help. Mila tells her mom's goodbye and jumps up and down, "I'm so excited!" I love how Mila is still as enthusiastic and excited as she was the first time she stayed with us.

"What do you want to do monkey?" I ask picking her up. It sucks that every time she stays it's already too late to really do anything.

"Can we set up the game station?" Mila asks with a pout.

"Of course, let's do that right now." I say smiling as we head to set up the game station. Lena heads to the bedroom to get ready for bed.

When the game station is set up, I whisper to Mila, "You want to scare Aunt Lena?"

She nods with a big evil grin and we both hide on each side of the way to my room. We both jump out and yell, "Boo!" when Lena walks out. She jerks and lets out a scream. "You guys are mean." She says narrowing her eyes at the both of us.

"I'm sorry babe, forgive me?" I ask pouting. Mila looks up at Lena, "Yeah, forgive us?" She asks with the almost exact same pout as mine.

Lena rolls her eyes and kisses both of our cheeks. "Forgiven." She says walking to the living room to sit down on the sofa.

I laugh, walking over to sit next to my girlfriend and Mila sits next to me. I grab the controllers and hand Mila one. Lena grabs a book and starts reading.

"How did you get so good?" I gasp as a four year old is currently beating me at Mario Brother's right now. We just started playing this game like two weeks ago.

"I learned from the best." She says in her little 4 year old voice. After a couple rounds of playing our game, I notice Mila getting sleepy. I turn to Lena to tell her I'll be right back. I pick Mila up and walk to my bedroom. I quickly help her change into her bedclothes and we brush our teeth together. I set up her little cot we bought and put it beside the bed. "I love you, goodnight." I whisper as I lay her down.

I get myself changed into shorts and a tank top and I remove my makeup then wash my face. I walk back into the living room and see Lena almost falling asleep while reading. It's kinda funny because she keeps almost falling asleep, so while she attempts to read, she's going cross eyed.

"Are you ready for bed?" I ask walking to her. She blinks quickly and shuts her book. She nods but doesn't make a move to get up. I gently pick her up bridal style and lay her in our bed.

I realize it's definitely too late to talk about moving in together so that will have to be a conversation for tomorrow. I get in next to Lena and she moves over, resting her head on my chest. In her state, she manages to lift her head and kiss my lips. "Good night, love you." She mumbles out.

"Good night my love, I love you." I whisper holding her tight.

My Green Eyed Kryptonite (Supercorp)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя