Chapter 27

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Lena's POV

I groan as I shut off the god damn alarm and turn to face my girlfriend. "Baby" I whisper kissing her face. "Get up for work."

She mumbles words I can't understand but smiles when I repeatedly kiss her cheek a couple times.

I'm usually the one that has a hard time getting up but I own my own company so I always force myself to get up one way or another. I brush my teeth and do my makeup. I put on a dress that Kara got for me and straighten my hair. As I'm doing this, Kara is finally getting ready as well.

I go to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee and make breakfast for Kara and I. As I'm making our plates, Kara walks out of our bedroom with a sweater tucked in her skirt with heels on. She walks over to me and hugs me from behind. "Good morning, pretty" She says.

I smile as my head drops back and I kiss her cheek to my best ability of how I'm standing. I make Kara sit down and grab our plates, setting them down on the table. "Eggs, sausage, with a side of mixed fruits along with pancakes." I say as I set them down.

Kara told me breakfast is the most important meal of the day which is the only reason why I make us breakfast in the mornings now. I used to skip breakfast and wait until we would get lunch together to eat, even when we were just friends...that was until she found out. Now I'm a whipped as fuck girlfriend and will do anything she tells me to do.

"Delicious!" Kara beams as she takes a bite.

I grab the newspaper and read the interesting stuff as we eat. Kara does the crossword puzzles. She puts our plates away in the sink and rinses them off. She grabs her key and bag and we make our way to our cars. "Lunch at 12?" I ask before getting in my car.

Kara opens my door for me, "Always." She replies as she leans in and gives me a fulfilling kiss. "I love you, have a good day."

"Thank you, I love you too." I say giving her one more kiss as I get in my car and we both drive off in our separate cars to work.

Half way through the day, I get kind of bored so I decide to go to my lab and work on things. I work on different things that can help Kara. Capes, suits, etc. Anything that can give her an advantage when she's fighting/when she's up against kryptonite.

When I realize it's time for our lunch, I use the elevator and go to my office. When I open the doors, I see Kara sitting in my office chair, bouncing up and down. I try not to laugh but she's adorable. "Babe, what are you doing?"

"Oh! Hey!" Kara says as she quickly stands up, totally acting like she wasn't just acting like a child that has never sat in a desk chair before. "You ready? Where were you?"

"I was in the lab working on things that could help Supergirl in danger." I say winking at her. I grab my purse and grab Kara's face giving her a quick kiss. We walk out hand in hand to my car. "I'm driving us today."

Kara rolls her eyes but gets in the passenger seat regardless. We've decided we want to have a little car lunch date so I grab our food and drive somewhere that is pretty enough to eat at. I keep my hand on Kara's thigh the whole drive which has become the most natural thing between us.

Kara has always been a touchy and affectionate person, I knew her love language was physical touch way before we even dated. I, on the other hand never cared for that aspect in a relationship. I never really cared for holding my partner's hand or even cuddling at night. Matter of fact, in all my relationships before Kara, I would roll over the opposite way from my previous partners.

Kara is different. Everything is different with her. I came to this city deciding I would trust no one. Then I met her and she literally flipped my world upside down within the first months of knowing her. I have never met someone who is so selfless and caring as she is. She would risk her life for anyone and she does everyday. She always has hope, even for the people with the ugliest hearts who don't deserve it.

She's my perfect girl and I will always be grateful that she chooses me everyday in every aspect.

"Lee, you okay?" Kara asks resting her hand over top of mine, caressing it.

I glance over at her with a smile resting on my face. "More than okay. Just thinking about you and how lucky I am to have found you."

"Aww babe. I'm lucky to have found you." Kara says bringing our now interlaced hands up to her mouth, leaving kisses on my hand.

I end up driving closer to our work buildings and parking somewhere where the sky is pretty. Kara and I eat our lunch, enjoying each other's company.

Soon we hear a couple taps on Kara's side of the car and both look up to see a man dressed in about the same work attire as Kara. Kara gets a smile on her face as she rolls the window down, "William, hi!" she says in her cheerful voice.

"Hey, Kara...sorry if I'm intruding. I happen to be walking back from lunch and couldn't help but see you." This William guy says as he runs his hand through is already gelled hair. "I better get going but maybe one day we could get lunch together?"

Kara smiles warmly at him nodding, "Of day." She says waving at him.

I roll Kara's window up staying silent. I'm suddenly done eating so I put my food away. "You done?" I ask motioning at her food.

Her eyebrows scrunch together but she nods her head and I get out to throw all of our trash in a nearby trash can.

I get back in but something in the atmosphere is different around us now although I can't even pinpoint what. I start the car to go drop Kara off at work like always but this time I can't bring myself to reach over and hold her hand. This is a weird feeling and I don't like it.

The car ride is completely silent. I rest my left elbow on the window resting my head against my hand. When we get to her work, I force myself to smile at her as she looks at me. "Um...thanks for lunch. I'll see you at home." She says leaning into give me a hug.

I obviously return the hug and nod my head. She leans into kiss me but for some stupid reason I turn my head at the last minute making her kiss land on my cheek. "Okay.." She says under her breath as she gets out. What comes out of my mouth next is so stupid, I should have never said it. "Have fun with William, Kara."

I drive off to my own work feeling slightly empty. Ever since Kara and I made things official, I haven't felt this feeling since. I didn't like that William guy. I didn't like his stupid British accent. I didn't like his stupid eyes and the way they looked at Kara. I didn't like his stupid teeth and the way they smiled at her.

I know Kara is a very beautiful woman. I know people gawk and turn their heads when she walks by. The fact that this man works with her all day when I'm not around just stirs something inside me. I really don't want to come off as jealous because Kara has told me in the past when she was with past partners that she found jealousy to be unattractive.

This is going to drive me absolutely crazy.

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